League of Legends General - /lolg/

Support edition!


First for having 200k on the best champion.

Any Veeky Forumss up?


just make it melee, only use it after taunt hits most of the time anyway

What happens if soraka and evelynn made kids? purple+blue?

FACT: Lulu is the CUTEST!

Post your
>Favourite skin
>Cancer champ



>tfw nervous as heck for the Eve rework

She's by far the most sexual champion they've touched since they began, and I have serious doubts that they're up to the tall of doing her justice.

xth for Syndra

>What if there was a champion with an ultimate that changed their abilities damage from ap to ad and reverse? Sort of like jayce with melee and range

one form would always be objectively superior and people would never use the other.
Hybrid stat items are nearly non-existent and optimizing for both would never logically work, and if they did then it'd be impossible to counter-build against as Guardian Angel and Locket are basically your only dual-resist items.

That would absolutely kill his potential to be played Mid though. Riot stated they wanted to keep that intact.

In fact I think the biggest problem with Galio is that the full tank build is better than actually building AP. We have plenty of giga nigger tanks in the game already we don't need another.

Nerf his bases and buff his AP ratios.

Old thread: The hard part is that his kit works too well top, but he's intended to be a midlaner too. Melee Q would make him not viable at all mid

>Final Boss Veigar

What champion pisses you off the most?

Seriously, how do you enjoy playing such a fucking disgusting binary cancer champion as much as this?

Why not play a support like pic related? Does shit, looks and sounds amazing, carries.

Silent Night Sona

Is eve the lewdest champion?

Any invading tips if i am carrying ignite?

Mid Lan Nasus. Because my laner always, always, ALWAYS goes full retard and lets him stack a billion creeps no matter how many times I gank.

3/4 Decent taste

does summoner heal benefit from windspeakers blessing

Also, his Q being ranged is one of the tradeoffs if you compare him to Shen. If it was melee he'd be essentially worse shen if built as a tank

Old Yorick
New Pentakill Yorick

What are some fun non meta champions I can buy?

Does anyone want to play with me?

i'm doing placements in EUW

i'm unranked so i can probably only play with people up to gold

i used to be D5 until I quit a few months ago but i'm garbage now

Pre-Rework Mordekaiser
Gentleman Cho'Gath

>miss fortune
>captain miss fortune
>akali back when she absolute shitbrick cancer and i could end the game with 32 kills and like 25 cs


Galio is a btter Shen

axe rhymes with sex

>Karthus lightsbane

stop posting this shiet webm

>Order of the banana Soraka


post first 3 rows

Holy shit cancer incarnate.

>headmistress fiora / red card kat
>yasuo will never be balanced

thanks but my meme picks are original and alpha at least

changes every week, currently morde
not LoL
Pool Party Ziggs probably
Currently graves, in more all time sense, jhin/morgana

xth for best friends

>got karthus lightsbane from premium chest
>don't even play karthus

You are the cancer

She's up there with Ahri, but Ahri isn't set for a VU any time soon

Having your support either give you a smiteless leash or watching their buffs goes a long way towards ensuring your ganks don't fail.

i dont care for the lulu spam but this picture is absolutely adorable....

Tawp 3

>level 7 fizz, jayce, quinn and a graves on the way

jesus fuck user

i dont care back off my waifu fagatron or ill fugg u up irl

risen fiddle (in theory rito please make him not look like a toy)


because it also counts as a fill/support game
feels good man

Ew....user wtf is that gross picture?

my man
c a n c e r

Too bad she's awful on the current meta. I have 320k with her but I can't play her anymore.


>awful vs assassin meta

unless banned

Would you a Remilla?

I'll shag anything so yeah

only a faggot wouldn't

I would fuck Yuno but I'm a degenerate.

what champs can 1v9 in the top lane

Teemo, Kled, Gnar


Angler Jax
Time Nigglet

>heals against assasins
good meme, why do you think lulu and karma are 100% P/B in almost all LCS brackets, shields are better then heals in every single way against burst


>no semen demon champs for several years already
>retconing pure and perfect straight ships
>including homo undertones in new lore
How far will they go and how do we save league from sjws?

>no semen demon champs for several years already
>kled is a thing
Pick one, user

boring, need to be 5/0 in lane to make any impact

only good against people who have no idea what his passive is and let him get multiple in teamfights

only good at being a pain in lane, nobody is going to teamfight in the jungle against a gnar past gold

game is normally decided before you come online

Players ban my Orianna from my support role and get a most damage done Teemo support carry in normals.

Seems like a champion has to appear in a single LCS/LCK to not be considered a troll pic.

Furry doesn't count


What are you talking about? Taric was meme'd to turbogayness before the rework. Now he's a healthy man who fucks anyone.

Star Guardian Jinx

>not binary shit
>not cancer

He is an epitome of degeneracy in the botlane.

no she's a total cunt and massively self absorbed along with being severely mentally ill even by tranny standards. talked to her on lgbt for a few days and she is literally avoid at all costs tier even if she's physically cute

>be nerdy bisexual teenager
>had a crossdressing fetish
>fall for the shitty trap meme on the internet
>decide to lie to doctors to get hormones and crossdress in public
>spend thousands of lcs money on plastic surgery boob injections and lipo
>lose sex drive and doesn't get off to fetish anymore
>end up getting her dick chopped off and turned into a mutilated fake pussy
>being a girl all the time is too much work and she just wants to be a lazy faggot and not try on things like voice and makeup
>becomes suicidally depressed and regrets cutting her dick off and pretending to be a tranny
>wants to go back to being a dude but in too deep to go back

wew lads I would laugh but this is next level pathetic. I just pity her now and keep my distance. check the mtfg archive on lgbt it's all their under her remillia scarlet trip. she even posted with time stamp to confirm it.

what are the champions that always get fed and carry the shit out of the game when they are on the enemy team but are completely useless when they're on your team?
>lee sin
>master yi
hardmode: no yasuo

Orianna support it fucking great. Speed boosts from hell

Masquerade Evelynn (Even though all of her skins are shit)
Lee Sin

falls off too hard in late game, ezreal and lucian being the most meta adcs atm he's basically useless unless he tilts the enemy top laner off the face of the earth

>Enemy team 5-man sieging your mid turrets
>You're kinda forced to lose them since Ivern makes Daisy tank the turret and they also have some extra poke
>Vayne is farming 1v0 in bolane for 2 minutes while we lose both turrets in midlane
>"stop fighting and let me scale ffs"

yeah sure we're going to scale super well when you let them take 1k gold of objectives
fucking vayne pickers are beyond redemption

Why do you have such bad taste? :(

and everyone else you said on that list

>leveling up new galio
>get s, s+ almost every game
>get to m5
>want to level up to m6
>don't get another s ever again


Hey, don't make fun of Ori, you copycat.

Cancer fiora

>safecracker eve
>not a based ass skin
get out

forgot quote

what trip? can't find when i search remilla scarlet

does it have a penis?

Sion, but things are pointing towards Galio now.
Not LoL.
Super Galaxy Rumble.
Quinn, fuck you Quinn, you're literally the cancer killing top.

I wanna go cuteposting with Lulu!

I mean, safecracker is the best looking. I have them all and rotate between them every game because I one trick. But Masquerade is my favorite just because it is legacy. And you kind of have to admit that Eve doesn't have any really high quality skins like every other champion does.

full leth jarvan
dot trundle with fervor
all with ignite and flash

My relationship with my girlfriend is dying I think. I don't really feel like it is because of my doing. I wish she would just talk with me.

[League of Legends]

Mm, nah. Saved btw, ty :)

How do I into jungle Galio.

People keep saying he's great at it, but I feel like my ganks are really lackluster for some reason. Awesome counterganks with ult though.


> Orianna
> Don't have one. If I had to pick it'd be Orianna I guess.
> Winter Wonder Orianna
> Assassins is general

Ezzy boi