New World Expansion Soon
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last chance
New World Expansion Soon
>FAQs and General Info
>Steam Groups
Mods --
last chance
Where did it all go wrong?
Ikr i wish all of them cost money
stop playing fantasy
Was Sigmar a primarch?
>playing coop with my m8
>he has a terrible toaster
>loads in and out of battles faster than me
>I have to go for a ciggy while he waits an extra minute for me to load
Are there any settings I can turn down to help loading times or something? He keeps telling me that I just need to turn graphics settings down. I know that he doesn't have an SSD so I don;t get why my times are so shit
Is my hard drive just dying?
Why gobbo advisor isn't a thing?
No, he was a faggot
So, apparently CA did a thing at an AMD event talking about optimizing their engine
There was one, but Grimgor killed him in the trailer.
Quoted wrong guy
Yall gettin pretty jazzed for just an announcement for something we wont see for months
Why am I so bad at battles?
Since I went from normal to hard I can't win a single custom battle anymore. Not a single fucking one
For comparison, the first image is the old pipeline with 25,000 instances in 13.5ms, and this one is with the new pipeline with 125,000 instances in 9.5ms
So, maybe they are actually making big steps in improving warscape, although it wasn't said whether these changes are already implemented into the game or not
>generous gift is 9,1k
>moderate gift is 2,3k
If he has a 7200rpm disk and you have a 5600 he's gonna load faster, the same applies if you have potato memory and he doesn't. Otherwise he might have a point with low res textures taking less time to load.
Hard doesnt even change that much senpai
Thinking of getting a new cpu just for this.
Let's see if amd can get better results
Diminishing returns.
Never ever.
HYWboy back.
Last time King Cuck was besieging Saintes in Gascony. This turn, we fought that battle, almost got fucking crushed, but saved it at the last second (even if our Cucklord died in the process).
Mybe it's because I play at normal speed instead of abusing the ralleny, my management skills are dogshit.
Next turn, we're gonna be moving against the last Aragonese King and the last Aragonese city. This might be a toughie but at least the numbers are even.
I also get to try out these ballisteros, who apparently are shocktroops posing as simple crossbowmen.
Are they gonna AAAAAH the next announcement trailer coming this Friday?
I'd unironically pay extra for an orc advisor
So High Elves are versatile while being better at infantry, cavalry, archers and monsters than the Empire, right? Why is the Empire so shit?
What does that mean anyway?
Elves don't have gunpowder
>Cuck beats the Black
They have magic and dragons instead.
Elves have one good artillery. The Empire has one great artillery and like three pretty good ones. Also strength of numbers.
who the fuck need gunpowder when you have fire breathing dragon and subzero phoenix?
isn't that like dawi bolt thrower though? I was pretty disappointed with that tbqhf
>Kilsev is one of the few maps with some huts on it which you can use to help defend against attacks
>get a heroic victory on it easy as shit
TWW really needs settlement defence maps so things stop being so snowbally
I want to be dominated by a best elf!
are you ready for AI army comp of dragon-riding prince + 19 star dragons?
And people say the Chaos Campaign is hard and it takes too long to grow a good army...
Do you guys have more fun with Orion or Durthu?
I like Orion's look but I'm tempted to use Durthu's immunity to attrition and go north and wipe out the chaos tribes.
Both High and Dark elf bolt throwers are better than the dwarf one. Never trust the workmanship of someone who spends his days swinging at other people's kneecaps.
>he likes the look of faggot beastmen fuckboi instead of ancient & vengeful Elders of the Forest
This goes into the fucking book.
They keep resettling so it's a pain in the ass to wipe them out
Orion has cooler abilities and items
Don't let the flashy monsters distract you. The real strength of the HE army is superior magic (only lizardmen can do better, and they usually don't because you don't often get more than one slann in an army while the elves can just spam their mages) and not one, not two, but three units of elite infantry that work as shredders to everything in put front of them.
TWW battles with cinematic cuts (close ups, angles etc.):
Somting very comfy about it.
The White lions are one of those, what are the others?
Surprisingly there are quite a lot of shitters in /twg/, especially after the release of TWW. People don't bother learning game mechanics like they used to.
You inspired me to play a Legendary Belegar campaign, animu-poster.
>when your ally stands and watches you how 2 ded armies rape you
>doesn't engage just waits
I have thought dwarfs are bros
Aslo question, what happens when I charge with my melee against another melee unit? Do charge effects applies for both? If yes is it technically better to charge than stand and await enemy infrantry charge?
sure, but in-game magic are quite neutered so they will just be like a better Empire
Swordmasters (I think) and Phoenix Guard
Phoenix Guard in particular are likely to be absolutely disgusting.
>he doesn't force his ally to attack the enemy before him
which one of them can beat chosens in 1vs1? White lion?
What does /twg/ think of this?
In game, or in lore? Because in the old game, that depended on a lot of things including dice rolls, and in lore it would have depended on who's writing the story.
Something along the lines of "The Dwarfs are going to war."
Wow this was very nice. Thanks man
these graphs mean nothing to my goblin-tier mind, explain in words that the common git can understand
The way Chosen are done in this game they're still likely to be top of the pack, but I imagine the Helf units will be almost as good whilst still having access to all the other things that warriors of chaos don't get, like good archers.
I think it's never going to be finished
I started watching Turin to improve my microskills.
So the AI gets minor buffs to melee stats and accuracy with hard.
So perhaps you are relying too much/long on your melee line to do the work.
See them only as a way to tie up enemy units while you shock troops/cav/missiles/monsters to roll up the flanks and hit them in the ass.
Honestly the only real change between normal and legendary is how much time you have before your line breaks.
Worst meme in /twg/
Nah this one is
>Release 20 July 2017
I dunno at least this one has a release date
>implying my line breaks
*tips one trillion armor*
The biggest downside to toal war games is that you need to ignore the fun stuff if you want to do well. That means no watching your guys fight, no admiring your charges, no staying centered over key units. When I do battles I played zoomed out as far as I can and I just keep clicking orders over and over until the battle is done. I save replays so I can admire them later.
I wouldn't even consider what he's doing a meme, it's just belligerent autism
Thanks mate. Yeah watching some good player might help.
Ye and AE release date is september 2016
About to start a new campaign, anyone have the roll picture?
>Empire is HRE
>Bretonnia is Britain/France
>Kislev is Poland/Russia
>Estalia is Spain
>Tilea is Italy
>Araby is motherfucking Araby
>Tomb Kangs are Egypt
>Helves are Britain/Atlantis
>Delves are American/fucking leaves
>Welves are Celts/Gauls
>Chaos are Scandinavia
>Vampire Counts are Estern Europe
>Lizardmen are Aztec/Mayan/Incan
>Ogres are Mongols
>Chaos dwarfs are Assyrian
>Greenskins and Beastmen are general nonddescript barbarians
All this said, what the fuck are the vanilla dwarfs and skaven supposed to be? I can't really see a parallel with other civilizations geographically or culturally. It's just plain frustrating.
Dwarfs live in mountain ranges hoarding gold and trying to get back to people who wronged them generations ago, having strictly regulated and enforced codes that they follow to the letter.
Skaven, outside of their HQ inside another country, don't really have a proper nation, instead having their tendrils across the entire world that they plan to conquer, but at the same time hiding these intentions and their very existence, all the while being amoral backstabbers to everyone including each other.
>mfw they announce Total War: New World on friday, to be released in December 2018
I have made a tragic mistake in attacking over a river.
There are no fords from what I can see.
Nah only pheonix guard I'd say.
They're halberd elves with a 50/50 ward save against everything.
When it comes to White Lion's vs. Swordmasters I reckon CA needs to do more in TWW to differentiate them them on TT - maybe give Swordmasters magical attacks and give White Lions vanguard or something.
Empire has like the best artillerly, way more heroes and will be way better at holding the line due to cheaper more numerous infantry.
It ain't that hard
>mfw I just realised thats Todbringer on the ground
Why did Khazrak let Toddbringer live after taking his eye?
More importantly, how did he stop all the other beastmen from killing him? Can't see a Minotaur or a Gorebull listening to reason
>dwarfs covet gold and hold generational grudges
>skaven scheme and feign weakness
>they fight with orcs over a region roughly analogous to the Levant
I think you already know the answer.
>5 undead heroes
>3 are von carstein, 2 are literal who's
>no Zachariahs
>no neferata
>no aborash
>no ushoran
Von carsteins are shit! SHIT!
>Skaven, outside of their HQ inside another country, don't really have a proper nation, instead having their tendrils across the entire world that they plan to conquer, but at the same time hiding these intentions and their very existence, all the while being amoral backstabbers to everyone including each other.
That art doesn't make sense.
Beastmen would rip his spines off and carve out that eye.
None of what you said even works in the first place though.
How the fuck are high elves british?
Because that's how you create epic rivalries. If he killed toddbringer there would be story
>Khazrak allowed his foe to live, and some believe that he actually enjoys matching his wits against Todbringer, seeing it as a challenge to his skills
Khazrak has the "Likes Todbringer" trait
>Island nation
>GW's love childs, with the greatest everything
>Naval empire with outposts in small islands all around the world
>Rebel faction lives in not-North America