>From Iceland
>history major
>excited to finally learn more about the history of my country
>literally the only fun part is the Viking age and the civil war
>1264 onward is just a bunch of starving peasants
Does any one else know this feel?
From Iceland
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Try being from El Salvador.There's cool Mesoamerican precolumbian stuff, then it's just depressing once the conquistadors come.
Why so? They litterally brought you the light of civilization. Before that you were just savages. Be thankful.
But that's when the fun began my dude.
Aren't you forgetting about the time you whooped Britain's ass in the cod wars?
>implying civilization is better than being a savage
Chile here,I like our colonial history, its pretty fun. After the independence shit gets boring.
Over here everyone is obsessed with being a victim of history and painting themselves as the negroes of the North.
Yeah that was fun. But Iceland didn't technically whoop the UK's ass, the issue was more complex than that.
I did a whole report on it for environmental science class.
Kek, it's the same here. Must be because Iceland and Finland were both ruled by other countries for a long time.
That's cool. Are you from the UK?
We had our own civilizations, they were different sure but both sides acted like savages tbqh. A lot of my people still do today too honestly. Though the 60s were relatively peaceful my parents tell me.
At least your country is more than a couple of hundred years old.
>>implying civilization is better than being a savage
Penicillin and toothpaste are pretty dope.
Not really
Spain didn't bring either of those thing
Nothing worth getting doesn't come with a little bit of pain.
guns germs steele
It's not that it's not worth getting but Spain didnt have it to begin with
Not him but in Mexico Aztecs actually had a kind of toothpaste. mexicolore.co.uk
>Had an 80 years war and intense struggle against a foreign ruler.
>Despite the size of the country and lack of natural resources the it managed to become an economic hegenomic power with vast influence in the baltic area.
>Laid the foundation of modern capitalism and international law
>Imying disease isn't a symptom of high population density and interconnection
I'm Puerto Rican.
My ancestral homeland has the most pathetic and uninteresting history of any piece of land on planet Earth.
That's what penicillin is for, dumbdumb. And we are better off for it.
Ignore them, Wim. We all know your story is pretty dope in each and every age and we love you for it.
>muh penicillin
As a naval-fag I adore the Netherlands. They make some really nice ships, and more importantly they're nice enough to put detailed specs for all of them online so I can ogle over them.
You forgot rekting the Royal Navy and putting it's flagship up as a museum post capture
>one of the richest and most interesting history in europe/the world
>great military record
t..thanks G. W. Bush...
>Be the the old heart of the Roman Empire.
>Ostrogoths settle in and civilize.
>Greeks that claim to be Roman come in, fuck up shit and then lsoe it to extremely destructive Longobards.
>Several decades pass, Langobards finally civilize.
>They do shit to the Pope, who keeps streghtening his power over Latium and Italy in general.
>Langobards get rekt by Charlemange.
>Frederik II becomes both king of sicily and Holy Roman Empereor.
>Everybody hates him and Italy remains a bunch of petty states.
>Renaissance comes, the Italian States wage war.
>In order, Milan, Florence and Vencie seem to be close to create a regional power.
>Everyone ever gangs up on them and brings them more or less back to their original territories.
>France and spain fight over Italy, destroying it in the process.
>Italy comes under Spanish dominance, thusly getting dragged down with Spain at the end of the Siglo de Oro.
>Polish Succession war, the Spanish finally fuck off and the Austrians put up new rulers.
>Souterhn Italy still has the "Invinscible Local Nobles Syndrome" and thus is untouched by the Enlightment.
>Everywhere else is fine, but then the French Revolution comes and monarchs roll back each and every reform.
>Napoleon creates the sister republic of Italy to raze ot, but then annexes the more "progressive parts."
>Wien's Congress rolsl around, Metternich calls Italy a "geographical construct" and brings back the exact status quo.
>First War of Independence failing because Pius IX doesn't have the balls to go against the Austrians.
>Second War of Indipendence both causes major blue balls to Italian indipendentists and adds a still-feudal Southern Italy to the Kingdom of Piedmont, which tries its darndest to modernize quickly, but fails and creates the Mafia in the process.
>Third War of Indipendence essentially goes badly, Veneto gained only thanks to the soon-to-be-Germany's intervention.
The rest is pretty known.
>get some nice conquerors in the 12th-13th centuries
>now you're getting raped by polaks
>now you're getting raped by germans
>now you're getting raped by polaks again
>now you're getting raped by russkies
>now you're getting raped by germans
Jesus fucking Christ just end it.
>Be swedish
>Country was actually very interesting up until very recently
>Lots of political drama and intrigues between kings and even major political influence in Europe at one point
>Now no one cares about that but only regards your coutnry as a meme
Fug. Also Gustav Vasa did nothing wrong.
>From Romania
>get excited about something romanians tried at one point
>it failed horribly
Hey Burebista is creating a centralized Dacia and wait is that a knife in his back?
Hey Decebalus is Making Dacia Great Again and he's kicking roman but and --- I never knew roman boots could leave such a dent in someone's arse. Wait, are they... killing... everyone?
Hey Vlad Țepeș is kicking ottoman butt in what he calls a rene- oh he just got imprisoned by the hungarian king and hey he's fre- no wait he just got killed by turks
Hey Stephen the Great is kicking ottoman ass and it's cool and-- oh he got gout, well at least we're still alive
Hey Michael the Brave is Making Dacia Great Again and wait is that a knife in his back (I'm starting to see a pattern here)
Hey Brâncoveanu is Making Wallachia Gr- no wait the ottoman ordered his head cut off and his children's that's just horrible what the fuck.
Hey Cuza is Making ~~Dacia~~ Romania Great Again and making reforms and-- oh they just kicked him out I guess... wait, what do you mean we're doing fine?
Hey we're actually doing fine! URAAAA! Wait, Austria-Hungary is at war with Russia? Now's our time *enters WW1* shit I forgot about the bulgarians aaaaaaand-- yeah there we go pretty much occupi- wait, what? We won? I guess we won. We... uh... we'll take Transylvania thanks. Shut up France we're not leaving.
And our industry is growing and growing and hey another war! Wait. Another war? Crap. There goes Bessarabia. And Northern Transylvania. And our independence but hey we got Transylvania back... I guess...
tl;dr tons of disappointment, even at our greatest.
Brit here. I dig your naval history, Lars.
Is it true it was legal to kill Turks in Iceland up until 1974 cause of an old law that was put in place to prevent something called 'Tyrkjaránið', where pirates loyal to the Ottoman empire would abduct your people and sell them on the Ottoman slavemarket?
I also read something similar about the Basque's but that was caused by a whaling dispute ending bad.
Not even French, but I love French history and always get pissed off when people just bring up how they got flattened in WWII
I get you m8.
Yahoo answers says so.
The one alowing to kill Basque was ended the last year.
>be german
>everyone is mad at you
>urbanized with monumental architecture
Read "The Little Ice Age" by Fagan, when the climate gets bad enough that ice envelops your entire island all year long and your only contacts to the outside world are marauding polar bears from the Arctic, Inuits from the Baffin Bay and a bunch of drunk scotsmen on fishing boats that bumped into you by mistake, there's only so much you can do but barely survive.
>From 1789 to onward
i know that
Say that to dalkarlarna and not online and see what happens
My country is so shit it was the first province the Romans abandoned. Then Turks and Russians in turn refused to plant their flags. Thank God I'm born in the ex-Habsburg part of it where the shittyness is just Mitteleuropa-tier and not Gyppovia tier.
Canadian history is extremely boring.
I guess there was the time Pierre Trudeau shat on Quebec separatists, that was pretty funny.
That's comfy, desu.
Kind of the opposite, our history is recent and short but before the 17th century you can either study vague shit about Mesoamericans who didn't write things down or piggyback off your Euro ancestors.
>tfw found out from grandad recently that I'm anglo-dutch as shit
>tfw reading a book about the Hundred Years War and rooting for English-Flemish forces
More often I feel bad for the French because it's 1356 and they've been nothing but fucked over so far.
You guys had a cultural renaissance in the 12th c due to a really bored literate society being stuck inside during the winter.
Try being from Ireland
>Celtic tribes for hundreds of years
>Theres Saint Patrick
>Theres the Vikings
>Vikings wrecked an kicked out of Ireland by Brian Berou, the only real king of all Ireland
>Back to tribal times
>Oh no the English
>Hey we can win this
>No we can't
>300 years foreign rule
>Multiple failed rebellions
>Easter rising
>Micky Collins and the boyz from Cork take on the Brits
>The mad men actually gain independence.
>Micky Collins killed by random bullet in last days of civil war
>Don't even have the north
>It'll be fine I guess...
>Good Friday agreement
>Peace at last...?
Are you from Greenland?
>Scandinavian colonies just fucking died off because nobody could be fucked to get through the ice
I can imagine few more hellish situations.