Fighting Games General /fgg/
post hypest set of all time
fuck esports
is sfv good yet?
play your favorite kusoj
does anyone have brackets for this esport event
play rashid's game
is he our guy now?
>Making an invitational 2/3
>All this fucking downtime, talking, and breaks
I wonder what that in-game announcer thing is going to be about.
"Hailing from Tokyo, Japan... 748 losses and 1532 wins..."
i think this esports approach is hilarious because it fundamentally misunderstands the rise of competitive videogames
espn viewers are plummeting, people are sick of flicking on the TV to see two minutes of football or basketball followed by 45 minutes of adverts and ridiculous punditry and analysis
tv executives say "hmm, what are the kids watching? videogames huh, lets adapt our format to videogames" when they dont fucking realise that part of the reason the streams are popular is because they arent commercialised garbage full of fake beefs and absurd amounts of downtime
rather than adapting sports to the stream format, they are trying to adapt streams to the sports format and its always so fucking bad
10/10 fucking content, wow i'm so glad i got that fucking insight into these deep approaches to the game gee thanks eleague im glad im not watching fighting games to see that, now lets go back to my close friends Delicious Steven and Pat Sajak to tell us about why we should all buy mountain dew and chili heatwave doritos
Discord invite where?
Broski repost your last post
>have to wait till tuesday to see guilty exposed
>have to wait till wednesday to see gootecks exposed
>have to wait till thursday to see lijoe exposed
Pray that what happened to Street Fighter doesn't happen to your favorite game.
Do not reply to tripfags
I like that they show footage of the one tournament when Julio was relevant, in the literal first month the game was out.
What a fucking fraud.
These should at least be Bo5
>all this posting about esports
What did I miss?
what the fuck are career points
the fuck is going on
Julio looks like a bird
>implying this bastardization will ever happen to Melty or GG
have you ever watched mobas or other e-sport games? spectating them is boring as fuck. there's like 30 seconds of meaningful player versus player interaction and the rest of the game is just setting up for it. nobody would watch that shit without these "story lines". i guess they didn't realize that you dont necessarily need that in fighting games.
>player cams
hey guys, look at the guys ugly mug instead of the actual game!
It's capcom pro tour points I think because Infiltration had a lot
eSports doesn't work with fighting games unless they would play FT7 Topanga style.
>trying to make this shit more international by giving marn a vietnamese flag
e-league is on
I'm surprised they let Marn be on an esports thing.
I'm sorry, I couldn't stand all that eSports bullcrap.
It's cringey as hell.
best girl
best game
/csgog/ here. is our guy richard lewis on this? how do you guys like him, if so?
Is the stream horribly pixelated and compressed for anyone else ?
I'm at 720p30fps
fuck this, I'm gonna sniff ichiban instead desu
How many years before frauds like Chris T and Julio aren't invited to anything and go back to finishing 49th in every tournament?
that balding fat ass? he had like 30 seconds of screen time.
he chokes swedish cucks for a living.
he's good because his mere presence already pisses off a lot of fgc sjws
he talked and acted like a robot forged in a shitty esports focus group
marn is the most esports
he had a lol team
Inviting Gootecks really shows the lack of competition in Eleague, what a clown fiesta, shit is prolly scripted
wait, really?
he hasn't choked anyone yet so pretty disappointing desu
why is sfv so fucking boring to watch?
it would be really cool if it said things like "JAPAN" "USA" like the old street fighter 2 days
This, if they're going to invite asian players why aren't they inviting top euros as well ?
why does patchy wear pajamas?
>tfw no smooth gorgeous looking NLBC stream with motherfucking Yipes on the mic and no endless blabber and commercials
>Gootecks was a top Urien player back in the 3S days, one of the only American's invited to Japan who could actually go toe to toe with the greats.
Fgg sucks for not calling this bullshit out right away god damn
I saw Gootecks at a grocery store in Los Angeles today. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen frozen mini cheese pizzas in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the pizza boxes and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each box and put them in bags and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
she's a NEET
Infiltration vs Broliterallywho
They invited Luffy, Phenom and Ryan Hart and shoved them all in the same group.
I think I've come to the realisation that I hate fighting games. I don't get any enjoyment out of it anymore, online makes me want to kill myself and the genre is succumbing to the cancer that is eSports. I'm gonna go back to playing Age of Empires 2.
yeah with clakeyd, who i only know from sxt, and who im pretty sure now works as the lcs observer
he called it team marn and they were hot garbage
This would be better if it was Best of 5. Best of 3 is blueballs as fuck for something like this
People would tune in on TV midset and it would already be over
If they want to push esports for fighting games they gotta come up with a different kind.
Like go into the direction of pro wrestling instead or something.
There isn't one single thing about this e-League event that doesn't piss me off.
The "How 'ya doing, fellow kids?" atmosphere going around it;
All that random dubstep during replays and cringe player's intros;
Long as fuck downbreaks followed by meaningless interviews no one on this fucking Earth gives a shit about;
>40 minutes in
>two 2/3 sets played
this is fucking retarded
USA brings in the viewers. Same shit happened at EVO with piss easy brackets for the all american white kid LI Joe.
What is everyone talking about
1.) it's scripted anyway
2.) No one cares about us europeans as there are some strong players, but none of them is memeing hard enough to get public attention
3.) Look at which asian "players" they invited, most of them are burned out on SF anyway and haven't won anything in a few years
They even invited fkng Gllty, like what the hell? Because she is a grill? Really shows that they want the toughest competition and not some memefest nuthug fiesta....
just wait for my game!!!
What the fuck ?
I checked yesterday and they only had 3 groups listed, the fucks going on ?
not really surprising that they chose those three. I'd like my boy Mr_Crimson to get a little more appreciation though, he's the chillest guy IRL.
I am altering the deal, pray I don't alter it any further
>posting 2nd best 2hu instead of best 2hu
>pray that your game never becomes popular
i feel the same way but I think its because I'm aging and my reactions are slowing down. I was never good anyway so I can't age like fine wine like valle.
stop watching E-Leage
>hate sfv
>watch sfv tournaments anyway
Mr Crimson and Infexious are both playing at Red Bull Kumite which is pretty cool
All the Euros are in group D with LI Joe, Du and Xiaohai
The upside is floe isn't allowed to restream this
>Too bad will die.
Asuka from Tekken
Makoto from Street Fighter
Literal perfection
good, fuck that fat greedy fuck
delete this
i wanna bet epic shekels
Support my game!
Kumite is the only tournament that did it right. Also, Infexious and Xyzzy, thats going to be fun.
>back to playing huns vs huns in arabia
That's true, can't wait for that.
Even though I missed my chance to be qualified for the student red bull kumite tournament in Paris by A SINGLE FUCKING MATCH
I want the restream more than I want more ffxiv
You mean Eliza's game.
i honestly prefer mvc's "uh uh uh uh UHHHH uh uh uh UHHHHHHHHHHHH" commentary over this esports garbage
Infiltration playing rashid on stream
>game is popular
>next entry is worthless trash
sf is 2 for 2 with that shit so far
I think last years EVO was pretty cool too.
Wait inflitration isn't playing juri ?
What else should I play? Every other RTS is either shit or dead.
Nah, that's Balrog, Necalli has locks.
rashid fucking sucks lmao
necalli is not a gorilla
necalli is a sophisticated munkey with thumbs
necalli is a chimpanzee
He was but he says she's shit and can't compete
play fighting games and stop being a bitch
hahaha rashid fuckin sucks aahahaha
AoE2 is fine. hopefully the expansion that came out on december changed things up a little
Rashid is amazing you cucks