I see most people on here are Christian. Why?
I see most people on here are Christian. Why?
Westerners are the majority here, majority of westerners are born and raised Christian.
I see the opposite. It think the difference is that I know how to tell Christians from non-Christians, and you don't.
Because they fell for the memes
To answer your greek hedonist for the millionth time, God is ready, willing and able to eradicate all evil, and will, when He said He would, as He said He would, and not on some sodomite's schedule.
I see most people pretend to be Christians and call everyone heretics and "go to hell" and "this is your final warning" "repent sinner" like Christ didn't teach what Christians think Christianity is
>God hasn't eradicated evil yet
>but he totally will! Absolutely! On a date and in a way that is conveniently unspecified! How dare you goyim even ask specifics! Don't you know that demanding actual results in like anoda exodus to us?
From the outside, Christianity should mean doing what Jesus taught.
Jesus taught people how to be Jews.
What do now?
It's not technically unspecified; it's 1000 years after the Second Coming, which is 7 years after the Rapture, which is any day now.
But yeah. Bet on God doing what God said He would.
>It's not technically unspecified
>any day now
Wow, what precision. I guess it's Jewishly 'specified'. Thanks, Moshe
He taught aspects of Judaism, but all religions do, because they are all the same.
Because there is actual historical evidence to back up the existence of Jesus (Tacitus's history) rather then random ass pagan religions. Plus it teaches good, pretty timeless values (Don't murder, steal, be selfish etc.)
Oh, I'm actually Christian because I see Catholicism as the conclusion to Greek thought, although I may soon convert to Eastern Orthodoxy. Its deepest lore takes the best from all Indo-European civilizations, and I consider myself a member of such a civilization. Also, my ancestors were Christian, especially those I feel the greatest connection to.
Paganism also teaches many of the same virtues in Christianity.
Moshe's in your camp, not mine.
All truth claims are exclusive, and all religions are inherently mutually exclusive.
Because Hiro hasnt made a fucking /rel/ board yet
Yes, that is why you are not a Christian, have no idea how to become a Christian, and are not planning to become a Christian (and don't know Christians when you see them).
He did, actually.
This is it.
>born in Israel
>went to the synagogue
>knew the Torah by heart
>as did all his followers and Paul
>his movement got the approval of Rabbi Gamaliel
>somehow totally not Jewish
Ok cool
praise tengri desu
That's cute, but don't you have rock band practice, Proddie scum?
>>his movement got the approval of Rabbi Gamaliel
It was likely viciously opposed by Gamaliel.
And yes, Jesus is totally Jewish. He's the Seed of Abraham, the Root of David, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the King of the Jews, and the King of Kings; the LORD is His name.
If christians want to gather and worship God using a rock band, who are you to say they cannot?
Who are you, period?
Mutilate dick, eat kosher and contact the closest synagogue.
I'm Christian.
Tbh, it was just bantz, man. You're alright, God bless, brother.
But is there is historical evidence to back up the existence of Zeus for example? No, not really. Not to mention the pagan faiths are extremely diverse in beliefs and don't have any singular ideology.
That's exactly what you would have heard from Peter, James and John, and it would have meant your soul was lost.
Luckily there was a greater apostle than they who understood and taught the New Covenant. Paul.
>But is there is historical evidence to back up the existence of Zeus for example? No, not really.
Is there evidence to back up Yahweh, other than some guy claiming he was?
>Not to mention the pagan faiths are extremely diverse in beliefs and don't have any singular ideology.
And what's wrong with that?
How did you become a Christian?
There is when you realize that Zeus is just Adam deified by the pagans and renamed, as is their wont to do.
I'm just here for history, I try to ignore the & humanities crowd, of which the christians are quite outspoken and numerous and make many threads since they're used to doing that on other boards before
Pagans also would believe in doing good for others, not stealing, etc.
History is His Story, and it's His to tell.
fucking anglos trying to appropriate words with glorious greek origin
show some respect for the language your testaments were written in
Most people on here are non religious as proven by every poll ever conducted on this site
except that one poll someone's going to post in 3...2...1...
"An investigation to acquire knowledge by studying ancient written documents" = "Read the bible".
I'm referring to the historical existence and Crucifixion of Jesus, which did happen. Not whether you believe anything after that is your choice, I'm just saying that there are historical events that tie in with Christianity, which doesn't exist in anything Pagan I can think of.
> Pagans not having a singular ideology
Im saying its wrong to think that Pagans share the beliefs of Christians when there is no singular pagan faith, especially with the most prominent pagan gods of the Greaco-Roman period being massive hedonistic cunts.
Oh fugg jesus gave you trips son
better pray for more
Jesus reaching out to kek worshipers, no doubt.
>I'm referring to the historical existence and Crucifixion of Jesus, which did happen.
And Troy turned out to be an actual city, and yet I don't see you worship Zeus. Clearly, you're fairly selective in your definition of "evidence", which seems to mean to you "everything that confirms what I already know to be true"
Why would anyone worship Adam? He's the one who started all the problems in the world!
Czech'd my brother.
I'm an atheist. I sometimes discuss Chrstianity without making my atheism clear. I'm certain I'm not alone.
Just saying.
I'm afraid you're blissfully unaware that by the words you use, and the ideas you do and do not grasp, that your atheism is fairly obvious to Christians.
They aren't, Christianity is the new edgy.
Just FYI Epicurus was a very ardent theist, he never said anything like that, and the quote actually comes from an early Christian philosopher called Lactantius who was making fun of how stupid that argument was.
Make bank bro.
I don't believe that's the case. He was a materialist and a hedonist; I have no idea if the quote came from him though, or if the devil gave it to someone else to say.
The saying is definitely from the devil. It's how he thinks of God. Not love, not fair, not just.
So how did he refute it, besides this god is unknowable crap.