Based OTP thread
Based OTP thread
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ribbon is sexy
Reminder that this couple is a result of Anthony Burch.
How the fuck am I so bad at jinx
I dot understand, I always do the least damage on my team
ADC mains have the biggest dicks.
this is sona, maven of the strings, say something nice about her!
post em
Taliyah is a sweet girl who I want to cuddle with on cold desert nights!
xth for Eve
Best waifu
Best nose
Best boobs
What's your fetish /lolg/?
>enemy lee gets a double 3 minutes in
>doesn't matter because I'm graves and hes Lee
Fun champ
Where do things go wrong, what messes you up the most? Laning, team fights, mechanics?
pantyhose / tights / stockings
when battlebunny riven first came out i impulse bought it. unrelated to league but ironically enough now that I live as a girl full time irl, i barely wear them at all since the climate here is extremely hot and they're impractical as heck
>favotite album
>favorite flavor of gum
>champion whos mains you have respect for
>ori or elise
>crime of the century - supertramp
>any variety of mint
you have some surprisingly perky tits for how big they are
Jinx is unironically the easiest ADC to play. She's borderline brainless.
Rockets for poke and harass early on, land your W when they're in bushes or fleeing, E is to escape ganks but the timing is hard. Once you get 6 take a look around the map, any time you see an enemy with low HP try to get them with your rocket, it has relatively low cool down.
It might be your build path but it's hard to mess up Jinx's build.
Can someone write some gurosex like that elise one for eve please?
> now azir mains are based
what a crazy time to be alive
>No Lucian
xth for Syndra
>pic related
>pic related
>Carolus Rex by Sabaton
>wait what
lucian is a cuck
>tfw going to the Bay Area to Vegas
Hah, better league ping for me
Would you rather get killed while having sex by evelynn or elise?
what, dont chew gum?
comfy bfs~
>Twisted Fate
>Presence - Led Zeppelin
>Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
>tfw don't understand the appeal of all this guro stuff
mid lane mages are for ________?
>Jinx is unironically the easiest ADC to play. She's borderline brainless.
Yeah she's brainless, but that's when hit the 1v5 item spike where it goes "i don't care about the attack speed debuff, i'm gonna crit your entire team for 3 autos worth damage 1.5 times a second"
Playing any adc requires minimum mechanics and adjusting to their laning play style and around their mid game dip (which she has less than every champ because of she spikes with each item)
Deltron 3030
Watermelon I guess, I don't chew gum often
i dont either, i just thought it would be nice to write a few pieces for the guy.
never been too fond of sweets honestly.
Singed update when? Why does Riot hate us Singed mains so much?
>2400g item just to function as intended
Adding tenacity back to his ult and giving him a meaningful passive that increases movement speed or tank stats somehow would be a good start.
Maybe even just giving him an extra 5-10 base move speed would sufficient for a while.
Sure let's be gay.
>That saccharine Dentyne "Arctic Chill" flavor
>Jhin/Shen players contribute a lot if they're good
>75% banrate for Zed in Korea
>Isn't even that strong right now
I find it hilarious that gookland has a more irrational hate for this champion than even lolg does
Yurifags BTFO
Lux is pure
>be jungle vi
>get top ahead, bot ahead dont focus mid because zed was 0/3 and ori is still relevant in tf
>zed snowball anyway
>takes over the entire map
>naut cant really peel zed neither can I because he bursts me down
>ccant kill ziggs due to locket redemption shit
>starting to tilt
>decide to just become a peel bot
>dont engage at all wait for naut to do it then q whoever gets ccd and save ult for zed
>we win anyway
>enemy team raging
Peeling really is underrated
excuse my autism but I actually like to play ARAM sometimes
Who's more fun and who should I buy: Illaoi or Taliyah?
>Asuka Langley Soryu
>マクロスMACROSS 82-99 - ネオ東京
>zac, rek sai
>Lux actually has more character depth than Vayne now
Fuck you, Riot.
athene buffs when
that was talking about her lore bio and that girl in it who Lux IS NOT gay for
Jinx on the other hand...
>isn't the genre strong right now
>ult any lethality user or jhin and get a BF sword worth of bonus AD
>still has his bullshit escapes and retarded wave clear or splitpushing to fall back on
>I don't even respect myself for maining Darius
>5 minutes estimated wait timer
Either all the ADCs that quit came back or this game is dying. Even in HotS the estimated timers are like 1-2 mins.
Yeah I guess you're right, I'm just really used to her. Her early game is weak but it's honestly just a matter of keeping your mana up while harassing with rockets.
It's bugged you massive retard it says 5 minutes for all queues at all times.
Biggest turn on is female legwear of all types of which League has a ton of but not nearly enough . ZR is insanely hot and thighs are the best part of a female.
As for sexual fetish. Light bondage and domination of all types.
why do you main darius anyway? cant you think for too long before your brain fries?
>asuka poster
James is that you? and if not, is this Charlotte or Moap?
yeah pretty much
As an adc main i enjoy getting a good ad on my team when i jungle on a champ we can peel since i know at some point i can keep them alive
hell sometimes we'll have a jhin who ults and i'll see shaco stealth and i'll just run up to my jhin if i'm playing xin and save him since i know exactly what shaco's going to do
funnily enough they always go for the 2v1
I enjoy playing him.
wait seriously
I literally quit queue yesterday because of this
Though Illaoi would probably be more fun in ARAM, she's just not as cute as Taliyah.
>tfw thirteen minute queue for nexus siege
>somebody dodges at last second because Yasuo was banned
He actually has to work for that bonus AD instead of just getting it for free, that makes his laning a decent bit weaker. Also his W feels fucking awful to use when it has a fucking 18 second CD and it's the last thing you max so BC is almost a necessity.
Not to mention shit like Lulu is meta so you don't even need an exhaust to cuck his ass out of kills
Nah, i'm that one yasuo main who really likes Asuka
one day :3!
>Not mentioning Eves ass
I'm disappointed
male dominance
most ways like getting a guy to crossdress and/or wear a chastity belt
being the bull for a cuck
Just lost my 4th promo to gold give me some (You)s please..
mods are lit today
Galio feels like fucking shit to play without CDR goddamn
Love futa primarily
i dont want more people playing him, singed is in a fine spot just grab 2-3 early darkseals and you're golden
so let me get this straight
this dead game queres you with smurfnerds who metaexploit all day long. while you get some peruvian with a dove and a pen and paper for internet while you farm and juke your ass of trying to make it to min 30 befor your ass gets blassted to orbid and despite all that you manage to get an S rank and receive a championshard on top of your 3000000000000 influenc points. this is the greatest game ever coded
Pantyhose desu
I can even trace is back to my childhood experiences it's really fucked up.
man, fuck velkoz
useless shit
Bets !
>Evelynn and Morgana will never tie you to a bed and tease you
>then leave you with blue balls ala Witcher 3
> netorare
every one of you should die
you only need to win one out of three games when you hit promos again.
practice and you'll get better, either that or you could load up somthing like doom and blow a fuckers brains out
then build cdr
care to elaborate?
i've heard about the 3 dark seals singed, care to elaborate on the build's theroy?
How THE FUCK do you naut? I played against one the other day and got fucking destroyed with him building just defense, yet I try the same thing and I can't kill anyone, nor can I fucking tank anything. Like, I couldn't damage him at all, and one combo did over half my HP bar, yet i've been unable to recreate that in the last 5 games with him. What the fuck am I doing wrong?
>>then leave you with blue balls ala Witcher 3
More info on this
Don't play him support or jungle, play him top
The only thing worse than cucks are people who complain about cucks.
Like, seriously nigger. They're not making you do it.
here, also nostalgia
violent BDSM, both maledom and femdom
femdom through terror
>I guess Nostril by Igorrr?
I am playing him top
You probably don't have a nautilus rune page. It's pretty specific.
Other than that you might be retarded. Naut is easy as fuck.
Trade with W early. Seriously thats it you won't take any damage more than half the time.
why is such a large part of /lolg/ sex changed or a crossdresser? literally all of Veeky Forums is against it, I thought you 'people' went to tumblr. This is really not the place to constantly talk bout your mental disease.
or are they just baiting?
I just realized something:
>first starting off playing lol
>friend has me learn every role
>learned top with Garen
>learned jungle with Skarner
>learned mid with Annie
>learned support with Ali/Leona
>for some ungodly reason he insisted that i use vayne to learn adc
>read through her stuff and ask him why would i want to use this champ? she seems a bit advanced for beginners.
>my first few games with her i did nothing but feed
>spend the next few days practicing in bots and thinking about what i did and how i could improve
>next game game i died less
>next game i had the least deaths on my team
>next game i managed to go even with the ez i was against
>i surprisingly carried the next game i played with vayne
>saw that positioning and when to tumble/condemn properly
>played a few games with my friend afterwards and he was surprised that i carried the game
Looking back I think he was just fucking with me on using Vayne to learn adc.
Now I have a 73% winrate with adc's but I FUCKING HATE PLAYING ADC!!!
nice ta tas on a worksafe board friendo. i hope you are behind 7 proxis :^)
Dark Tranquility - We are the Void
GP, Thresh, Rivenhigh elo ones
>large part of lolg
>literally all of Veeky Forums against it
>not the place
hello what
>champ select
>guy puts out a disclaimer that he's bad and wants constructive criticism
>team already starts to self destruct
>"why are you flaming me?"
>then the support starts yelling I CAN'T SUPPORT LET ME ADC
how does this happen?
thank god someone else dodged before I did
>lulu posting
its like complaining about racism as adolf fucking hitler
What are they gonna do? Ban me?
Wait, you were taking us seriously?
HA!! Holy fuck man we were just saying that shit to fuck with the Ezposter and ImCuck.
are you saying that lulu had a sex change?