Is Russia the last bastion of Western culture in our world that retains the necessary spiritual vitality needed to restore to the European prople an intrinsic Traditional foundation for the future of our civilization?
Is Russia the last bastion of Western culture in our world that retains the necessary spiritual vitality needed to...
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in order to be the "last bastion of Western culture" it actually had to be a bastion of Western culture at some point in its history, which it never was
When will /pol/ realize modern day Russia isn't the last bastion for muh white race but a post industrial kleptocracy mafia state where the average person lives on $400 a month and has the highest rates of heroin use and hiv in the world?
not to mention a huge muslim population
France has a larger Muslim population, meme harder. Not to mention they are concentrated in Chechnya who got beaten into submission years ago.
>everyone on /pol/ is pro-Russian
>> 1722617
It's Russia's emergence out of post industrial disillusionment that has imbued their people with the necessary vitality for actualizing the reconstitution of a Traditional structure. Traditionalism doesn't arise in healthy cultures, but in the ruins of deteriorating cultures
>muh bastion of western culture
the fuck is even that
The United States is the only hope for the world, tempered by constitutional conservatism, limited government, free trade and free market capitalism.
Yes yes people will return to the "traditional" peasant lifestyle of having seven kids when they live in an economy where they barely make enough to feed themselves...yes.
When they realise that even the Polish didn't consider Russians to be humans historically.
>Today it is hard to realize that Polish, the language of the ruling and hence educated class, was once a symbol of elegance and refinement as far east as Polotsk or Kiev. The Muscovites, like the Tartars, were those barbarians on the peripheries against whom wars were waged, and no one was particularly interested in them. In Polish literature of the time, there are many descriptions of Hungarians, Germans, French and Italians, but little notice is taken of the Czar's subjects except to remark on their incomprehensible humility in the face of despotism and their tendency to break promises, or to ridicule their guile and the savagery of their customs (the French, in turn, considered Polish customs savage.) The flow of ideas, like the colonization of primeval forest lands and steppes, was a movement from West to East. Practically everything people valued - craftsmanship, architectural design, literature, discussions on humanism and the Reformation - came from Flanders, Germany, or Italy. If there was also heavy borrowing from the East, it came from Turkey, thanks to the great trade route, and was especially marked in fashions in clothes and harnesses, which kept their Turkish names. Muscovy, on the other hand, as she slowly transformed herself into Russia, did not represent much of an attraction except as an emerging power. Russia was to receive her cultural imprint from the nineteenth century, just as Poles received hers from the sixteenth and seventeenth, an era when there seemed to be a void in the East, which gave Poles the idea of Russia as something outside, beyond the orbit of the civilized world. Consequently, their defeat at the hands of the Russians shocked them, as if they had been conquered by the Tartars: if it had any meaning at all, it must signify a punishment for their sins.
>france has a higher muslim population
No, they don't. It's not even close. Don't make shit up.
>Chechnya who got beaten into submission years ago.
You mean bribed and offered luxurious car and ethnic russian girls ?
>they are concentrated in Chechnya
>implying chechnya is the only source of muslims in russia
>implying we don't have some incredibly lax immigration policies
>implying we are actually containing muslims and they arent flooding big cities.
I had to greentext you because you are retarded.
>Russia the place where 'communism' was nominally ended only 20 years ago.
>bastion of Western culture
Pick one stormtards
well the west has fallen to a racial invasion, they are in the process of surrendering their culture and identity. Russia is obviously trying to strengthen their own cultural ideals in the wake of the degeneracy they see.
Pick one.
I'm getting real tired of Western autists trying to present Russia as some white traditional heaven. Russia is a huge shithole filled with drug addicts, crime and misery. It's also full of Muslims and people with slave mentality who die of alcoholism in their 50s.
>he doesn't realize Russia is being flooded by millions of illegal immigrants from the central Asian *stans
That would be Latin America, It's majority Catholic with Brazil being the second nation with the largest amount of protestants and not much net migration to the region. Also Latin American immigration is the sole factor driving population growth in the U.S.
t. Paydroe
Fuck off back East Mongol
I think eastern europe in general can teach western europe and the US a lot about tribalism, but their willingness to give in to communism is a black stain. Not to mention whats already been said, with the drugs, low income etc etc. Still though, in many respects eastern europe is better