Stop living in your parents' house
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Why? We have a good relationship. I'm close to graduating. I help out around the house in lieu of rent. I have 10k in my 401k and nearly 10k in my bank account ready to go when I move after graduating in the Summer. They don't bother me and I don't bother them. I'm hardly home anyway.
Next you'll tell me not to fap in the shower with my mom. It does not hurt the plumbing that's an urban myth
>live at home
>sit in shitty room and work all day
>save tons of money
>move out
>sit in shitty room and work all day
>slowly lose savings as expenditures exceed income
>quality of life is destroyed as small amounts of free time are canceled for more work and massive savings turn into slowly increasing deficits
>move back home, savings completely gone
>expenses exceed income
What the fuck? Don't work at McDonald's then retard
nah how about instead i don't double my expenses for no literally no benefit
that seems smarter
Don't your parents charge you rent? Or are they little cucks who work all day and buy you shit?
I'm saving too much money to justify moving out
I lived in my parents house until i was 21. Saved up 90%-95% of my income. Thank god I didnt move out faster.
top kek
if i'm referencing my expenses hypothetically doubling, would that not imply they were non-zero in the first place?
you seem kind of dull for someone so judgemental there
>say fuck to your rich parents and leave the house
>go to army (clarey hasnt seen the army life himself)
>go to oil rig (hasnt seen the life in oil rigs)
>leave your well paying banking job (never had a banking job, probably lying or had a lowest tier desk reception job and got fired)
>do ballroom dancing (gay)
>buy gold and build bunker apocalypse is here (has been completely wrong about the markets past 5 years)
Lol who is this fag?
recommend me a good bridge to live under
Why do people always brag about saving expenses by living at home?
If you can afford to move out, do so. Why wouldn't you want the independence and self-responsibility that comes with managing your own life?
Or are you too scared you'll find yourself without the knowledge to microwave your own tendies with out mommy to do it for you? Would you even know where to find them in the grocery store?
After a certain age, living with your parents becomes a mark of failure.
I assumed you referred to miscellaneous expenses and things such as gas or food
Why does it matter to you? Is that the only way you can feel better about yourself is the fact you moved out ASAP?
Yea it's one thing if you're a loser NEET but if you're taking care if your shit, going to school, helping out, paying rent if needed, then it seems to be a win-win for everyone.
I'm sorry your parents didn't love you user.
herp derp derp
>23 still with parents
>chill life
once they want me out im gonna live on savings and then kill myself
Try r9k
It sounds like you have an unhealthy relationship of relying on your parents. Why not learn to rely on yourself? It builds character.
How is that unhealthy at all?
You do realize kicking your kids out ASAP is a relatively recent phenomenon and is for the most part a Western thing. Why are you so buttblasted?
But I don't
It's unhealthy to rely on your parents when you are a full grown adult. And i wasn't talking about parents kicking their kids out, I was talking about adult children preferring to stay with their parents instead of starting their own independent lives.
>implying something being Western and modern is bad
If you want to live in 12th century China, by all means go ahead and build a time machine in your mom's basement using the processor on your video game console.
Phone bill only bill!
Get fucked wage duck!
Look I'm graduating this summer and moving out as soon as I find a job and my internship has already offered me a postion if need be so there's no issues. My parents have no qualms about it. I have friends trying to balance both school and working enough to support themselves and they agree it's much harder.
Again why are you so salty? I reckon I have more character in my big toe than you have at all.
My dad is a hoarder and his girlfriend/their kids yell and fight every single day.
I only been here a month and I need to get back out for my sanity.
yeah i bet its great, landlord
how do you have 10k in a 401k if youre an undergrad
>implying I can accrue good boy points if im not living at home
I worked at a bank for a few years and deposited 20% of my check plus their 5% match. I always throw any money given as a gift in there as well. It's made some gains on its own too.
is everyone ITT a virgin fag?
how do you get laid when you live with mommy and daddy?
>letting a woman know where you live
This is a mistake whether your house is shit (your parents', a cheap apartment, etc) or good (she'll want to live there and eventually 'forget' her birth control).
I save like 45k a year living with my dad, even though I'm 27 I'd be stupid not to
>is everyone ITT a virgin fag?
I imagine. I feel bad bringing girls home because I have roommates. No idea how you would do it when you live with mommy's bedroom right next to yours.
Buy fucking in my car. With my ex one time I rented a cheap motel for the night lol. My parents are gone traveling a lot anyhow.
I fucked Girls in my room, while my door was locked, whats the big deal? Especially if she also lives at Home.
>implying being a virgin is a shame in any way
I don't intend to procreate so this is not a problem with me.
Tips fedora
Your tricks don't work here, Shlomo. Try Reddit
>After a certain age, living with your parents becomes a mark of failure.
Is this an American thing?
If so, no wonder you guys were dumb enough to elect an oompa loompa into office.
People who still live with their parents are too dumb to understand the value of living close to work and saving on transportation costs.
Or their parents live a 10 minute drive from work so there is no point moving out yet.
Driving is a waste of money. You should live a 5 minute bike ride from the office at most. And limiting your employment options to officies within a 10 minute driving radius of your parent's home is terrible for your career.
Transportation costs are way less than rent you moron.
>twenty bucks worth of gas every four days is somehow equivalent to the rent for a small apartment in the city
>my time is free
>car payments are free
>depreciation is free
>insurance is free
>health is free
foreal glad to see another user here without an ego making a smart move
>my time is free
I work 10 mins away by car, wow so much wasted time. meanwhile other people in my city commute 4 hrs a day cause lolLAtraffic
>car payments are free
my car is paid off
>depreciation is free
ill give you that IG
>insurance is free
my parents pay for my insurance
>health is free
I have a gym membership, that'll give me more gainz than a 5 minute bike ride ill tell you that
Paying at least £700 extra per month to live 5 minutes closer to work is a waste of money you thick cunt. My office relocated from 25 mins away to 10. No point in moving out.
>5 minute bike ride for health
Don't need to when you have a home gym skelly
5 minutes closer? My office is located across the country from my parent's home. You must be deluded if you think the location of your best employment prospect is within a 10 mile radius of where your parents live.
Car,my place, her place, outdoors, motel.
What are you a Christian fag who thinks the only place your allowed to fuck is in the bedroom?
[Fedora tipping intensifies]
Read again retard. I said my parents live 10 minutes from the office so there is no point paying to live 5 minutes away.
It is the best prospect right now. I'll move when I need to and even then I can just get the train to london.
I am
I'm 24 and moving out will not fix it
given that there is zero reason to move out
You only picked that office out of the millions of other offices in the country because it happened to be where your parents lived, not because it was the best job.
>falling for the siren song axe wound
do you realize to be better, the job under consideration would have to pay at least the equivalent of rent, utilities, data, insurance, fees, etc on top of the current salary, right?
15 minutes from work I make $83k
5 minute walk from work, make 180k USD, pay $1200 a month in rent
>parents house is already paid for
>flats are priced 50% more of their original value because interest rates
uhh no thanks boomer.
>The Carlson School is sooooo bad! No one recruits there111
>That's why I don't have a high finance job
>They're all PSYCHOPATHS anyway! Fuck em.
>don't get a finance degree
>I'm livin the good life :' )
Redmond, WA
My parents live in Iowa
Nice roleplay
ok sweaty steve i get it but theres nothing out there for hardware people like me, where am I supposed to go, Taiwan?
fuck you kike you're not getting my money.
Wow. So much butt bothering in this thread.
>not living with your parents and renting out multiple mortgaged properties
Are you even trying?
Does it count as "living in my parent's house" if my dad moved out over a year ago to live with my stepmom and signed the home over to me, and I'm paying 50% on all the bills?
I'll get laid when I move out of my state. Most of the women around here are super ratchet.
>Is this an American thing?
No, it should be a universal thing. The incapacity to become an independent person is a mark of failure.
no you don't, you dirty autist. you're telling me that a studio apartment rents for $3750 where you live? even SF/Manhattan have lower rents than that
ITT virgin wageslave anons so butthurt there parents dont love them or want to be around them because all they did when they lived at home was talk back, watch anime and masturbate.
Does it count if you live in your parents' vacation house?
This. My buddy is turning 32 and never moved out. Since he never had to make rent he was never assed to get a decent paying job. It is like he never left highschool.
why are you not independent just because you're not paying rent?
you could be highly educated, high income, good relationships, fit, but because you don't pay rent/mortgage you're a failure?
Why do americans leave their parents so early? Do they hate them?
Is Aaron Clarey a genius economist like he claims? I watched a few of his videos and he seems pretty smart.
It's a huge red flag that you lack motivation and responsibility.
How does it? You seem to just be applying these traits like somehow going to shekelberg for a new place is responsible.
>i pay rent and therefore you should too. REEEEEEE!
>It's a huge red flag that you lack motivation and responsibility.
Which millenials lack
>How does it? You seem to just be applying these traits like somehow going to shekelberg for a new place is responsible.
See... this little faggot has learned that freedom, owning your own place, being able to pay for your own things is now "wageslaving".
In reality, this millennial faggot is just lazy, unskilled, and leeching off his parents.
>How does it?
Are you that blind? Do you not see how someone that is able to move out, but chooses to stay with their parents has something wrong with them?
if your immature and irresponsible living alone wont change that . it will just make you immature irresponsible and lonely and bad with money ;)
It's a holdover from a different time. The baby boomers got away from their parents because they wanted to be "independent".
Nowadays everything is globalized and automated and Americans still live in this delusion that it's the 70's and they need to move out to "make it" or something.
Luckily, my parents are Asian immigrants and never had this mindset. I'm going to save up and buy a house before I move out.
I know a good bridge you can buy. You can set up a toll booth and break even in as little as three years. Maybe more, given the increasing development in the area. I connect you to my guy and have him draw up the papers.
so what if there is?
how does having something wrong with you constitute a failure
Why? Are you crazy?
I have lived with my parents since I was child, I have saved up a ton of money, when I've turned 18, they gave me my first house, I've accepted it and rent it ever since, but I still live with my parents, they gave me my second and third house later (when I was 22 and 23), this month (seven years later), my father gave me my fourth house, in which we actually live, but I still live with my parents and keep collecting the rent on those three houses. I am 28. I have no debt, no car, no GF, no job, no college, no friends, but loads of money in stocks and bonds and my income streams grow every month, I reinvest 90 %. I don't even pay for my food.
>how does having something wrong with you constitute a failure
You answered your own question buddy
no i did not?
if the reason is a result of untreated mental illness then how exactly is that person a failure?
Because they haven't sought out the treatment and overcome it? If you have to resort to mental illness as an excuse then I really have no clue what you are doing on this board.
you originally pointed out something is wrong if youre able yet unwilling to move out, implying mental illness
then you equated failure as a person to it, so im not resorting to anything
if that wasnt what you meant I'm not sure what you did mean
so if you we really are suggesting here that the unwillingness is a result of mental illness then it doesn't get "cured"
the brain shaman can't change you to make you want to move out
Solid LARP
Everyone in this thread "Saving" use that extra money to invest literally best opportunity you will get while you still have a safety net
Basically what I'm doing aside from angling to have enough money to be able to take over ownership of the family home.