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Mea video pastebin
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MegSev adventures: Megdev dot blogspot dot com
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The other thread's not even full.
best waifu
>full lobby
>no one is clicking ready
>find new match
>full lobby
>no one is clicking ready
>find new match
>full lobby
>no one is clicking ready
>find new match
>full lobby
>no one is clicking ready
>find new match....
But it's still a do-or-die situation for the whole AI. If they don't find the right resources and deal with the unrest and all the other problems they are facing the whole project goes belly-up and they all become refugees on other planets if they even make it that far.
The whole game should have started with everything going to plan and then slowly stumbling from one medium-sized problem to the next encountering the big bad roughly 60% through the game. That is something that DA2 did very well, it really is a heroes journey. You're dealing with small issues in the front while the big one is brewing below the surface until it explodes at the beginning of the third act. You can have your wacky-happy adventure for, almost, the whole game and get serious by the end. Not this rollercoaster ride of happy and less-happy situations with a very serious and dire backdrop. Every scene is clashing because you don't want to commit and focus either tone.
there you go making the thread title wrong again
you are scum and I hope you fall in a pit tomorrow so you never get to play any dlc or sequels
Collector is best waifu faggot
Tann talks about how the Quarian Ark didn't start their journey at the same time as them because there needed to be accomodations for Drell, Volus ect.
What's the most durable profile?
So Quarian ark is obviously going to be our first story DLC. Wonder when that's due out.
Reminder that the destroy ending is the canon ending, endorsed by Mordin and Legion
>inb4 immortality filename
>inb4 triggered filename
OP is an autisc
Sentinel or Vanguard. Sentinel passively gets tech armor for free defense stats.
Actually states that she never thought of her fellow commandos that way.
Well, assuming she identifies as a woman, she's still not gay, even if she fills Scott's butt every night.
What's the point of romancing Vetra if you can't make babies with her?
Vetrafags btfo
I'm slightly disappointed we didn't get anything like this in Andromeda. It's pretty lame but it's nice knowing it's there as an option
Sometime this summer
but user
they don't have functioning sex organs anymore
Sentinel gets crazy Damage Resist at all times, Vanguard can regen shields with melee.
Overlord was released 5 months after ME2. Leviathan was released 5 months after ME3. So late August probably.
Hey, /meg/! Do they even mention when the SR-2 was completed? How long before Shepard's rude awakening?
>Mass Effect will never have cute, fluffy moth people
>Quarians aren't cute, fluffy moth people under their suits
Why must you hurt me in this way bioware?
Her design looks way better without the visor.
Actual love, romance and incredible cuddling.
>that faggot who keeps click unready right before the match begins
>this happens in literally every lobby
You see what happen is that OP is an autistic faggot who actually made this thread 10 post early to make it wrong and be a fag.
Sometimes, the journey is more important than the destination.
Just because you can't doesn't mean you shouldn't keep trying~
You're not xenoscum are you, user?
I think you replied to the wrong post
>Being this dumb
>A piece of armor means he lives
>implying a mere life means anyhting in front of becoming the pinnacle of evolution
Stay dumb drumpflet
Daily reminder stupid people do the same thing
>Cure genophage
>Afraid and ignorant of geth
>Afraid and ignorant of synthesis
Really makes you think
>tfw will never get to do the Concussive Shot Machine Gun build again
shit was OP as fuck in ME3, too bad Andromeda's charge times got increased, ammo powers got removed, and combo detonations got nerfed.
>cute, fluffy moth people
Is this a new fetish I haven't heard of?
>Draw a good character
>Call her Gay
>romance Jaal
>His mom is already pushing for babies
To me the biggest flaws in this game isn't the writing (I can handle everything after ME3) or the animations but the soundtrack.
This is fucking bad, I can't remember any song, so forgettable.
Y'know sometimes I just sit and think about the game and just get kind amazed that these people traveled all the way to the Andromeda galaxy after 600+ years of sleep. It's crazy
>He doesn't know about Meridian
bug Tali and Veetor are cute
>finaly join match
>host has the most garbage internet connection
because of degeneracy and autism
I'm honestly surprised there are more clinically depressed people.
I mean, everyone you'd ever known is dead, your friends, your family. Everything you'd ever known is gone, you will never see those places again, never smells those smells again.
Fucking hell.
>TFW everyone thinks you're an asshole for wanting to kick the overgeared guy
>no scene where you walk in on her while she's doing maintenance on her visor
>no option to tell her she looks nice without it, which makes her not wear it whenever she's on the Tempest
I like her accent but the actual delivery of her lines was a bit flat, the actress sounded like she was just reading lines from a page instead of actually meaning what she said.
Anyone else digging this song?
>Explorer profile
>Remnant VI w/primer upgrade
>Black Widow & Revenant
>Heleus Champion armor
You are an asshole.
>reeee gay people cant be pretty
>reee i am a bigot and get triggered by my mental illiness called i cant cope with reality
>No option to tell her that you want her to always wear her helmet, including on the tempest because you'd like to be able to walk around your ship without risking throwing up.
Vetra has beautiful eyes.
Maybe she wears the visor to kind of help hide herself away.
Yeah it's a crazy thing. And I also like how the romances play out. Like Gil said he had no real good reason for coming Andromeda but found the guy he loves because of it and Jaal mets Sara because of it
She's just constantly watching hardcore Elcor porn on it, 24/7.
Liam has a conversation that he ends with: "Sometimes I just sit up at night and cry. That's normal, right? That's a thing other people do?".
Meanwhile Drack and Vetra don't care because it seems they were drifters and had only one real family member each, who they brought with them.
PB is even more secluded than they are, though for the life of me I can't figure out why she wanted to come at all. if everything went to plan she'd be bored out of her skull.
Cora is... Cora.
Kallo angsts often enough about the friends he'll never see again.
I could never get behind Lance, but maybe I should snag it over throw since explorer really seems geared toward biotic damage dealers with tech set ups and combat when there's nothing fling out.
Oh god the Meridian will make Hurians a thing, doesn't it?
>Just finish up Vetra's Loyalty mission, kinda serious but enjoyable
>Start Cora's aboard the Lusinia
>Ryder calls out Sarissa for being an idiot, Cora Spazzes
>"Don't you think you were a little harsh, Ryder?
Fucking shoot me now..
There's probably some relief in it, too. All your old problems are gone, your stresses are gone. You lost everything good about your old life, but you also lost everything bad about it and you get to start over.
Man, if I could bring all necessary survival equipment with me and just start over in another country or planet or something I'd consider it.
She really does though. Gotta hand it to bioware for making a space raptor look so sweet.
I was asking for help in the previous thread about how to recruit strike teams as the strike team menu wouldn't let me recruit any even though I had enough funds. I was able to fix it by re-enabling the tutorial in the game options. Just wanted to mention it in case someone else has the same problem (though maybe everyone already knows about this bug).
>>Cure genophage
>implying Wrex won't keep the faggots in line
The Dalatrass' concern is understandable, but she simply doesn't know just how famous Wrex becomes (or how sincere he is). He's a fucking savior. It even says in his War Assets page that, since curing the genophage, everyone likes him, even conservative elements who opposed him. Plus, if Wrex gets any stupid ideas, Eve can tell him so.
But if Wreav is in charge? No fucking way, that's just Krogan Rebellions 2: Quad-Testes Boogaloo
Holy shit I'm in love. I think this is my new idea of what Tali looks like (the picture isn't fucking canon).
man, projectile mods are quite the trash. put plasma and ricochet on revenant, thinking it would be full auto bombing, instead got single shot wep which does no dmg.
>Try to do gold apex
>Two level 1's and a lvl 6
>Leave lobby and try again
>everyone still below lvl 10
Are people fucking retarded or do they do this shit on purpose?
Don't respond to b8 user
and yes, Tali should be a bug girl
Sniper Rifle w/ Lance is fun as fuck
Vetra Nyx?
More like Vetra "What the fuck are you doing dead on the floor?" Nyx
Have they actually fixed that shitty disarm animation?
That's still 40% more emotion than Addison herself.
I can't wait for the internet to explode with more autistic oc hurians.
She's just pulling out the fancy moves, user.
it's a turian mating dance
I had no problem with Sarissa. She did the right thing as far as I'm concerned.
carry me senpai
Peebee is an explorer and there am mew galaxy is ripe for exploration
Suvi wanted to go for the scientific opportunities
Gil did it on impulse
I dunno about Lexi though
Glad you posted that about the Revenant with a plasma mod, saved me time and research trying it myself
>tfw game crash towards the end of a good gold match
this is what google glass should have been
How the hell am I supposed to beat the level 3000 guy. Shit is unfair
>Drack and Vetra
Like you said, they were loners. I've not delved into it, but I feel that Kesh dragged Drack along,Drack is mostly just looking fora way to die, but a way that helps his people. Vetra pretty much tells you that other than Sid there was nothing for them in the Milky Way, and they she doesn't actually like doing what she does.
Suvi talks about her tea, how she's going to run out and then, poof, that is the last Milky Way tea she'll ever had for the rest of her life, maybe even the last Milky Way tea to exist in the galaxy. She talks about how she misses her family, and she actually somewhat regrets coming to Andromeda. But you can remind her that her interests in science are from her family, and she's close to them whenever she does her work, which makes her feel better.
She's thirsty as fuck for grandkids and probably didn't think Jaal would ever find a girl. She's going to nag you for years until you give her what she wants, user.
what "beat" are you talking about
it's co-op, nigger
I did the same thing, user, then:
>Vetra: She's an asari commando, she's heard worse.
Best Girl always has my back.
Embrace the fuzz user
Can they even have kids?
That's all kinds of cancer.
>Working towards one goal
pure cancer
PeeBee is in her impulsive maiden stage and seems like a total moron. There's a conversation you have with her later where she's upset the Angaran are sentient and have such good records of their history /etc.
>Rubberbanding you across the stage
>Enemies suddenly teleport around
>You die
>Mission Over
Drack and Vetra being loners doesn't stop them from having some really great dialogue and banter.
I was actually excited when I saw them thinking about the opportunities, but apparently they barely change the capabilities of a weapon at all.
Pretty sure they actually make them less viable.
After putting grenade launcher mod on a few guns I'm pretty sure they don't even do godamn AoE damage
Now that I think about it that scene never happened like that for me. No one even pointed a gun at me there. Did they take it out or was that based on a dialogue choice?
>but I feel that Kesh dragged Drack along
The whole Nakmor clan went, it wasn't individual krogan.
It's implied that humans and angara are similar enough that they might be able to reproduce together, and even if they can't conceive naturally there's always the Meridian.
The latter.
It's based on a dialogue choice, my Ryder got a gun shoved in his face by the turian but chose not to take the disarm interrupt because it's fucking stupid.
hmm thats interesting How would their offspring even look like? Im gonna guess not too weird?