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Hey Lore, it's Gigabear.
>"he" plays male
>This is your tank for the dungeon
post yfw this time tomorrow
i would behold the autism and complete the dungeon because i'm not petty enough to bother them??
>the only fun hunter spec is the melee one
Fuck you Celerymon!!!
How is it finding groups as a fresh 110 fwarrior?
so after 7.2 goes live, it'll be easier for low ilvl scrubs to get 900+ with the broken shore stuff?
this is hell, it was so easy telling the scrubs apart from the decent/semi decent players up till now, just by looking at their sub905 ilvl
guess I'll lay low till ToS release
patient sniper can be pretty fun
and meme-spec mm is pretty fun when you're doing 2M+ on every dungeon trash pull
and explosive shot is just a fun ability in general
I got my first leggo with 2 hours played on my DH alt
anyone else here has a prydaz on every alt?
No ... I don't even have it on my main x_x
>pug hero
KYS yourself, if you don't know the people you're running content with it's your own fault for being an insufferable cunt who can't stay in a guild.
and even angerboda memento
will i find easy groups for MoS 0 next week just to kill the first boss and leave?
How can guilds that raid 3 days a week be stuck at 3/10? I don't understand this, especially after the Aluriel nerfs.
Besides the "hunter pets" addon, what else should I download to make the rare and exotic pet search of mind easier?
I need to download old versions of the game.
Where do I find torrents for them?
I want untouched downloads, not modded ones set up for a private server. I want them for old wow tools like the wow map viewer and model viewer.
why so mad tranny? are you sub 900?
I play with irl friends and usually just pvp or M+, but when not enough of us are online we gotta LFG it up, especially for raids.
>n-nah I was just kidding I totally have people to play with
Quality backpedaling there friend.
Why cant Pandas be Druids?
Hey blood elves, do you notice when a cute boy dps' right next to you?
Newfag race, only Night Elves should be capable of druidry. Ignore steaknigger claims to the contrary, they are too busy living in tents.
>type in /g "has received" and link the WoD legendary ring
>get 10 people saying GZ before they realize what happened
>do this
>"I've never heard of that legendary o.O"
pic related
you're not making sense retard.
I never said I play solo.
You're worried about not being able to spot shitters by their ilvl, which is a problem that pug heroes have. Stop getting high on the smell of your own dick and act like a decent human, and you'll have a guild full of friends to play with all the time.
Its hard for me as a monk to get follower ilvl upgrades because they are random after every mission and it takes a lot of resources and time to complete all of them to even get a chance of geting something so i thought it would be nice if you could make some forge/smith npc for all classes in dalaran were you would smelt all the equipment items to get ilvl upgrades. It would be fair and nice and a lot fo poeple got these items wich like give you gold for completing WQs with a bodyguard. A lot of people have them and they just vendor it wich is a waste of gameplay potential i think.
What are you hoping for your 905 item from your class hall chest tomorrow?
I got a 875 with a socket months ago, hopefully I get another ^^
Ring, I have one stuck at 880 because RNG haet me.
a lot of them spent a lot of the tier struggling to get 20 people on
like my 3 day a week guild is 6/10M (killed H guldan in a small split of better players week 1, whole raid week 2) after like 2 and a half nights on spellblade and 1 and a half on krosus, 1 and a half on tich
almost the whole rest of the time til the last 3 weeks we were just farming heroic and the first 3 on mythic with pugs and irl friends to fill out the last few slots and that took like 1 night a week (also if you do have roster issues, try and get live bodies to fill the last few slots, mythic bosses can totally drop 3 pieces when set to master loot if you don't have 20 people inside)
we legit just spent a lot of the time since nighthold, logging on at 8:30 to check if we had 30, then maybe doing achis, alt runs, m+, or just saying 'nothing tonight'
I really doubt any guilds out there actually have like 300 wipes on krosus or spellblade or bot and are still together trying
>tfw cant get a +10 carry to save my life without shilling out some 250k gold
>tfw the highest I've done this week is +7
pretty easy with my guild
Sperglord stop using meme arrows in WoW.
Fuck, I need a guild, the one I joined for leveling rewards is ded
>free 905 from just doing a +10 was on bolstering week
lmao take that shitters
>almost level 104
>maintenance soon
am I going to make it to 110 in time?
drape of shame
>maintenance soon
doesn't maintenance start at 6am PDT?
anyone else get nervous as fuck when joining instance groups? It's my first time in most of them and I don't wanna fuck up
Its not funny! I want to do a mythic10 but no one will take me!
I've had a quest to get Moroes as a follower for like a month of two now, but can't be arsed running karazhan. Is he worth?
Why have all the expansions been far smaller than the original game? They all cost pretty much the same amount, take about as long to develop and are expected to last the same amount of time, yet vanilla launched with 45 zones whereas each the expansions had about 6. Is it because the expansion zones are more detailed?
it's getting nerfed to 2.5% so it's not going to be as great anymore unless you're a pally and maybe a shaman/priest
>enter instance
>see pic related
>feel the familiar nausea that comes from being around the subhuman mud-people races
You don't need to be nervous user, I can guarantee you nobody's paying attention to you
Unless you're the tank, which is easily combated by saying "never been here, which way do i go"
Sometimes you'll get kicked by assholes but other times you'll get reasonable human beings, luck of the draw
Is that a hue server? I just want to be a decent mdps and not fuck over the healer by standing in shit. Idk but I feel like rdps is easier to avoid shit.
Yeah, same. The WoW community is toxic, people just abuse and kick rather than taking the time to explain an encounter that somebody obviously doesn't understand. God forbid people delay their gratification by 2 minutes to help out another player.
>unmogged battlelord helm, possibly the ugliest helmet in the entire game including pre-60 greens
>male belves
Maybe they're so completely shitty that they'll actually end up being godly. Horseshoe theory. They'll ass themselves into greatness
I haven't run into that yet, but I want to avoid being that retarded mdps that required more healing than the tank.
the instance took about 45 minutes to complete. heroic blackrook hold. the shit i put up with for a satchel
nice one senpai
>no guilds in trade recruiting on my server
i just want a consistent group of people to run content with. don't even have any interest in mythic raiding, i'm so fucking sick of pugs and their insanely varying quality
My main is a paladin so the effect is still going to be worth 30-35 ilvls for me. I'm glad it's nerfed though, I've had a 905 cape in my bags for months and I didn't want to farm m+ Karazhan anyway
Anyone here playing on Proudmoore?
>only guilds recruiting on my server are jap or require you to have mythic experience or are just leveling guilds
>just join the Veeky Forums meme guild instead
>cut holes in trees and warp them to live in them dooming the tree while leaving its roots there to hurt neighboring trees
>build massive cities and temples ruining natural habitats
>use creatures for transportation instead of the plainswalking ability
what a nature-loving group of people, they're almost as good for the environment as an oil spill
purpbacks need to just go back, they're pretty much the reason why the titanic watchers see the curse of flesh as bad
>ever considering joining a guild that spams in trade chat for recruits
you're better off my dude
if ur on tich you can join my meme guild horde only 10/10h
How do you find a guild then?
I can feel the judgemental stares of other people in the pug when they don't see brackets under my name tho
just stare at the fem pandas nice fat ass the entire time
jesus christ how horrifying
idk, even the 9/10 guilds on my server ask for prospective members in trade chat and have since wrath
I think it's just really on the guild, but most would prefer to always have 20 people on for raid and lots of guilds are bleeding lately
some real shitter guilds are 9/10 now, any guild that hasn't been 10/10m for at least a week is trash. And the ones who got it a couple weeks ago are HARD mediocre.
t. 9/10 HC
t. 5/10 "mythic" "raider"
Asmongold just downed M Star Augur on stream. Hes bad but that was cool
I really wouldnt call any guild that can handle the aids-fest that is M eli shitter
>even bringing up plainswalking
>implying the creatures are being used, not working alongside them
nah im 10/10m in a hard mediocre guild
Eli is easy, dodging the ring is honestly not hard, once you do that the rest of the fight is not mechanically intensive at all. She takes like half the pulls of star augur on average.
Samefag just downed M Star Augur on stream. Hes bad but that was cool
>I got my 10/10m a week ago
shit user you're right. I thought it was starting at 2 AM, turns out its ending at 6 PM
that's how it's always been for 10 years
I quit WoW near the beginning of Legion. I just didn't much care for this whole AP system, and I found leveling all my characters from 100-110 really annoying
So my question is, have they at least made leveling better? Do heirlooms go to 110 at least? I know that the price of the WoW tokens fucking spiked, so I'm gonna have to use real life money to play like some kinda loser
>Lavish Suramar Feasts will grant 500 of your main stat
Will this mean Pandaren's racial will be better than other races assuming it works that way?
You get to 110 in like 2.5 zones
yup, 1k agi stat for monks LET'S GO
How long will it take them to patch tomorrow
>Blizzard App
Why would they rename the Launcher into "Blizzard App"?
12 hours
Reminder that /our guy/ Gigabear BTFO'd Lore today.
>Log in with Facebook
They're trying to rebrand it, because after 20 years they realized that it's not named like their comany
>log in with facebook on
>updates my status with every wipe
>mom says no more chicken tenders until i'm 4/10m
what happened to ?