Help bis, shit-tier ex-reality "star" here, have 10k-20k followers on all social media from when I was "somebody", now I'm nobody and fine with that, but get only 50-100 interactions per post despite so many followers. How revive/use accounts for my t-shirt business?
Shit-tier ex-reality "star" here, have 10k-20k followers who are over me, how revitalize?
Trying using your social media following to advertise your t-shirt business.
>shit-tier ex-reality "star" here
gonna need to be more specific than that if you want any actual help
Be funny, get some attention
Join an affiliate network and sell something new. You can only sell the same shit to the same people so many times
lots of titties and ass wearing your tee shirts
Main thing is I have 10k-20k real followers who purposefully followed me on youtube, twitter, instagram like 5+ years ago but they are not engaged with anything I post anymore. That must be of some value to the T-shirt biz I want to start, but how to get them back into engaging? It's a unique situation from buying followers or getting new current followers.
It doesn't matter the show and all that, it was more than five years ago, sort of like after you graduate from a low-tier college it doesn't really matter where you went, just THAT you went: I can say "I was on a reality show for a season" (ohgodwhy.tgz) if it would be of value, but probably isn't now. I was not known for anything major like swallowing some bitch's spit or a stupid catch phrase or anything, which is probably why the show never went anywhere, and I'm fine with that. No desire to be a reality star now.
I appreciate the help, anyway!
Always a good idea.
You've lost me, can you explain more?
Presumably there is some reason ppl followed/liked you specifically. You need to figure that out. Somehow make it your brand. And relate to the t shirts??
Your brand isn't "dude who was on show". Your brand is "laid back funny guy" / "psychotic nutjob" / whatever applies
Also that many interactions sounds pretty reasonable.
Thank you
Good ideas, thanks
Do shit like the dude from That's So Raven. Post live videos on facebook, snapchat etc and be fucking retarded.
You could become a meme soprouter, someone who claims to be an expert. Think david avacdo wolf. I fucking hate that guy and he is full of shit but he knows how to use emotional advertising to sell.
You could start fresh with a clean slate. Change your DP and account name, delete all your old posts, then start fresh with whatever theme you want to go for (most likely meme page that also flogs shirts). There is so many bullshit accounts and pages on social media that your followers possibly wouldn't even notice the switch, especially since your old identity is basically redundant and forgotten.
start a youtube channel, make good content
You were on King of the Nerds. Am I right??
you still get 50-100 interactions even today?
Why don't you just
you know
ask them?
Why did you follow me
Why do you follow me still
What are you interested in?
or alternatively
look at their profiles
try to figure out if they have something in common.
interest in xyz
>How revive/use accounts for my t-shirt business?
just do it as if you had no followers to begin with
pump out good quality content
photo's of new prints. photo's of designs coming up. business / lifestyle pictures.
look at what threadless or johnny cupcakes is doing
Also, I'll admit this post is a bit of a guess but
with reality tv, access to your life is what fans are interested in. They want to know what their favorite ex reality tv star has been up to these past years.
send out a tweet/post saying
I'm thinking about doing a livestream this friday, anyone want to talk? let's hang out. - use your own words.
You'll get to test your network,
are people still interested?
how many of your followers are active followers and how many are just there / forgot they were even following you.
Talk to your people
And you'll get to aks questions
who are those people ? Why did you follow me
figure out what you can do with these followers.
Does the reality tv audience overlap with the people you want to sell tshirts to?
Thank you, good ideas!
Right. I didn't know if 50-100 interactions (likes, comments, etc) was good. Some of my friends who are still in reality tv (shudder) routinely get 1000K likes, 12k views first day of post, etc. I don't expect to compete with that right away, as they are still in front of cameras, but lots of good common sense advice in this thread for me to do better with what I have. Thank you!
>King of the Nerds
That is a perfect example of my level of """fame"""!
My YouTube channel has around 15K followers, and old videos with many thousands of views, but new videos get around 100-200 views and then go silent. I'm going to try to use the advice here to re-engage people and make use of the crumbling ruin of my moment in the spotlight.
What tv show were you in?
> Dude from Thats So Raven
Gonna look him up!
>What tv show were you in?
I'd rather not say, don't wanna get conscripted as a meme, etc. I'm glad to not be """famous""" any more, just want to sell some humble t-shirts and live a quiet NEET-adjacent life.
It wasn't really an interesting show or anything anyway. You'd have turned the channel after three minutes, like everyone else did.
Isn't the same guy from Cory in the house?