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/sthg/ #715 - True Love Edition
>Link CompilationDrawfag/Writefag Idea WallsNews/Developments
Julian Cook
Meh Edition
Blake Cook
>You will never steal Bunnie from 'Twan.
Daniel Howard
Another bad edition is what you deserve for the state of these recent threads.
Josiah Ramirez
No. No! She's mine! MINE!!!
Grayson Walker
N-not Sketch Edition?
Easton Moore
Whatever. Don't worry about it. user probably just didn't get the memo.
Post some more of those fantastic sketches.
Robert Edwards
>been playing around and got switch controller working on gens pc along with most of the other Sonics >try getting joycons to work >they both just act as separate controllers Kinda neat I guess, someone is working on something to make joycons act as one controller on pc at least.
Alexander Hill
>Bunnie will never go for Sonic, who's better in every way The fuck
Jack Taylor
Sorry user. next time. Post some kickass sketches we can use.