What would American society be like if all this police abolition stuff were successful?
What would American society be like if all this police abolition stuff were successful?
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You can't really abolish the police. When people feel like order is coming unraveled they tend to form their own vigilante groups to protect their communities until order is restored.
Maybe not abolish the police, but diagnose mental disorders before allowing them to join and make it a more rigorous process so only highly trained and disciplined individuals make it. Maybe give them psychological evaluations and make them spend time in the communities they will police for a few years before actually getting any real rank. Also holding the accountable would be a step up, in fact double the harshness of punishment that an ordinary citizen would get for breaking the law. To hold them to a higher standard as they should be held more accountable.
>What would American society be like if all this police abolition stuff were successful?
sounds good
There's only one thing you need to do. Have a separate and independent department that does not have a working relationship with the police like the DA does, bypass the grand jury, and appoint a special prosecutor for these cases every time.
The biggest problem people have is the miscarriage of justice because of conflicts of interest. This really should not be all that different from internal affairs investigating dirty cops.
when niggers robbed your house and you call The Home Depotā¢ presents: The PoliceĀ® to file a report but they say they laid off the force patrolling the sector you live in because the last two quarters simply weren't profitable enough
>What would American society be like if all this police abolition stuff were successful?
Every town now has their own group of designated roof Koreans, just in case.
>tfw you realize chinamen never invented real guns because their eyesight is too shitty to aim
I've read articles by folks claiming that transparency in these cases is too little too late, and the only way black folks will be truly safe is if the police were abolished entirely. Here's one: thenation.com
The American dream, right here.
Rwanda Genocide will look like a tea cup party if you removed police from blacks places, the blacks will most likely restart their savage(like in Africa today) practice of torturing people to death who they THINK commited crimes, there is no such thing as EVIDENCE in the brains of blacks if they think you did something you did do it and they cant explain why they think its a fact. Also without cops blacks would murder eachother every second, once they know there is no guarantee of prison time they will shoot another black that makes them angry to death then go for a soda. Police are actually the one thing that keeps black americans in check.
Police taking the hands off approach in Chicago is why black-on-black crime has skyrocketed there.
Same as seen in countries without a justice system, revenge killings.
Everything you stated is already policy dictated from the Fed's. It is beneficial for a dept to hire the best they can because lawsuits and additional oversight cost the state more in the long term.
Until you get affirmative action.
New name for it is "community policing"
If a city is 80% Asian; 80% of the police force is required to be Asian.
The result is you get guys like Mohamed Said in Seattle
Article is liberal propaganda.
Got hired on because of "community policing policy."
"Passed" academy because of administration involvement.
"Passed" field evaluations despite the bad evaluations from at least 3 instructors over a 6 month period.
Got hitched up because he tried to sell firearms to felon Somali nationals and use the fact that he was a cop to influence the investigation.
Then dept had to go back to cover its ass.
If you want good cops its going to cost twice as much as it does now.
Which means less you get for food stamps, Obamaphones, and section 8 housing.
tldr; only criminals want to abolish the police, get liberals to bitch about it for them.
No one wants to abolish the police
>If you want good cops its going to cost twice as much as it does now.
>Which means less you get for food stamps, Obamaphones, and section 8 housing.
When do we start?
Can't abolish the police unless we have abolished the black race first
They're just being edgy, either because they want to be edgy, they're actually edgy, or they want to pose an extreme so when they compromise they get what they want.
If you have standard infrastructure so it isn't too little or too late, it fixes the problem.
The 5th?
Nothing would change. Poor black people would remain poor black people and crime would continue as per usual.
>Country full of entitled, violent redneck and nigger retards with easy access to firearms
>Nigga we have to ebolish the paw lice
Please America, make this happen
It would be a mess.
The reason why America is a police state is because your forcing non whites to live in the civilized law abiding manner that a white man lives under. If hyptothetically America was homogenious the police force could be disbanded basically.
>The reason why America is a police state is because your [sic] forcing non whites to live in the civilized law abiding manner that a white man lives under.
Like America before the 19th century.
No, it'd be gangs running the streets or armed neighborhood watches having to kill gangs to keep them out.
You'd see a surge in "neighborhood watch" groups, private security firms, etc.
You'd also see a surge in certain types of crime by people who are already criminally bent and just needed a good excuse. Society wouldn't turn into a wasteland because most people don't commit crimes because of their own morality, not a fear of punishment. But it would be shittier overall. Unless, of course, the initial panic got out of control and led to a domino effect, which is a possibility.
In any case, abolishing the police is moronic. The justice system just needs to be reformed. Focus on rehabilitation over revenge/retribution, change police training so they aren't so trigger happy, regain the community's trust in law enforcement, etc.
No it won't; fun fact the Baltimore riots put a stop to murders in the city for a day. Also if niggers are a problem then maybe you should tear down all those public housing complexes faster and keep housing commissions and home owners associations from creating new ghettos by relegating all the undesirable refuse to a certain part of town. There's no reason why we shouldn't be allowed to have a less invasive policing with local militias solely concerned with serious crimes.
>Baltimore riots put a stop to murders in the city for a day
What a load of shit. Even the Washington Post thinks you are full of shit.
Semi-related but not really: Anti-foreigner Chinese soldiers and the Boxers thought that elevating the sights of their Mausers all the way increased the power of the bullets early on in the conflict. You can imagine how this turned out for them.
Basically a bunch of militias that range from gangs to forces closely resembling police to private guards hired to protect some wealthy Homeowners' Association. It'd be a bunch of semiautonomous gang-like territories. It'd likely mean an end to any significant national cohesion.
Learn 2 read: murders for a D.A.Y. most of the rioting took place on the 27th. As soon as police restored some 'order' the killings went on as usual. Which proves niggers will stop killing each other if they have something better to turn their attention to, i.e. cops.
How are you going to accomplish that when there's already a lack of policemen?
The white collar crime would be off the charts without the police.
>Which proves niggers will stop killing each other for A WHOLE D.A.Y. if they're allowed to burn down their own city
>muh destroy their own neighborhoods
Have you ever seen what the place looks like. It's already pretty much ruined. In any case it works.
What cops?
None of the stupid blacks even attacked the police station during the riots they just rampaged through business centers in Baltimore downtown. It is very obvious the blacks never cared about a cop killing them its just their racist ENEMY TRIBE KILL MY TRIBE MEMBER ME KILL HIM!
>implying white collar crime is in any way meaningfully policed
Bottom line is hope a fireman, EMT, doctor or policeman coming to your rescue isn't a Nigger.
All those rocks and bottles thrown at the riot police throughout the rest of the week where just figments of our imagination. Sure it wasn't a concertedly planned assault rather just mostly the result of a small group of teens on their way back from school being agitated by cops who forced them off their bus and the retaliation that instigated the chaos that followed.
Niggers nigging even harder.
Kill yourself.
Better yet, Abolish Niggers and Muslims. Utopia.
You know if they got rid of preferential treatment, that wouldn't stop all "niggers" from being any of those things.
There was a war? What a current casualties?
True. But the fact they get "special" treatment undermines those who are fully capable and qualified. That's why affirmative action laws need repealed. Not doing them justice.
Shang Yang did it.
>Form groups of 7 families
>Tell them they're responsible for each other's crime and if they know but stay silent about one's wrongdoing, they get the same punishment as the criminal
>Give rewards to those who denounce crimes
>Everybody constantly polices everyone else
>No need for the police to exist anymore
To be honest, the people all hated eachother, but at least there was no crime.
>No need for the police to exist anymore
Except, you know, the authority aboves everyone else to which they reported the crimes and who inflicted the punishement
What you're describing is a Gestapo situation, not an absence of police
Obviously, the authorities still went out and punished criminals, but it was the families who reported crimes and decided what was right and what was wrong, not policemen. Obviously, families were way stricter than any policeman could, since the rewards & punishments for denouncing & staying silent were so great.
If by "police abolition", they mean no more punishment for crimes, than they are retarded.
what about the crime of framing someone else for a crime for the reward
You do realize that people who are naturally violent will commit a violent act regardless of the consequences right? I don't how or why you'd extend this behavior to blacks who aren't naturally violent if you're pushing for a genetic component for human behavior.
Good luck hiding that from 7 families including your onw.
What you describe sounds a bit like the Stasi from the GDR.
And yes they are retarded.
It worked extremely well the last time.
Fuck yea it would. You would say anything to get them to stop.
(Fucking captcha's. )
Was the question, "Did that hurt motherfucker"?
Self respect, dignity, quality of discussion.
The war was most fierce during the establishment of Veeky Forums as a sovereign board, when we had to fight off the proxy war between Veeky Forums and /pol/. Within two months Veeky Forums ceded their claim and returned to the homeland, but /pol/ continues to send autonomous raiding parties and insurgents into the board up to the present day. It's mostly quiet now, except for the occasional skirmish.
tl;dr we actually have a fairly diverse spread of opinions and views by Veeky Forums standards which isn't a bad thing, even if some of those opinions are necessarily fuckheaded.
I always really liked chris rock for that.
How is that working out for Chicago? (no police).
Who they gonna cal to save their ass? Niggers are just plain savages.
You do realize you're dealing with a group of people, who will kill you for your tennis shoes?
>to blacks who aren't naturally violent
>not naturally violent
t. someone who had never met a black in their life.
For fuck sake the yorubas are going apeshit in Charlotte right now after another nigger felon died being a fucking nigger.
That was just the police being at the wrong place and the niggers attacked them because OOK OOK EEK EEK ME KILL ENEMY TRIBE THAT KILL ME TRIBEMEMBER AA AA OOK.
Fuck "black people" until they end the nigger problem they can all die for I care.
"Nobody is saying thaaaaat!" = "I'm not saying that at his particular moment."
Just shows that Asians are naturally attuned to vidya.