League of Legends General - /lolg/

The most fun support edition.


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DRAGONS are for BREEDING in the MATING PRESS position!

>almost 100 posts early

Invest in a noose ASAP.

comfy kisses~

Yurifags btfo

Xth for Katarina
best girl

>You will never have night out with bros Draven, Talon and Darius, tipsy Kat and slutty Riven while Swain is getting tired of your shit

worst timeline seriously

I wanna cuddle and fuck Shyvana(user)

I love Soraka.

The Breast!

please keep just saying 'comfy bfs' so it doesnt go past the filter

you can say other stuff just have that in there

kat is MY tipsy date, back off or I will freaking smash your goddamn head in you hear me? go chase riven


You can keep Kat dude, I fucked her so many times it doesn't work between us anymore.

Grasp or Stoneborn

I feel like Stoneborn could be really good with his Q or would that just be good on jungle Mundo?

oh yeah I forgot thats a good way to filter my

my bad user Ill add that phrase in my threadly posts from now on, make sure youve got the ~ at the end for your filter

anybody else browse this general whilst just steadily, yet vigorously stroking their dick?

>bust a nut to Irelia
>now my balls hurt

What did life mean by this?

you make it really hard to hate you, memorable man

I honestly haven't even played this shit game in months.

nice try retard but a mongrel like you can't even get it up so I suggest you stop talking before your attempts to besmirch her name fall prey to less merciful ears

can anyone list all the zed comboes or like how to use his shadows well?

I believe in the sanctity of the filter, I hate how vladfag, lissfag, and lulufag all are so douchey they feel the need to bypass it

who's the REAL dirty dan of league of legends?

xth for tired rumble mains

Don't be mad bro, I however enjoy that you enjoy her (now) loose vagina.

Best of luck!

Just gonna have to watch videos on shit like that. Try some in the testing tool. Might be a lot better.

you know what dont even bother ill manage considering u only post once a thread

you may be a flamboyantly gay avatarfag but at least u have a code

no i tease my prostate instead because i'm a good girl

too bad there's such little lewdposting now

every fucking game, i get some kind of troll, or some piece of shit who just hit level 30 and dont know what the fuck to do

im not flamboyant, just flirty

im still gonna do it tho other anons likely feel the same way and its much easier to filter me from that specific phrase than to filter each image like a lot of people do with lulufags

i've spent a lot of time in practice tool just getting used to his shadow swaps and i know positioning is always different but what are TIPS&TRICKS or something

Reminder to murder Anthony Cuckurch if you accidentally meet him

>Illaoi point blank Es somebody because she's fighting a melee
>he doesn't back off
>she Ws the ghost instead of him
>She doesn't weave an auto onto him again between W and Q
>didn't even animation cancel E with W
Fucking triggered.

Redmercy is a very good Zed. I'd recommend looking for LL Stylish too. I don't know if he streams or anything, though. He's in just about every imaqtpie game I see though.

you can't anim cancel e anymore btw, was bug fixed this latest patch.

>I'd recommend looking for LL Stylish too
you mean that guy who feeds to the likes of annie bot and dyrus? lmao best zed na

im sorry for you bro, but killing the lux x ez ship was the right decision

that ship has ZERO range, at least garen and kat have that "romeo and juliet" vibe, j4 and shyv have the "noble and undesirable" thing

lux and ez was the blandest ship imaginable, you could pair either of them with ANY other champion and it would be MUCH more interesting every time

>female Rumble
>found some female Kennen pics that were good
Will they just go ahead and make all the Yordle males into females already?

Would anyone other than gay furries actually care?

>mid picks azir and barely plays him
>new level 30 sup picks thresh

i'm never going to climb am i? why can't i bring myself to dodge games :/

Can't play well every game.


>Not a SINGLE ONE busting a nut in her womb

Whos good top lane right now?

The Leona players I've played with are all like that for some reason, super aggressive early and the type to spam ping MIA when you don't give the opposing laner a double for free.

I try not to be like that when I play Leona, which isn't often.

Fun fact: Martin Shkreli mains Leona.

They respect my territory.

We are saving it for wedding.

leona pickers are fucking garbage 110% of the time user

what can i expect...

>watch a TRM video where he's playing Ori
>already in an off role
>spends the match shielding his Ezreal, who's fed and their main chance at winning the game
>his Poppy and Galio keep just wandering into the enemy team and potentially throw the game on 4 separate occasions
>ended the game with good farm and good score
>comments are just people saying he's bad because he didn't 5 man penta kill with Ori
I really don't get these kinds of people.

expect master yi to feed

they're always shit

Actually? Fuck. That's going to totally ruin her all ins in lane.

R can still situationally bypass CC if you time it well right?

shit deleted my post thinking this thread was posted early

But yeah its like your only fucking job in lane is to catch them out by surprise or to peel. My job in lane is to farm having me die for a kill and letting the adc stay up means i still lose in the gold game and people dont fucking understand that.

>get fed in lane and carry over to getting other lane fed
>one guy decides to not listen to team and starts running off alone
>In his mind its my fault for not carrying because i was fed despite the fact his basically intentionally threw any chance we had at a proper teamfight

the anime version I tell you, you put that big girl in a school uniform

>academy delinquent illaoi

seems more fitting for someone like vi or sej but I could see it work if they make her a gyaru

>Academy Illaoi
>tentacles are still just tentacles

>shit deleted my post thinking this thread was posted early

The people who watch TRM's videos are mongoloids who only watch him for le epic Teemo gameplay XD.

TRM might be forever trapped in D5 but his decision making and positioning are actually really good.

Shitters can't comprehend Orianna doing anything other than shielding an engager and 5 man ulting. She's probably the strongest and most consistent mage solely because of her ability to both do shit tons of damage and off-support her entire team

racial purity is dealt a blow meanwhile

other thread was nowhere near 750 but i guess image posts warranted a new thread

>That Garen taunt

Speaking of Illaoi does Illaoi mid work?

I've never played her there, but when I rotate down it feels much easier to land multi-tentacle ghosts and Ws just because of how they set up in the lane.

Tentacles are giant erasers. When they slam they create a puff of chalk dust.

what the hell man

My favourite league girls are Sejuani and Quinn when are we going to get another beastmaster/ranger archetype with a pet or aminal that I can play.

>Poppy canonically wants the Garen shaft


I think either S Diana 2, Arcsecond, or some high elo player did it a few times (I was watching either QT stream or Dyrus, or someone). It seemed ok, but that was around
when she first came out.

The punishment for failing the soul test is a lot less harsh now, so that may have something
to do with why nobody plays her mid.

When are we getting a new Atlantean (or whatever the fuck Fizz is)?

Can you blame her for liking big guys?

it can. pick it vs a melee with weak wave clear. - Zed, Talon, kass, Fizz, Kat- otherwise you're going to get smashed with superior poke.

So we riot if Mordekaiser doesn't keep his metal puns and FOOL! when he's reworked right?

You will never know what it feels like to be me because garen isn't real kiddo

Never, because they all vanished off the face of the earth.

Tahm Kench may have had something to do with it.

>garen has cucked both katfags and poopyfags

based beyblade man

If he isn't reworked as a full on Lemmy tribute, i will be disgusted.

>Garen's old Q animation is gone
>you will never truly beyblade ever again

>weak wave clear

Home Movies was such a good show, I fucking love Brendan.

now thats a quality meme
good on you

Weaker than Illaoi, definitely.


This just happened.

Running the chingchong runes through google translate I got:
I look to you for the opposite
Shameless Bard
I'll bother you when I see you
Roll (I'm guessing its supposed to be in my grave or something) x2

He's not wrong, though I am laffin, I always build sightstone but this game I got enough gold early for Sheen and Revolver and cheesed pretty hard.

A bit of salt does the body good.


Nobody fucking cares faggot.

I'm so confused about that enemy team

>people who flame and call people trash in post-game lobby after a normal game
>everyone was quiet during the game
>chastised thresh for being plat 1 when he was unranked himself
>after a NORMAL game

>At the end of the duration or if Counter Strike is reactivated, Jax stuns all nearby enemies for 1 second and deals physical damage to them, increased by 20% for each attack dodged, up to a 100% increase.
>At the end of the duration or if Counter Strike is reactivated
>or if Counter Strike is reactivated
bullshit retarded mechanic.

I want to BREED Karma!

Mm, yes.
Feed me.

look at you guys feeding those stupid cunts on the other team
shameless bard
when i see you i feel bothered

>tfw no fertile indian goddes of long legs and missmatching boobs to breed

low test detected

Poppy can talk to me all day

Why should you feel bad about playing bard?

have you tried Kled

I almost kinda want him to be like base Vlad but with metal puns instead of blood.

god dam sup didnt know what the fuck to do, literally walks away from a fed draven and yi top to an empty dragon pit so enemy can get free baron

fucking dumbass didnt use ult under tower while yi and riven flanked


Fuck off. Shit like this is neither healthy for the game or fun to play against. And it's fiora main speaking so i know my share of broken garbage. Skills that can be reactivated are just next level of stupid.

silver is elo heaven

how long until the MIA ping is removed just because 90% of the time its not even used for MIA anymore? the ping is annoying as fuck, literally the yasuo/riven/lee sin of pings

You shit talk in post chat because they don't look at that chat if you're reported.

I'm a giant faggot in post game chats and I've even received a warning about it despite knowing people report me