Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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The guy who electrocuted an elephant.
You know who
Tesla discovered astral Vril quantum energy so obviously he was right
The internet and reddit sucking Tesla's dick aside, Edison really was a huge asshole who lied to Tesla and repeatedly tried to ruin him.
The Steve Jobs of the 19th century
>Tesla hailed as a genius
>Died penniless because he insisted on living in a hotel room in the Waldorf-Astoria in NYC.
He must not have been THAT smart.
He was smart, just autistic.
Both were shameless hucksters. But Edison was the shamelessiest and hucksteriest. Westinghouse was the best IMO.
Discrediting Edison falls in the same area as believing the Moon Landing was a hoax. The primary goal with both is to take things that Americans have historically taken pride in and trashing them. It's not unlike hating the French and to spite them, tell them all that Napoleon was an Italian.
*fell in love with
I soundly reject the praise that people give to Tesla, as if he "invented" AC power. He didn't. He made several key innovations in the field and is worthy of recognition in general, but he was not the only person involved in developing AC tech.
Edison was a hack and had a huge staff making the inventions. He was more concerned with making money and promoting him self. Than he was with innovation.
Edison pushed his inferior DC electricity, because it requires more generators, more copper wiring, more everything; than AC current. He wanted to cash in on the rise in copper prices.
>The Steve Jobs of the 19th century
It was neither Tesla or Edison; it was pic related.
Using the same logic, you could say that George Washington was a hack because he had a huge army doing all the fighting for him.
Also, you don't think Tesla was focused on making money and promoting himself? He was. In some ways, Tesla was way more focused on self-promotion. The point is that Tesla wasn't this saint-like figure the way people on the Internet like to portray him.
>The guy who electrocuted an elephant.
Backstory about the elephant: the animal was an exhibit at one of the old Coney Island parks. People would often feed it things like peanuts and so forth, but one day some asshole gave the elephant a lit cigarette. The elephant did not care for this, flipped out, and killed the man.
I found this out after watching this doc about Coney Island in its heyday and highly recommend it: youtube.com
Superior video of same doc in correct aspect ratio with no commercials: youtube.com
Both were great innovators for their time who cobtributed a lot in building the electrical framework we have today. Tesla is revered more by faggots who haven't taken a proper circuit analysis\EM class and think da evul government hasn't patented his ideas because evul corporations would lose money. Actually Tesla didn't followed mainstream scientific ideas which sometimes aded him but it also fucked him hard.
About business and shit, you could say it was teslas fault for not protecting himself, though eddison knew he was an autist with no real knowledge about patents or business. So in the end, it's a stupid reddit debate because both were highly influential in the development of electric engineering.
They were both brilliant inventors, but I'm sick and fucking tired of the Tesla-worshipping anti-Edison circlejerk, so when the question comes up, I always defend Edison. He was definitely an exploitative asshole, but he was actually pretty accomplished in his own right, and his business finesse lended his work a practicality and helped to put his inventions into widespread use. Also, Tesla was really, really creepy and weird, and I like to bring up that he was into eugenics.
I'm also pretty sure that the whole "Tesla vs. Edison" beef is overblown. They had a feud and didn't work well together, but those happened in brief spans of time, and they didn't really hate or resent each other.
The eternal Anglo
I understand you all being American and all, but come now, without his inventions, modern age technology would've never become achievable, so why do have the need to belittle his accomplishments if they're already globally acclaimed and agreed upon?
Americans going full-damage control because they can't accept the fact that a single Balkan savage has done more for the field of electricity than all of their scientists combined.Side note,keep using his inventions to belittle him, it just proves the point of everyone who claims that you're ill-bred degenerates with a highly ungrateful streak.
You're sorely misled if you believe that you can treat them as equals, especially when the one is vastly superior than the other.On the point of patents, Marconi and his ilk were quite good at appropriating them to their needs, they should've just had the decency to give him some credit for using them, it's the least they could do.
Edisons piratical yankee ass.
fuckoff serbian aspie rapebaby
butthurt amerifag can't handle the facts.
Amusing, don't you have a wrestling marathon to watch on your cable television?Also, I'm not a Serb, but Bosnian.
to be fair, despite the argument, the staging and choreography to our fake little manhood contests is pretty entertaining if nothing else. Like watching a whole hoard of monkeys trying to fuck footballs.
Serbs are so cute when they get angry.
True, but my argument still stands.If you lot have a problem with Tesla, just change transition to Edison's DC.
There is no anger, only disgust.
oh no no, no issues with nikki at all, I'd prefer not to go with the constheifincheif, thanks.
Why would you sound so butthurt then?
I just have an aggressive debating style.
So you admit to being angry?
This meme is so annoying. Tesla was just a disgruntled former employee, and they never competed. Edison didn't give a shit about him. Edison's main rival was Westinghouse.
Also, non-technical people should be forbidden from arguing about "AC vs DC." It's cringeworthy. Pro-tip: they are not something it's possible to "invent." Pro-tip 2: they are both currently in use everywhere.
While we're at it:
"Big business" did not sabotage Tesla's work. He was funded by no less than J.P. Morgan himself, for years. And Tesla failed to deliver, for years, while lying about it. So eventually the funding stopped.
Also, the idea that Tesla was a selfless promoter of humanity is ridiculous. He was very much interested in self-promotion and getting rich. And for a while he was - he successfully made himself into a celebrity and was quite wealthy from his numerous inventions, just like Edison. He just went off the rails and spent it all, so he died """""peniless"""" (i.e. permanently living in a luxury hotel).
edison was your typical american follower of corporatism, tesla was your typical autist with no concept of the idea that he needs to make money somehow to fund his autism
tesla spent parts of his life digging ditches for a dollar an hour, edison spent his entire life fucking over everyone and everything to make money
poor amerifat can't handle the fact that their hero is a sack of crap on a silver platter. It's ok though, we know your capitalists and executive creatives NEVER steal from their employees.
>balkanite savage was a liar
who would have thought
No, I admit having the tendency of assuming a more dominant role in conversations.
>DC is used in large scale power transmissions via grid.
This. Full devil's advocate mode here, Edison was a jerk but frankly he had a huge hand in making science a big business and thus bringing it to the masses. Had he and Tesla ended up as bros instead, we might have seen more workable versions of Tesla's big ideas come to fruition.