League of Legends General - /lolg/

Rumble edition


Other urls found in this thread:


remove graves

What champion pisses you off the most?

unless banned


xth for yordles


*ward jumps behind you*


nuttin personnal

dardoch is the saviour of NA talent

>meta champion
>pocket pick
what did they mean by that

xth for Syndra


>Kennen and Veigar and Katarina and Fizz

their mains are retarded and rely on low-mechanics champions as a crutch for how shit they are




Her mains pretend she has a high skillcap


a bully with an overloaded kit and doesn't actually fall off like the rest of them

>Miss fortune

more retarded players

Dardoch is a fucking tiltlord shitter

What champs have the least toxic player bases and are total bros?
Zac is a good example.


the weak laning phase meme needs to fucking die

What are the best qtpie videos bros? Wanna watch those since qt ain't streaming 2day.

>replying to pedophile thread
>rather than reporting it.


dingaling chime man of many bwongs

janna players

>not moving to the first thread posted
k y s

>play a champion with an actually weak laning phase
>he just q's off cooldown


what did he mean by this?

first thread made is the rule newfag

Janna/Lulu/Soraka players probably

Tank mains are usually assholes
Zac, Rammus, Nautilus and new Galio players can all die in a fire

i just started playing again after some months

what's meta in high elo in mid and top lane?

whats your excuse for not rollin out da barrel today lolg?

>Gets a Sheen
>Lane is over

>not understanding that yordles are children
>not understanding this makes you a pedophile

There is no difference between a Hebephile or a Pedophile.

You disgust me.

boring champion

first posted
if you're slow you can take your thread and go fuck yourself

>wanting to fuck yordles

Uh hello, I never claimed to do that. Especially not rumble, he's an autistic cucked rat faggot.

yeah but he does everything

Witch doctor rolls out the barrel far better


Is graggy still all over LCS

I fucking hate LCS because of how repititive their stupid nigger shit is

>every fucking game the exact same champions
>many champions get nerfbatted into unplayability because of LCS niggers
>while some others who have been LCSnigger meta forever Riot selectively leaves alone. Like Elise, Cassi, and Nidalee

>your thread
not mine
>fuck yourself
how do I do this?



I wish this guy made more vids. These were some of the most cancerous fucking things.

Good Bait.

What will give me more FPS:
Legacy client or low-spec beta client?

>Liking or Playing a Yordle

Sorry senpai, Just like Annie players, you're a Pedophile.

Can anyone with ovaries truly say no to pic related?

pic related


Is Gragas support viable?
I kinda wanna try it.

anything is viable if you believe, user

>Master Yi in every 3rd game today

when will this fuckhead get nerfed?

Fucking Ezreal, getting purple smite removed.

Give it back Riot.

Never. Just pink his Q bro :^).

get out of bronze user

Genuine question, whats your rank?

I think it's obvious how the next 2 games will go.

Never, they keep giving him minor QoL buffs and he's in a really good spot now.

What Champion is like Gene from God Hand?

not running chrome in the background

Jesus fuck y'all got demolished

How do you ever lose lane to Janna Tristana as Cait Nami?

>vs Janna
I mean, I know she's a cunt to play against but you shouldn't die vs her.


Also the ones pictured here

>tfw only have an ap rune page but now that i look at the champions in top lane i kinda wanna play top

what's a good champ for this feel?

Mate, I swear match making is proper fucked. I'm Gold 1, was fighting against some Plat 1 Schmuck 2/2 in to his D5 Promotions, the rest of my team were two gold 1s and 2 plat 3s. Enemy team were full plat.

Nigga got a free ride to DIAMOND while I lost my Plat 5 Promos.

>tank soraka

Is PTSD Teemo worth it?
Also r8 my loot

Why is it that when I play against a fizz, I lose lane but still get fed as fuck and win games?

He came out super recently but i havent seen a single asshole warwick. I guess hes just not cancerous enough to attack the metasheep and all the old warwick bro's are just glad they can play their champ without feeling bad about it.


Lulu top

Gragas? you go ap tank


>not wanting to fuck thicc midgets

PTSD Teemo's auto attack feels sluggish as shit, so only get it if you meme it up with Teemo occasionally and don't actually play him.

You're playing vs shit fishes.

Gragas ganked few times early and trist snowballed, tho I admit it was my fault for getting caught
oh wow

Udyr because he punches a lot and runs away when he's in trouble

Darius, for sure.
>free 200 AD for auto attacking
Haha, epic.

Surprised you didn't meme me with


Teemo is fun to play as a support

Soraka because I have to lane against her as a support. She's much less of a problem later.
Gankplank for dude AOE with armor reduction.

because we knew you were baiting for that obvious answer, we're not that stupid user

Unless he can sit there and spam his Q on you (which is a huge waste, and really should only be done as a last resort "I'm losing this trade but I really need to win it" ability) his early lane is extremely weak. The only thing he can do is set up well for dives and ganks. If there is any sort of sustain on the other side, he isn't going to get anything done outside of farming, which is what he'd probably be doing anyways.

>its another some faggot is projecting his pedohilia on yordles and yordleposters episode

Is this a rerun?

Mark my words once Riot guys the current cancer trinity of Graves/Shaco/Ivern Yi is going to be fucking everywhere. With no one to consistently punish his early game he will be cancer.

I bet y'all are the same faggots who tried to claim Devourer Yi wasn't broken


Those kind of numbers are hardly anything to laugh at, and it's only gonna get higher once other junglers get nerfed


He's just mad and strawmanning a reason to boycott a perfectly fine thread because everyone isn't using his instead

Don't give him attention. Post more yordles.


People will just go to Hella Rimz and Elise to punish Yi's early game though.

I want to FUCK that yordle

>posts worst fanbase

Hecarim has a fucking shit early game too and will easily get outdueled by Yi post 6. And Yi can easily outplay Elise and if she doesn't snowball the early game hard is going to get outscaled hard

>embed doesn't care about time tag

Where did this meme come from? It wasnt like this a month ago.

>Projecting pedophilia
>When Lulu, of all Yordles, is the youngest
>Lulufags want to SWIM IN her
>If this doesn't make you a pedophile, then nothing is pedophilic

Checkmate, atheist.

Post tracks you go HARD to when playing League of Legends



same desu

Pretty sure it's just 1 autist giving yordle fans a bad name

>worst fanbase
what? and this is coming from a an udyr mian btw

How do you all feel about Anthony Burch as a part of Riot?

>one giga autist represents them all

>people are still going to fall for this bait

League of I'm 3/0 my Lucian 6/1 but retard Fiora top goes 0/8 and throws the game


At least I'm not Anthony Burch.

Wait, what? No fuck. You can't be serious.

>Googled it
>It's serious


There's more than one yordle, dingus

there's at least 3

the german autist is actually worse than than the With guy

Just like how one giga autist from here represents all of us.

Checkmate, Christian.