Immoral ways to make money thread

Immoral ways to make money thread

Ill start: i sell fake supreme online to daddy's money fuccbois

Not allowed ITT: moralfags

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Sucking dicks.

do u see 40$ profits on a single item

i steal shit out of rich ppls cars

youd be surprised how many leave their doors unlocked

not even immoral fuck those fags, same shit as selling reggie weed to them for bum prices

>whats 20 dollars to nigga like that? he gon ask his dad for lunch and get it right back

Sell cut drugs.

damn im gonna copy u

sugar daddy

I steal shit from my company.
Ive taken home chairs and plants and cases of beer, paper, bags full of office supplies etc

No you dont pussy. Stop trying to look tough on an anonymous image board. Pussy.

>Be supply clerk for a hotel chain.
>Certain items like paper supplies I'm supposed to order from amazon.
>Make an FBA account under my wife's name for drop shipping paper supplies.
>order my paper to the hotel using the hotel's money.
>make price 20% lower than previous supplies to justify switch.
>get award for saving money on supplies expences.

suck cock in parking lots

go home san fran you're drunk

I scam people out of their savings by convincing them they're making good investments. These people aren't rich either, they're uneducated and gullible folks. Sometimes I wonder how many lives I've ruined, how many families I've broken, and whether any of my victims have taken their own lives after losing their money.

like what

> i sell fake supreme online

Wtf is this?


Buy research chemicals and sell for full street price
You figure out the rest

thats moral af though

No you dont NEET. Stop trying to look social and homosexual on an anonymous image board. Autistic pussy.

1. Pay cash for real designer purses and wallets at the mall (Louis, Gucci, Prada, etc)
2. Buy fake 1:1 replicas of the exact item you purchased from the gooks
3. Return the fakes to the store with your receipt and sell the real bag on ebay

Where do I source knockoff supreme threads?

I like that. I might try that.

I accidentally opened a car in my apartment complex. Thought it was my girlfriends car. It opened and I shut it without stealing.

Lol what is a UPC

Most luxury goods don't have a barcode stitched on them.

I used to buy drugs on the deepweb and sell them at clubs / raves / people who called me.
Then I got caught

they don't have a barcode, yet the fakes being made are so good as to be indistinguishable from the real thing? fat chance. maybe if you look for a dumb employee

How did you get caught.

They're good enough to pass a passing inspection.

By being drunk and getting caught redhanded dealing in the street like a fucking moron
I'm not black so I didn't go to prison desu

unrelated, how do i buy drugs through the internet?

obviously if you've done it successfully I can't knock it, but I have to assume there is some system in place with such expensive items to link that specific bag to that specific receipt. some form of confirming it was the bag purchased aside from a brief visual inspection

Go on reddit darknetmarkets you'll get all the info you want.
It's pretty easy

I would assume they would give it a full check if the item is valued over a certain threshold.

If your returning a $100 item in stores where the average item is worth 10x that value, i assume he will get away with it 90% of the time

Looks like a toothpaste logo.

GTFO Jordan Belfort

still, I'm somewhat impressed the gook-made fakes are good enough to pass an employee who sees 100 real ones everyday

>Retail employees are smart


Doing God's work. If you're that gullible, it's you're fault you get fucked.



So you created a method to save your business money and are potentially taking a large loss due to FBA fees? sounds very reasonable.

You could have told us you created an online site and it would have been more believeable.

When I worked in retail many years ago we had a very shitty POS system that would let anyone manipulate the customer information. So when it was just me working in the store I would go into the back, grab a $300 item, pull up a random customer, process a return to my credit card, pull up file again, fudge the credit card information, change the contact info by a few characters and be good to go. Made an extra $600 to $1,000 tax-free each month that way while in high school. Good times.

Bitch what you got on selling supreme fake fuccbois to daddy's with online money???

No longer allowed in this thread: Buster ass marks that done got told and bitchmade mark as busters that done got told.

How is that immoral?

when i was middleschoolaged i stole 40 bucks from a little cousins piggy bank when we visited family on the eastcoast

I've been brewing an idea with some friends now for about a week on a genius way to make money.
>buy a lot of land
>adopt many retarded children
>say you're raising them
>teach them how to farm
>buy lots of plants and farming tools
>get more retards and land from the government money you've obtained
>repeat the process until you have a sustainable passive flow of checks from the government to keep your retard farms afloat

Yeah, that's basically how South America was colonized, it could still work but it's just not an original idea.

Well the difference is I don't plan to make money off of the crops that's just how the retards will feed themselves without me being there

Hes got it wrong. You return the real bags sell the fakes. No shop is gonna buy back fakes, they will be able to tell even at '1:1 replica' quality.
Multiple accounts and maybe a PO Box Paypal account helps with these kinda scams.

eBay really is a trove if you use it properly.
For instance, steal someone elses pics from another country of their iMac or smart TV.
Mention its boxed a lot, some kinda discrete spelling error (you dont need it but just in case). Again, multiple accounts.
You want to have already established the paypal account your using, ie its had funds clear in it no problem. There can be waiting times on new accounts and even restrictions on how much money so bare that in mind.
Once your money comes in, send it to another account.(paypal or bank account hooked up to a PO Box) Withdraw that money. Spend that money.
Entirely up to you if you even post anything.
Or even if you think this would work.

Lend people fake money at a high interest rate.

Oh okay. Still you might run into the historical problem where there are just simply too many retards to effectively control and they run rampant. Ruining their own crops, burning shit down, spouting leftist slogans.

Realistically though, you'd have to treat them really well and probably provide them helmets to wear or something, then you'd basically have the army just with less funding.

Sorry, I'm kinda drunk and annoyed my stocks did shitty today.

Hmm I'm not really sure how they'd be. I don't have much experience with retards.


Moral fags make me vomit.

I use to sell fake monster beats headphones when they were popular. I bought 4 fake ones for $200. They looked very real and authentic but id course, they weren't. Sold each for $200 online and on craigslist. Made $800 selling all 4, $600 profit. Went for a few months but they hype was dying down and some other people started to sell fake bears and I just stopped. Also sold fake bape gshocks before.

what country do you work from

Eleborate pls

Drug dealing for the past 3 years...lowkey

how u pay rent and stuff

I'm a student, got a good paying job. 2d/w = 1.2k € plus 800 from drug dealing


Buy half gallon of everclear 190 proof @ $37.
In a large pot pour gallon of water.
Add 2 cups sugar.
Bring to boil and simmer long enough to make sure sugar is melted.
Let cool.
Add alcohol.
Separate into 6-1 quart mason jars.
Sell each jar of shine to city folk for $25-$35 dollars each.

The placebo effect is a hell of a drug

providing housing for refugees in sweden, also that section # thing in usa


What is job sir

it used to. i sold $800 of gold once and just refund the buyer after i withdrew the money. paypal account went -$800 and i had updated with fake details lmao never heard from them again. they went on to only let u get money out after a month tho glad i did that once some people would have milked it

I had similar ideas but using homeless as sweatshop labor. It probably wouldn't work in practice.

I work in a bakery early in the morning. When I come in I'll eat a shink bagel for breakfast, and I'll tear a loaf of bread to snack on it throughout my shift. Haven't had to pay for breakfast or lunch for the last 3 years. Hardly thug life, but easily save $3-5k/yr on food costs.

"Clothes worn by absolute sperg faggots"


I'm a """""broker"""" for a binary options company.

Tbh, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I bought a mason jar of "shine" and cherries soaking in it for $25-30 once from my liquor store because it looked interesting. Was probably little more than your recipe + cherries.

The homeless don't have a good work ethic

You should spend more time on Veeky Forums then

Assembly line in a factory, big company...anyone can do that, no skills needed. As a student you dont pay taxes

Like a hotel would buy from a website with no credibility?

How did you ensure the drop site was reliable?

Work at Versace
we get 2 a week. Last week granny blonde lied and said her son replaced it. Its usually the smell and then we fuck with them

Somedays when i was at the pizza shop a customer wont know about a coupon. I take full price and apply the discount low key. If I can get them their pizza without providing a receipt and they pay exact change in cash i could wrap like $20 a night.

Payment service. Accounts with $$ balances are just SQL numbers. You can modify these and transfer small balances to your real checking account over time.

All you have to do is set up a payment company and keep your account info separate from logged information. Fake cash income to keep business afloat and under IRS radar.

You people can't into white collar crime.

> lend fake people real money at a low interest rate



Just give a few of em extra privileges, on the condition they keep the flock in check. They feel better, and you don't have to work as hard

>binary options
Everyone is promoting those heavily now, how do you compete with other affiliates?

Did this once when I was kid. Found porn in some guy's briefcase. That was pretty cool. Got high and bought some McDonald's with the money/change we got.

Still feel bad about it every once in a while. I hope the other documents in his briefcase weren't important and he didn't get fired for it or anything.

But, really, how important could the guy be if he's walking around with porn in his brief case at work? Didn't really consider that until just now.

yeah...why was he transporting porn to and from work? did he have his own office and just jacked off all day?

>3. Return the fakes to the store with your receipt and sell the real bag on ebay
So how many times can you do this until they get suspicious? I assume the big name vendors are aware of counterfeits and know how to check for them.

Hangout outside of High School. Find the "bad kids." Charge them 100% to 200% markup on cigarettes and booze at retail.

Might as well just start selling them drugs at that point.

I did this when I WAS a kid and worked at a gas station so I could just sell myself cigarettes.

Yeah, but a slap on the wrist and a small fine pales in comparison to actual nigger buttfuck prison for real drugs.

Also weed and xans because high school kids are into that now



not him

moar stories! the smell smells like rubber and sour vinyl on the fakes yeah?

>start some charity or social organization
>recruit activists, if your supposed cause is shitty just employ homeless people, students and so on
>find a target, preferably a profitable business
>invent some reason to oppose it, e.g. if your organization is feminist accuse the target of sexism
>protest target's physical locations interrupting their normal business, attack it on the internet, threaten lawsuits, call for boycotts
>tell the target's leadership that you will give up for a hefty donation
>pay yourself and your friends a salary

Tried and true tactic used by groups as diverse as black movements in US, European environmentalists or yakuza-backed far-right parties in Japan.

what could possibly go wrong selling illegal substances to minors - not like it's gonna get you in trouble even for selling to adults.... this board sometimes....

>call pizza guy
> kidnap him when he arrives
> strap bomb to his chest
> tell him to rob a bank or the bomb will detonate
> wait to receive your cash

>be a pizza guy
>intentionally get kidnapped
>the kidnapper tells me to rob a bank or the bomb will detonate
>defuse the bomb
>rob the bank
>keep the robbed money
>sell bomb on the internet

But where is the money coming from? And for the numbers you modify, how much/long does it take to make at least 500-1000$

>I just saw the wolf of wall street
>biz pls like me