I'm going to start off by saying I'm currently in a meme tier program at my university and am looking to start trading stocks so my future isn't too shit. I've already read a few books and dabbled a few times. I was just curious as to how my fellow Malaysian Corn Harvesters would recommend I get started as I'm not yet invested in anything and have a minimal portfolio. Any help is appreciated.
Introduction to Stocks
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just play poker instead. I flipped $5 into 10,000 in a month on texas hold 'em
I'm susceptible to a gambling addiction so I'd rather avoid hat plus I also dislike anything luck based even if there is some skill involved
how much capital are you willing to invest
I plan to start off slow then either hit hard or stay put depending on how much profit I make in a year or two.
i'm in the same position as you. currently got a stocks and shares ISA of £100 per month (britbong). gonna get a S & P 500 index tracker soon before trump becomes inaugurated( probably £100 a month again) . Additionally, I'm going to save up £1000 for Amazon stock. seems a safe bet plus should be learning curve.
Managing your own portfolio off the bat is tough because you'll need to stomach it and you're putting yourself in a position of "all or nothing". I'd strongly recommend getting a job to develop your own work ethic, have the choice to quit and try different jobs as much as you can while investing on the side. You have theoretical play money that you can experiment with but living off it isn't currently sustainable unless your confirmation biased being a wiz, then comes the gambler fallacy and wishful thinking. The core fundamentals need to be based on your own composition and strategy without going all in while staying worthy enough of your time. Just know what you're doing and then know what you're investing in, not the other way round.
How much money do you have available and how much are you willing to invest/trade?
Right now I am able to start off with around and about 1k CAD
I have $600 laying around but have no clue how to invest or buy stock.
Well you wont make very much with 1k but putting money in the market will help you learn a lot. Find 2 or 3 stocks that peak your interest and do some research on them. Once you have some picks and a plan invest in them and see how it goes. Like I said you wont be making much with 1k but its better to start off with less so you are not risking large amounts of money with no clue in what you are doing.
Yea the 1k is just to start off, but I was mostly asking for recommendations on research material for the overall market and which broker I should use.
I'd definitely go with robinhood, and I personally use investing.com for most of my research and news. I day trade so I'm not really interested in the specifics of companies. You can see a companies balance sheet on SEC.gov if you want.
Do your own research, find an online broker that doesn't charge any fees, read the fine print and be advised that you might be paying tax, that even applies to Robinhood /1099
Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check Robinhood out.
Also, any good ideas for starting investments / "Safety Stocks" that arent good for major gain but fairly static for a good learning example?
Look for blue chip companies.
Yea blue chips like Amazon, apple, google, etc.
But I'd personally recommend AMD, BABA, and TSLA
join our discord and learn with like minded people (:
How can you play poker in the US with real money?
Robinhood isn't available to leafs unfortunately, any other good brokers?
Why do you faggots always ask here first before doing any research?
What are your plans to invest? Retirement investment? Payouts in 20 years? I'll help if I have detail
Go theough a reputable fucking broker like Charles Schwab, Fidelity, Guardian, all of them are fine and will actually protect your finances.
seems like stocks aint for u