/dfog/ - Dungeon Fighter Online General - Spiritual Shamanic Edition

>Season 3. Act 02. Creations of the Abyss


>New DFO artbook:

>Level 90 Epics:

>DnF Updates:

>Update Schedule




>Liberation weapon FAQ:
pastebin.com/7vRmMbnD (embed) (embed) (embed)


Fatigue Points(FP) resets at 9AM UTC

>Official Links
facebook com/dfoglobal

>PVP playlist channels



>Avatar Simulator(Set to KOR)

>Skill Planner (Entirely unnecessary)

>Pixiv Tags
アラド戦記 – Arad Senki
던파 – Deonpa

>JP Priest voice

>DnF Original Soundtrack Symphony World
pastebin.com/LfzTQcDh (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Mods Installation Guide

Previous thread:

2nd awakening.....


At least use better fanart

i just want a cutie to cuddle with...

would play this game if it wasn't ip blocked in nipland. Arad is shit

The artist did his or her best and that's enough for me!

What will you do if the next set of events are another free legendary box, chronicle, life tokens, and exp potions? :^))))

why are miko posters so gay

Having the ability to regularly get in touch with the Divine creates an endless fountain of happiness and clarity within your spirit that nobody can ever take away from you!

When will neople drop a usable, non dupe epic? I just want Dark Star ;;

when i get a giant cannon urban

I hope you get your cannon tomorrow then user!

i do too

You will user. 2000 invites or less

Gerri's hairy bush jungle...

Are you a male or female launcher

I'm female

I hope you get nothing

I also don't play Launcher.

this cutie seems to be angry for some reason

tessa save this thread

>tfw have to wait untill 25th to get mmage awakenings
>25th if we're lucky
>can't get into raid
>too ashamed to buy raid on non-basic char

why do garbage ebins like cabala's memory exist

why can't i just get a rosetta stone when its the only magic stone that matters

>cabala's mem
That one is alright compared to other mstones that give the same 55 ele but only to one element.

So if they were to apologize with a epic transfer/ free epic what would you transfer or get? I've got primary impactition sitting around so I guess I would transfer that.

Neople apologizes all the time, what do you mean?

Please understand.

It's already too late, a lot of people quit and uninstalled.

Did a lot of people really quit though? All the people I usually see in ch42 are still there

They don't even play the fucking game

Don't mind me I'm just memeing. People never quits because they are already a prisoner here.

Including you and me!

pandering this game to the facebook crowd was the mistake that killed this game

But Cabala is okay, I mean, it's not BBW: Mask at least.

The super sektrit club geared Rank: SSS adventurers aka the people like (You) and those who raid with full epics aren't the target demographic of Neople.

They will keep appeasing to the casuals who can't even finish an OV or Garcia set.

nothing because they would never do a compensation like that. Most they'll do is more chronicle boxes or more quest legs.

pls understand

reminder that the only reason DFOG started in 70 cap was because the facebook/le reddit crowd bitched about not reaching level 70 in Alpha even though there was plenty of time in Alpha to reach level 70 after they announced no wipe.

Chron box with one chron piece (new mmage classes not included)

Reminder that Facebook casuals are the reason why Luke Raid will probably indefinitely be postponed for Global. Even another Machinist buff event won't make them do damage in there.

Im seeing alot of f crusaders and mistress's in raid im guessing these are the best f priest?

if its anton raid it doesn't mean much since pretty much any class can do anton raid now. F. Crusader is regarded as the strongest f. priest while Mistress as regarded as the weakest f. priest.

They seem to be the only 2 useful FPriest classes. Captain gook said that he hasn't seen a single Inquisitor in Luke raid parties because of their low damage. Miko damage looked slow as fuck from Airbis's class showcase videos. Female Crusader seemed to shit out just as much while being a support.

its from luke raid im wondering if maybe the defense shred is that strong or something else im overlooking
yeh ive seen 0 inquisitor which worries me

>ive seen 0 inquisitor which worries me
haha """dues vlot""" problem???

/pol/ manbabies getting what they deserve

Why would you want a female lancer in your party?

Are one of them 'punch the nazi' peoples, son?

>tfw waited so long for dw
>wanted him to be my main
>got all my stuff on him, gave him di, gave him PE, peppered his steak, got him gracia
>gameplay feels clunky and slow and every second skill staggers me after casting
Who else is gay here?

I capped him and swift in the first week. I'm already bored of them both because no 2A. Blood boy is 85 but I have no will to cap him

So will the casuals be enough to sustain the game? Considering you guys say all the vets are quitting I'm wondering if we'll last much longer. Do casuals even buy cera?

No, not all of them are, most of them don't.

Grandine is becoming more and more annoying to drone farm. Selling OV is the new way to not want to kill myself while making money

>implying people buy ov.

I made 1mil yesterday in 20 minutes just watching shouts. I'm sure if I put an effort into selling I could make much more than grandine

>implying that these casuals who won't even reach level 86 without leveling events sustains the game

They are the types who discovered DFO from a random advertisement, then will uninstall right after expending their FP.

86 doesn't even take a week

You overestimate the effort of casuals.

Yeah now that I think about it I've been trying to get 2 people to play and one got to 30 the other stopped at 76.
It's not that hard

>1m in 20 minutes
grandindine is ~3.5m in 30 minutes, assuming not selling DC or any bonus drop (+ you get a little bit of DI, it's nothing really but it was cool during DI transfer event)

Full fp of ov is 6runs - 5.4m if 300k per person. Sure it looks more on paper...but i just really doubt you can find 18people fast, clearing takes longer and you shouldn't forget lags (there will be) which will make you kick people and give refund (or not). Buying lion is arguably is much better than bying OV and still sometimes you just won't find buyers for 10 minutes.

but i mean if that's what you want then do it.

Reminder that Neople will keep us giving horseshit events due to these people.

Enjoy your never ending gracia, chrons, and exp potion rewards.

Hmm fair enough. Grandine just got boring after so long and it felt like I was getting less

he seems alright

or as his people would say, "he aiiiite"

Eh if it gives him a reason to live let him be. And I mean I'm "his people" and I'd say he's alright

The trick is to not run out of videos to watch on second monitor.

you're not his people enough

I don't have a second monitor. I'm gonna buy one soon though and I got plenty of anime on my backlog

True, I watch too much anime and don't stereotypically love dbz.

Don't die on me, where'd the two people I was talking to go

Playing the super duper interactive events.

I'm in class though. I can't play those amazing events

Whoa, oh, oh
Whoa, oh, oh
Whoa, oh, oh

I'm waking up to ash and dust
I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust
I'm breathing in the RNG

I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus
This is it, the apocalypse

I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my spacebars blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm interactive, interactive
Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm interactive, interactive

You can do better than that user

it's a wip

Good afternoon Tessa

Today you'll get your epic user.

My guild is sitting at about 1/3rd the daily logins it did before the patch.

>not a single epic in my 30 min hell


How many invites did you run out?

Hmm I never payed attention to my guild's login count honestly. Only notice when someone doesn't show up to raid


Everybody is too busy preparing pitchforks and spam bots for tomorrow's ExStream to post.

I'm only gonna watch for the comments. They'll probably ignore it anyway

>tfw my bday is tomorrow and wont be able to join the angry mob

3gays 2nds when

probably next week as a form of damage control

>the gooks announce that DFOG is getting the 2nds next week
>the neople defenders go into full defense mode saying that we should forget about the interactive better than last year events and thank neople for getting the 2nds next week

If smallteam gave us all 5 numbers on april 1st, I would say that would make up for the shitty events, give everyone 2222 DI

Unless 2A comes with an epic transfer or free epic I don't care. All of mine are cap already and I have no reason to play them anymore.

I ran out 3000 invites and haven't found a usable epic though

i wouldn't be satisfied unless they gave out 22222 DI

here is the likely scenario as a damage control compensation:
>Everyone gets a FREE 7-day master's contract.

gotta be a little more realistic here buddy, the 2nd anniversary's "BEST" prize is the 2222 DI which is behind a fucking RNG lottery wall.

But 2222 di really isn't much. I can run that out easily and most likely not get anything

2222 DI is worthless

I run more than that every day

Fuck all you poor casual shitters, you're just as bad as facekek normies

calm down richie rich

You don't have to be rich to run a lot of di though

Feat clear ticket fucking when

Wtf I thought this game in NA closed down, how did it get revived?

Is it the game update still behind compared to the Korean one?

I might give it an another go if it isn't plagued with gacha system

don't bother it won't last another month

shut the fuck up and go away

It's worth a try but beware all the shit flying around because our devs don't care about us much. Just don't invest into it.

Nexon NA shut it down, now it's hosted by Neople. It is behind kdnf. Gachapon isn't a thing anymore.

i found a refined chaos stone necklace and i was wondering if it works with war goddess spear's +% attack damage. I wish the game would be more clear about this kind of stuff.