Do any of you lads have any good documentaries or books on the British Empire that portray Britain in a positive light? I'm sick of hearing how "evil" and "Racist" the empire was
Do any of you lads have any good documentaries or books on the British Empire that portray Britain in a positive light...
Based Niall Ferguson
There are plenty.
Ignore any shit about them being evil or racist, literally only a man in denial can say that the British Empire didn't achieve some fucking incredible things.
Brutal, sure, but who the fuck wasn't then? If you were relevant, it's because you were better at fucking everyone up than someone else was.
This is coming from a Northern Irish republican who is sickened by the actions of the British and Unionists in Ireland, but also coming from someone who isn't a retard who can admit that without Britain the world would be extremely different and not for the better.
Can I just ask an Irish republican this, coming from a really patriotic english guy
Why are you still so obsessed with Irish independence despite the fact the Catholic and Protestant laws and bias are practically dead? Your people achieved way more in your union with us than before
When I say Irish Republican, I ought to elaborate.
If I was given a button to push which would allow NI to join the ROI right now, I wouldn't push it.
I want a united Ireland independent of Britain, but the economic situation just can not allow for it.
However, I don't think the current Unionist governments are doing us any favours and am honestly sick of the superiority-complex the Unionists here have.
I'm aware that a lot of people would rather not rock the boat-in fact not rocking the boat is honestly what keeps Unionism in power-but I see no real reason for the UK to keep NI other than the Unionists bitching and crying, which they do every opportunity they get anyway.
Irish people here under British rule were treated terribly, and when they fought back and won their rights with the Troubles they all got labelled as terrorists.
It's literal revisionism, which irritates me. Same as those fucking morons who say "reunification" as if Ireland as existed in the past as a Unified Nation at any single point.
It's not a matter of "what we achieved" or "keeping the UK unified" it's a case of the only real argument beyond economic implications toward NI staying british is the Unionists, who prove time and time again that they are incapable of being fair and rational.
I do believe, however, that if Ireland unites it needs to be as a new entitity, not just ROI+extra Ulster. Laws must be put in place to protect the identity of those who identify as British, as there are laws now allowing people like myself to be Irish.
Living here is the only way to really see it, but it sucks ass to have your entire identity reduced to "you're a terrorist, move down south if you want to be irish."
I do however believe Scotland should never be allowed another referendum, because they simply don't deserve it.
>Do any of you lads have any good documentaries or books on the British Empire that portray Britain in a positive light?
The majority of books and documentaries I've seen and read portray the British Empire in a positive light, I don't know how you're having difficulties finding them. Just steer clear of the BBC one and you're fine.
>Ignore any shit about them being evil or racist, literally only a man in denial can say that the British Empire didn't achieve some fucking incredible things.
Best at getting shot to death by Japs.
Empire, how Britain built the modern world by Nial Ferguson.
>People actually think Churchill was a great commander
oh look you took a more or less undefended city with a garrison of 2000 cool nice one japs
>Implying he utilized direct control regularly
The military disobeyed him whenever he gave direct orders as MoD They were usually "fight to the death" this was early in the war and he was a desperate to not lose ground as Hitler became later.
>80,000 British and colonial prisoners
Singapore was huge mess m8
The British Empire was evil and racist though, why do you want some hugbox safe-space history tht tells your granddad dindu nuffin.
They didn't call it perfidious Albion for nothing you know, Britain was the Judas of the seas.
This. Anglos are deluded and have a persecution complex, they've basically wrote the historical narrative.
>Why are you still so obsessed with Irish independence despite the fact the Catholic and Protestant laws and bias are practically dead?
Another user, but I simply don't like the way the UK is run and I don't like the political or national culture of the UK. (I'm aware that the everyday culture of England and Ireland are very similar). I think Ireland is better off without you, not that that's necessarily a reflection on you, I wouldn't want Ireland to be a part of France either for example.
>Your people achieved way more in your union with us than before
That's absurdly false. the period from the act of union in 1800 to independence was the worst in Irish history by far. Absolutely disastrous. The Union was the worst failed experiment to ever happen this country. Since independence the republic has become one of the most prosperous countries in Europe, while the North has remained a stagnant shithole.
Basically, we tried the UK and it was an embarrassing failure so it's best to try something new.
That's the practical issue, of course there's also the patriotic issue, the fact that we view our country as Ireland and see no reason to be loyal to a foreign country.
Any books on it written before 1970?
This pretty much, I never get what Brits are thinking about when they say Ireland would be better off under UK rule considering that they now are better off both by HDI and GDP per capita measures.
>that flag
Lovely. Alt-flags are all great for Ireland, with one obvious exception.
how is the Big Dipper communist or Irish
This. Based Neil's book Empire it's ones of the finest I've ever read.
It's the starry plough pham
Are you serious? Have you just missed the last decade where there Irish economy had to be saved from collapse by Britain?
Ireland is a mess.
The Plough for working, I guess. Originally based off something like pic related it came to prevelance during the Rising in 1916.
Meant to represent Irish Workers and was also adapted for various Labour movements
>This. Anglos are deluded and have a persecution complex, they've basically wrote the historical narrative.
> they've wrote
Keep trying to speak that English, Jamal.
>Are you serious? Have you just missed the last decade where there Irish economy had to be saved from collapse by Britain?
>Ireland is a mess.
The British media is so ridiculous lol. You people believe anything.
Pay debts, Gaelighe.
>Pay debts, Gaelighe.
We are, on time and sometimes even early. In fact we're paying for your banks' fuck ups too.
Don't worry though we can afford it.
>ruin our own economy
>Britain bails us out and we pay them back at our own pace when we're good and fucking ready
>Banter with Apple
>Only accept 10% of the refugees we promised the EU we'd accept by now
>Our Taoiseach keeps triggering the Ulster apes by bantering about a border poll
I fucking love being Irish
t. butthurt krauts
>kill a bunch of niggers with spears and claim they're the greatest empire in the world
>can never beat another European without help
>majority of wars are against fellow Europeans with the same level of technology
>fought the entire world twice
>someone actually thinks Churchill was commanding the front in SE Asia instead of being the PM
I'm kind of butthurt that we have all these brilliant flags but our official one is a shitty tricolour.
>fought the entire world twice
>implying this isn't like bragging about "fighting the entire bar" twice
>implying everyone with two brain cells to rub together isn't rolling their eyes and muttering "retard" under their breath
>UK only fights disabled people at the bar and always wins
>any time he goes up against a healthy grown man he needs help from other people at the bar or he loses
>makes fun of Germany for losing to the whole bar
>only a man in denial can say that the British Empire didn't achieve some fucking incredible things.
An intelligent man can rationalize that defeating niggers with spears and abos aint that impressive
>more or less undefended city
Same I guess, but the tricolour does have some significance vitally important to stability in our history I guess.
If Ireland unites, I think they should adopt something more Irish and less "british and irish."
>defeating niggers with spears better than anyone else does it
>industrial revolution
>colonized most of the known world
To reduce interactions with natives and the challeneges with colonies to "fighting under-equipped savages" is a bit of a dick move.
I'm all for telling the Brits to fuck off, but when it comes to history of humanity the British are undeniably amongst the top contenders for "most notable."
>but when it comes to history of humanity the British are undeniably amongst the top contenders for "most notable."
As long as you don't confuse "notable" with "glorious" or "amazing"
Every country in western Europe (even belgium) has killed niggers with spears and won almost every time. The UK is the only one that hid on it's pussy island while Europeans were fighting each other.
Yeah anyone can do it, even Italy....right?
>When the Empire is gone but the pain of the ravaged anuses of it's enemies will linger forever.
Dunno man
To me it seems that only Brits care about their past empire
They keep starting threads about it and the rest of Europe tell them to fuck off reminding them it never achieved anything glorious
I can confirm this actually isn't the case. The British Empire is bizarrely completely ignored in our education system. Schools teach The Battle of Hastings, The War of the Roses. Victorian Home Life. WW1 and The Holocaust.
It's almost never mentioned in the UK.
Anglos are the Ottomans of the West. Prove me wrong
The British
>didn't conquer and obliterate a superior, if fading culture to start their own empire
>led the world in political and scientific thought
>was sea based
>felt a need to improve the land they conquered, rather than bleeding it dry with jizya or just letting it stagnate under corrupt magistrates
>was strong until the end, only dying due to American economic interference
>weren't boyloving degenerates
>didn't rip themselves apart when modernising their government, instead seamlessly blending democracy with monarchy
>were the good guys in both World Wars
>never committed a deliberate genocide
>crusaded against slavery, rather than reveling in it
>left a global cultural legacy that we are all still living in
>didn't wear gay fezes
Niall Ferguson is a terrible historian. He's not worth reading by any stretch of the imagination.
There are good conservatively minded historians of the British empire. Elizabeth Longford, Phillipa Levine, Patrick Culquhoun, Keith Jeffrey, and so on. But Niall Ferguson is definitely not one of them.
We really don't give a shit about it beyond memers on here. The average punter won't have the first clue about the empire.
>>crusaded against slavery, rather than reveling in it
They reached a level where slavery was no longer necessary so they just switched them to illiterate Indians while cock blocking everyone still needing slaves out of economic reasons.
>left a global cultural legacy that we are all still living in
>left a colony that created a global cultural legacy we all live in*
Not even the Brits in the 19th century had a positive portray of the empire.
>we have an Empire but we don't have any money
>The British
>>was strong until the end, only dying due to American economic interference
Wss in decline long before US meddling in the Suez crisis
>>weren't boyloving degenerates
"In English preparatory and public schools romance is necessarily homosexual. The opposite sex is despised and treated as something obscene. Many boys never recover from this perversion. For every one born homosexual, at least ten permanent pseudo-homosexuals are made by the public school system: nine of these ten as honourably chaste and sentimental as I was."
Robert Graves, Good-bye to All That
>>didn't rip themselves apart when modernising their government, instead seamlessly blending democracy with monarchy
English Civil Wars?
>>never committed a deliberate genocide
Oops we accidentally the full-blooded Tasmanians.
>>crusaded against slavery, rather than reveling in it
>>left a global cultural legacy that we are all still living in
>>didn't wear gay fezes
Smoking caps
>fighting the whole bar
we wuz a great power n shiet
>Fucking up Europe as a whole, ruining cities, crashing economies, and turning your own country into a cultural backwater every time you achieve any significant power
>a good thing
well done mr teuton man you sure showd us
>I don't like unbiased accounts of the past because diverse historiography prevents me from engaging in jingoism towards an Empire that I would have probably been a low class factory pseudo slave in
Pretty embarrassing senpai.
A history the consists only of apologies for wrongdoings isn't objective
At the same time, a history that denies those wrongdoings exist isn't objective either.
You mean an intelligent man wouldn't stoop as low as reducing the whole of the empire to skirmishes with primitive natives without realizing that's not a proper argument to dismiss its achievements.
>The British Empire was evil and racist though
by modern standards certainly, by the standards of the time? far less so than the other european empires it was less genocidal than the spanish, belgian, portuguese or german empires and not more so than the french, it was less racist as well being more open to the native culture as in india and actually helped create the indian middle class that pushed for independence
OP is asking for an unbiased account while mainstream historians are only allowed to give a biased account which presents the british empire as evil
But it was evil and racist.
There are plenty who portray the empire even-handedly. It's just that the immorality of such an exploitative system is inherent. If what's being described seems "evil" to you, that might be because it is by your own standards.
OP, I think you just wanna see Britain get diccsucked. Here.
>they all got labelled as terrorists.
that's usually what happens when you set bombs off in cities
But the Ottomans are muslim while the english are- oh wait!
Wow, I forget that Britain didn't have to fight other European powers in order to acquire those territories!
>proud of being an irrelevant shithole
also i love that in your pic you don't see the US flag burning too
that's from an anti western riot in arabia
irrelevant countries are usually better
Ireland is, objectively speaking, the best country in the world.
>best country in the world
>Sometimes a second G (PIGGS or PIIGGS), for Great Britain, was also added.[14][15][16][17][18][19][20]
Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
>bringing up shite from our drop in the 90's
Let us know when we need to bail you out again, potatocucks
You're the one going to need bailing out after Article 50 is invoked and the British economy goes down the drain.
>a shithole
You seem to have confused us with the North.
I agree, I'm so jealous Ireland gets to keep all the polish immigrants now!
>Niall Ferguson is a terrible historian.
that's a mighty fine contrarian hipster bullshit opinion you have there
>I'm so jealous Ireland gets to keep all the polish immigrants now!
We'll take the Poles, you keep the Pakis
>unironically believing the poles are good people
Sarcasm at an obvious statement yeah? What's the point? He listed several alternatives, not like the post was without content.
At least we got revenge in Burma, meanwhile France was beaten by Thais
So just like Manilla?
>believing Poles aren't based
why so bitter?
>British Empire
>positive light
guyse where can i get full historic revisionism?
You've clearly shown you're a 13 year old with no understanding of communities and just see people from a right wing country as 'based'
>They refuse to get jobs
>Commit the most crime in London next to pakis
>Are thugs
>No patriotism
>General retards
>Try to avoid work
Everyone around here who's ever met a pole hates them. The rich ones come to my county and build hideous, tacky buildings in meadows.
>>Commit the most crime in London next to pakis
Not per capita, there they are just slightly above inborn Brits.
>It's just that the immorality of such an exploitative system is inherent.
Oh fucking cry moar you goddamn commie.
>You've clearly shown you're a 13 year old with no understanding of communities and just see people from a right wing country as 'based'
except I'm a leftist. Poles are polite, friendly and integrate well into Irish society.
>They refuse to get jobs
not true btw
>Commit the most crime in London next to pakis
Crime rates are roughly in line with the native population.
>Are thugs
not true btw
>No patriotism
not true btw
>General retards
not true btw
>Try to avoid work
not true btw
>I'm sick of hearing how "evil" and "Racist" the empire was
That's because you've bound up your self-image with your image of the nation and its history, meaning that you perceive any negative criticism of the British Empire as a criticism of yourself.
Learn to separate the two. Above all, forge your own identity and make your own history.
>it was less racist as well being more open to the native culture as in india and actually helped create the indian middle class that pushed for independence
This sounds like another variation of the >"we created infrastructure and shit, but we also drained you of your resources but our rule was still justified haha face it kid you lost. ;)"
There was already a middle class population present within India. Although there was a large gap between the rich and poor (obviously) - Mughal rule brought so many people out of poverty. Then the cancerous Anglos came along and fucked everything up, shouting that they've taken over, when in fact, their rule in India was very loose indeed (allying with some princely states and bribing them to war with each other doesn't denote ruler-ship of a country. British "rule" in India was nothing but a cancer that didn't do anything productive for the country.
inb4 "but they civilized you filthy designated street shitters lol owned"
>>They refuse to get jobs
>>Are thugs
Both wrong. Poles who come here tend to be the well-educated people who find that even shit-tier supermarket jobs are better paying than jobs at home, so they tend to do hard work that natives refuse to do (such as strawberry picking or shelf stacking).
>I want someone to tell me the Brits dindu nuffin
>I want someone to tell me the Brits were evil perfidious warmongers
Besides the obvious problem of wanting someone to reinforce your own biases, why not ask for a more nuanced view of British history? Oh wait, this is Veeky Forums, people can't understand things that aren't caricatured into politically-agreeable memes.
OP, I may as well start a thread asking "can anyone tell me how Ireland wasn't cucked to hell and back by England for 800 years? I'm sick of hearing about it."
Just fuck off and enjoy the ride, we're all fags here.
>Niall Ferguson
You mean the naff poofter that thought that the UK should've stayed out of WW1 and let Germany establish a continental hegemony? Protip: The UK has always been against an european hegemon.
The very same Ferguson who thinks that sexual suppression is good for muh business morals?
>"I like thing"
>People shit on thing
>"You only mad people shit on thing because you think you is thing"
>Couldn't be that you just want to learn about thing without overarching value assessments
Churchill won the noble prize for his writings on history. That should be suitably propaganda-ish for you
See: The only thing I have to add is that Japan never really has gotten into meme christian sexual politics. It is basically a pagan country. An economic powerhouse.
>hurr imma ignore Burma and all the other times japs got BTFO when they tried a stand up fight