who wins in a war:
A bunch of rich capitalist people.
A bunch of highly educated socialists and comunists.
Same resources, same manpower, same technological development at the start of the war.
who wins?
who wins in a war:
A bunch of rich capitalist people.
A bunch of highly educated socialists and comunists.
Same resources, same manpower, same technological development at the start of the war.
who wins?
The former because unlike commies, capitalists pay their troops in money and food instead of high ideals and empty promises.
>educated socialists and comunists
Communists wins a war, capitalism wins a peace.
history shows that commies swept up by revolutionary fervor are more highly motivated pound for pound better fighters than their capitalist counterparts
Rich capitalists will suck dicks of soldiers.
Communism won.
Communism wins.
Communism will win.
I prefer exterminating those who identify with class whether rich or poor, i only care about race.
If you identify with xoins or ideologues that place it above race then you are an enemy.
When they are paid and fed. When they are not paid, they lose badly.
Whoever has the effective force. What kind of retarded question is this?
I agree with you, but the real races are people with high, average and low height. Don't let color of the skin to trick you. Midgets are real cancer of society.
troops need money and gear not meme's and cool anthems
Race are a people, your family their family until ubique genetic differences appear constituting another race, you can say and do what you want it wont change truth no matter how you try to conflate.
we /pol/ now
You can be an enemy of the race, you will be an enemy of me.
You try to other an eqially valid opinion how very tolerwnt of you, all falsehoods are equal except for the truth, race.
Height is pretty genetic, so it is no less part of the race that any of the other factors.
Height holds no meaning for race, itbis of no consrquence and varoes from son to son.
Keep trying to conflate the truth of race with non relavent differences.
extreme but yeah
The things we base race on are based on genetic factors, but largely arbitrarily selected genetic factors placing more weight on appearance.
Why not do it based on eye color? Hair color? Right or left handedness? Height?
All hereditary traits with a basis in genetics. I bet if you did enough studies you'd find on average people with a certain eye color were more intelligent, or that lefties committed more crimes, or some other shit.
Incorrect, again you are doung as i stated yoy would be doing.
You dont get to choose, choice makes it false there is no choixe in the skull and dna.
Leftor right and all youve stated hold no meaning, all of that varies from ant to ant does that mean ants are bullet ants?
You don't choose the eye color or height you're born with either retard
>Leftor right and all youve stated hold no meaning
Neither does skin color or Genetic IQ
they're all arbitrary points of seperation
>Height holds no meaning for race
t. Pigmeus
>pol has nice discussion over this
>his goes on pol shitposting
wew lads, this was unexpected.
We create categories for things, there is nothing in nature that says "this ant is a bullet ant", we decide that base on their traits and we could set an entirely different criteria that is more or less specific if we wished. We could probably separate bullet ants into 20 different categories based on minor differences between colonies if we liked. Or we could have not bothered with the difference and called them all ants.
Race is a category we created. It is not without evidence - there are criteria we use to define race. That doesn't magically mean it's
A) The only criteria.
B) The best criteria.
C) Unchangeable.
Most people agree that race as we have it (in the "black, white, asian" sense) is a scientifically archaic rollercoaster mishmash of all sorts of superficial bullshit. We could just as easily take the "black" category and divide it into 20 new "races", because genetic diversity in Africa is fucking huge.
People have this bizarre idea that we just ran it through the Science Machine and the Science Machine printed out the Fact List of Race. In reality cataloguing species and races is based a lot on observing differences and then placing them in a category that WE invented based on what differences WE think are significant, but the boxes we choose to put things in are decided by us, not by the Science God.
pretty much this
>evolutionary fervor are more highly motivated pound for pound better fighters than their capitalist counterparts
Eastern front
But if they have the same resources wouldn't that mean that the socialists/communists are just as rich?
The Eastern Front was a mixed bag between unmotivated soldiers who wanted just to survive and full on hyper inspired Commie supermen
natural resources doesn't mean you're richer in an economic sense.
Depends on how exactly resources divided between people.
Race is not a category created it is a truth revealed and written down.
Praise Science God, for he is merciful.
Only the factor analysis can reveal the racial truth, the cherry picking on a single trait just helps other races to hide themselves and race mix.
There is nothing decided, are you genetically european yea or no, its your dna bones and genes not a classification.
All DNA are different so you need classification.
There is race who do you appear as? That is your race.
but seriously Citation needed are you seriously asserting that all human made categorizations are essentialist?
It's a classification otherwise every human would be it's own race
It isnt a classification "created" it is gravity written down.
>are you genetically european yea or no
i would question what you define "genetically european" considering there is a vast amount of genetic difference within europe
>money buys anything, even "highly educated socialists"
maybe you meant "highly indoctrinated and pampered bureaucrats"
capitalists because they'll do what's more efficient
while the socialist and communists argue over what's real socialism/communism
> every human would be it's own race
Why do you think that it isn't true? The individual racialism is the objectively right ideology.
>If I say it then it's true
>Why do you think that it isn't true?
who says I don't?
Human is a category?
Why should i care about humana other thabn apes?
Because apes are genetically different, if all"humans" were racially the same then why would i care or how would i care? Does an ant colony distinguish their members?
Most of the times, one guy listen to all the arguing and decided what to do. That is what soviet means originally, we argued and all agreed that we should do that an this.
Thats no.
>In reality cataloguing species and races is based a lot on observing differences and then placing them in a category that WE invented based on what differences WE think are significant
Color of skin unsignificant
differents forms of food processing insignificant
height and weight insignificant
genetic diseases insignificant
mental capabilities insignificant
Give this idiot a medal so he can feel better with him/herself
solid argument
>Does an ant colony distinguish their members?
Why does a lion breed other lions instead of feeding tigers to breed tigers?
As roles within the race.
Are you retarded?
"Genetically European" is the category, and we decide that category based on certain features we find the "average European" has. Why do you think organizing race by "Genetically European" is the most effective and scientific way to organize it? Why not "Old World" and "new world"? Why not "Pan-Asiatic"? Why not change the "Black" race to some other ethnic distinction? What about the French race or the Italian race or the English race? You could likely find enough genetic differences in any country, if you looked, to create a category.
As I said, there ARE CRITERIA. I'm not saying "race isn't real" because it is, I'm saying the CATEGORIES WE CHOOSE TO WORK WITH are made up. Using the ant example, look at this: This is how we determine it. We have criteria that we just decided on (often based on visual or geographical information) and then we named them based on that criteria, so that we have a system in which to catalogue things if specificity is needed. It's STILL INVENTED. Science God did not create Bullet Ants one and go "that's a bullet ant", you could probably cross a Bullet Ant with a Winnow Ant and what would you call it? If you made enough of them you could call it something else entirely, you could call it a Fuck Me ant. You could mix a German Shepherd and a Collie and call it a Canadian Shepherd, because you did it in Canada and nobody bothered to name the new breed before you, and you can say "This breed has these features of a German Shepherd and these features of a collie", you could make a very detailed list if you want, that doesn't mean Science God created it. That's what race is. You could fuck a black girl tomorrow, have a baby, and say your child is part of the Fuck Me race, and if enough people agreed you just created a new racial category based on the mix between you and a black lady. You could map little Fuck Me's genome and be VERY EXACT about what a member of the Fuck Me race is, but the category is invented.
Forgot the picture.
All races are genetically identifiable with unique characteristics and dna.
countered with
>Mao's red army
>Castro's revolutionaries
>Lenin's Bolsheviks
>NVA and vietcong
and probably many more
inb4 vietcongs
still wiped the floor vs their capitalistic counterparts the ARVN
European is the bame for the gravity it could be named veropob it doesnt change the properties written down.
>Human is a category?
>Why should i care about humana other thabn apes?
you mean why should you care more about humans than apes? well I'd argue you don't need to care one way or the other that's subjective
>Because apes are genetically different, if all"humans" were racially the same then why would i care or how would i care? Does an ant colony distinguish their members?
Why do you care about anyone? I guarantee you it isn't because of race. I know for a fact you probably hate some douche who happens to be white and many people openly despise their parents for being pieces of shit. You for a fact Inherently don't care about anyone you only care because of your experience with them and your interactions how they make you feel etc.
As for ants yes they differentiate based on colony they also fucking genocide other colonies of their own species all the time because they don't give a fuck about race they give a fuck about the colony they were born and raised in.
Each coloby is their race other colonies are foreign races.
I care about race as i told you, an enemy of "me" is an enemy of the race.
What race are you?
Hold on if this is the case then you're admitting race is completely arbitrary
because the commonality between two colonies of the same species are such that we group them together like europeans but you're saying then that in fact this is meaningless because it breaks down based on actual attachment and the conditions of the environment. I could call me and my brother a unique race and it's just as valid as what you're saying.
>I care about race as i told you, an enemy of "me" is an enemy of the race.
jesus what a cuck
you're seriously telling me that you just unconditionally care about every retard and douche who happens to be white because muh abstract vision of a tribe?
I think we're agreeing here.
European is the category. It's the accumulation of chosen properties. We observed properties, and said "if these properties are present they are a European." Let's say hypothetically by some fluke two Africans had a baby that was a genetic aberration. A mutation. Yet that mutation checked enough boxes to fit the European racial category based on our chosen criteria. Is that baby "African" or "European"?
The properties are objective, the category is subjective. European is -A- category that we CAN use, it isn't -THE- category that we MUST use. It isn't "more scientific" than creating a category for "Mediterranean" including south Europe, the middle east and North Africa and "North European" for the northern part. Why "Europe"? It's a way of doing it and that doesn't magically make it the best way of doing it. Sometimes the criteria is context specific, like if you find bones that match your "European" criteria in Africa you might go "How did a European get here in this time period?" In which case very superficial but notable genetic differences are very relevant, but that doesn't magically mean that's the best way to categorise living people just because of certain features we can differentiate. It can be "scientific" and still be arbitrary. What's the purpose of making the category "European" and not some variant?
The abstact is your feelings race is blood dna and truth.
> ITT people aren't red pilled about great ants race war
Genetically european is the propetty written down, thete is no genetic african which is genetic euro.
>race is blood dna and truth.
Except the genetic diversity just within a town of all whites makes this retarded. The blood and dna are objective your feelings about how they relate to people and grouping them together is arbitrary.
>Genetically european is the propetty written down
fuck me.
They're drowning in ideology senpai don't get too upset
Can you actually address what I said in my post instead of repeating your inane shit as if you hardly understood a word of it? "The property written down" doesn't matter. Written down by who? Why? For what purpose? Why is it magically superior if it's "written down"? I could write something down right now.
Wheres chart 1& 2?
There is no meanibg to category terms only what is being categorilized which are dna, why give dna meaning? Well does dna matter?
DNA has no inherent meaning behind it
It just is
They aren't relevant right now. I saved over hundred of charts but I never have an opportunity to post all of them.
Are you drunk? At this point I don't even have a clue what the fuck you're talking about.
Does dna matter?
Who /social democracy/ here?
The DNA we distinguish race by (skin color, hair form, nose shape, etc) are almost insignificant compared to other DNA differences within populations (and that difference is generally far more significant anyway). The main difference is visual and geographic, which is why we settled for them. Even if we go on to that "but blacks on average have a lower IQ!" (which is a messy can of worms considering how many things can impact IQ post-natally like nutrition) we could still find other things to tie IQ performance to if we had an agenda.
So yes, you can say "Blacks and whites are genetically different. Why? Because of the genes that makes their noses bigger, their hair fuzzy, and their skin black." And yeah, those are real genes, that's objective, but why are we making that our criteria and not something else? It's arbitrary.
If the point of our racial categories is "Spot the guy from Africa" then it's effective, besides that it's a shitty system and we could probably come up with far more descriptive (but perhaps less visually distinguishable) genetic categories. Then, however, where do we settle? Less races? More races? Do we want hundreds of races? Thousands of races? We could do it if we wanted. We could base it entirely in fact. It would be very scientific, it would actually be MORE correct than our current one if precision is the aim. What's the goal?
Because one is a small genetic difference and the others are massive.
You dont cone up with anything, something is true not chosen race is true race is genetic distance.
>Because one is a small genetic difference and the others are massive.
The genetic differences we distinguish race by ARE the small genetic differences. The large differences (upwards of 80%) exist within any given community (IE "Japan").
Genes and DNA aren't just "that thing what makes your eyes blue".
Except We're as a whole not very different genetically there is more difference between individuals than between large groups
You chose genetic distance as the criteria there is nothing objective about using that as the dividing line between populations compared to using strictly skin color or hair color
Why is it that stormfags have such awful writing skills? They type like 14 year olds or Russians
I'm convinced that particular guy is either drunk or retarded, he's consistently writing shitty difficult to parse posts and basically failing to address any of the things he's replying to.
Ants act as colonies, individuals within the colony have tasks and hierarchy. They don't have a concept of race, colonies compete against each other for resources.