Summarize a philosopher in five words or less

>Can't perceive it, don't care.

everything is a spook



if god possibly exists then he exists

You can't know nuffin'

The history was a mistake.

Nature was made for grace.

It's good to be king.

Civilization was a foolish mistake

This is such a stupid graphic, when did Descartes concern himself with what it means to be? I feel like whoever made this has read the phrase 'I think, therefore I am', and nothing else.

Deranged lunatic weirdo; misunderstood hack

We are free.

Psshh get a grip on things, kid.


>jumps off cliff

Heavier things fall faster

Meaning is use.

why i'm "anti-social"

Hey, what about consciousness?

Remember this from something awful, fucking years ago. Never phoned up the money to use their message boards, but articles like where this image came from were fantastic.

If any resident historian could lead me to that specific article for a re-read I would be ever so grateful.

I don't want those sour gapes.

Guess who?

where the boycock at

It's filtered through our mind.

Revelation and reason are complimentary

*sniff* it's pure idehological filth

*sniff* I would prefer not to.

We shall write all that is true in a formal language.

Seek simple pleasures, increase ataraxia

Colorless green ideas sleep furiously

loli lust guilt, find god


And so and so forth.

*sniff* mein gott, pure ideology

Hegel can suck my balls

Tree. Quad. Mind of God.

Realpolitik: Don't hate the player ;D