This is a XENOPHILE general edition
Also Vetra is the benefactor
Mea video pastebin
MEG's updated Pastebin
MegSev adventures: Megdev dot blogspot dot com
All previous Collages that we know of:
This is a XENOPHILE general edition
Also Vetra is the benefactor
Mea video pastebin
MEG's updated Pastebin
MegSev adventures: Megdev dot blogspot dot com
All previous Collages that we know of:
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second for cora, best girl
Do I get any bonuses from resetting the level of my MP char? I got a 20 female soldier.
fifth for Cora should get BLACKED
aliens don't deserve to live
kill them, scott
kill them all
>I unironically ignore reality and let muh feelings about muh race overtake me
I judge by individual like any intelligent person, race is irrelevant so is species.
Cora's suit is so tight!
what if obsidian made the next mass effect game
No, not like in ME3.
Pretty much this. Andromdea belongs to humanity and SAM will make sure it happens
Shut up SAM, i just wanna fuck Vetra.
But every Pathfinder has their own SAM
>want to try out all the squadmate combinations
>always bring cora because of that ass
What if your mother orbits my dick?
>time to switch from "aggressive study" to "subversion"
>God tier
>Good tier
>Shit tier
>Complete fucking shit tier
but our SAM is a special snowflake
Batarian/Elcor/Volus/Drell are where
It would have way fewer romances, be better written, and have even more bugs.
How are you supposed to procreate with Vetra?
>can't put Sara and Pelessaria in Cora's suit, too
>no team of three fat butts
I initially wanted to romance Vetra but jesus christ dat fucking ass.
I masturbated to the sex scene
Reminder that the future of Humanity is a ship full of special ed students.
irrelevant tier
>Universe god tier
>God tier
>Awesome tier
>Meh tier
>Shit tier
This is the only objectively correct list
Do you think she gets a lot of wedgies
is this actually from X-Com?
Meme tier
So it would be worse in all ways, no thanks
oh lawd. BRAP overload
Through the power of love, user.
Or adoption, IDK.
I haven't seen a female batarian, i don't think, but I imagine i want to rape one in the ass pretty hard
oh all right
No, running a mass effect mod for Stellaris
>there will never be a female vorcha romance
krogan cock so good huh?
Love does not empower your sperm, user.
fuck, i did too
the animation work in that scene tells me someone on the c team has talent, too bad the rest of the game isn't that well done
>Scott and Vetra's first time
>[Private] Scott, I have researched several turian records, I can instruct you in how to perform several sexual motions that Miss Nyx should find pleasing.
>[Private] Scott, I feel I should tell you that I can increase your stamina. You will be able to last much longer in your love making
>[Private] Scott I can alter your sperm, I can make is assured that you can impregnate Vetra
SAM does :^)
>no option to cuddle her
Goddamn it.
>that they'll either learn to stop fighting
Fucking stupid statement. The Asari never stopped fighting, the Protheans didn't.
>or they'll fight to the death of their own species
Why? They have an entire galaxy they can fight now
>that was the whole point of leaving them alone on their little rock planet was so that they can learn this with out bothering everyone else in the galaxy
?? They left their rocky planet for the sole purpose of fighting an alien's war. They weren't uplifted for their intellect, m8
>but fucking salarians escalated the situation and now eveyone is fucking involved
Yes, and how you deal with that other than the genophage was my question. You can't "leave them alone" it's too fucking late for that. You can't negotiate with them (just look at the citadel DLC archives for that). They breed uncontrollably and have a "might is right" lifestyle. It was either the genophage, or Krogan taking over citadel space. You'd probably that though, Krogaboo
The first kiss was amazing, animation wise.
How the fuck would SAM alter your sperm DNA? The fuck?
Based wingman SAM, helping Scott mating press Andromeda one alien at a time. He'll be like the Ghengis Khan of space.
how the fuck does SAM make you immune to a highly contagious disease that can kill even Krogan?
>no option to rape her in the sleep
fucking sjw's
Is Vanguard viable on Insanity or do you just take too much damage?
SAM is literally magic tier, to the point of letting biotics fucking TELEPORT
>getting this assmad about space jocks beating space nerds
bruh, did you even get laid in high school
I don't know
>those little inhales of lust in the kissing part
Thank you for your honesty user
>SAM has the power to make Vetra a mom
Oh my god, the fallout from Vetra feeling weird and SAM being like 'by the way I made you preggo lol' would make for a great (albeit super fucking dumb) story.
>for anything but pure
read this
apply principles to SP
>yeah, it's reddit, fuck you
>it's the only place that discusses andromeda MP in any meaningful way
You just need to ___git gud____
>you will never be a krogan
so who is the tranny in this game?
Sexy Turians were a mistake
Hainly Abrams
Some NPC in Podromos.
at least I'm not projecting
>fat butt
>Vacation/romance DLC
>You and your LI get stranded on some crazy planet on the way to their holiday destination
>ending opens up the actual holiday destination like the citadel DLC. Casino, space golf course, everything
>fugly Hawaiian shirt for scott, cute summer dress for sara
>best girl
>TFW no mass effect as the heir to the urdnot clan, focused on guiding the future of all krogan
Jien Garson is voiced by a real life tranny
She dated keanu reeves
Nice pistol mod
she never even says she loves you
How many days was it until Ryders vacation? Wasn't it like 500 something
need lingerie options you fucking faggot
I don't think Jien is trans because she talks about when she was a little girl or something along those lines. I don't know how a trans person would refer to themselves when they were kids though.
Why would she lie?
500 and something days, yeah.
Holy shit, you could actually make this work. Make it a time skip to then, and set it on Voeld when it melts into an ocean paradise.
So /meg/ will we ever see anything like this again? or are sexy strippers in a ME game dead.
The suit is utilizing the Systems Alliance wedgie design. The same one that the brave sluts on Shaanxi used, as well as the late General Williams' granddaughter.
Tried and true human design! Great for rubbing vags and b*ttholes, too!
turian sperm bank
A trans person would always refer to themself as the gender they are now.
For instance Bruce Jenner was a woman when she won the men's event in the olympic. A woman with kids would be referred to as a man that gave birth etc
I don't think Jien is the tranny though, she'd probably have a big monologue about it like the character in DA:I
It's weird that there's fully dressed salarians and shit in the dancing cages inside Tartarus.
Is there a way to change your face without restarting from the beginning? I thought the face would grow on me but it didn't.
Go to the bar in Kadara, Tartarus or whatever it's called.
Yeah I figured if Jien was trans they would have worked that in there. Bioware's not really subtle about this sort of thing.
desu it'd be more groundbreaking of Bioware not to make her a tranny. That way they're showing that even if you're a transvestite you can still just play the role of a woman or man without that character being trans.
>he fell for the premium pack meme
Expert pack is the best.
Are the XENO SCUM posters just being ironic? Who the hell would play this game and not like aliens? Aliens are the only reason to play a Mass Effect game. Humans are boring and lame.
what am I looking at here?
Those aren't nearly naked though
They wear to many clothes, that's my point.