Clang edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for being toxic
xth for Syndra
xth for drug users are disgusting people who need to get their life back on track
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
What champion pisses you off the most?
>failed promo again
time to kys
I need a yordle bro that loves Poppy as much as I do
>dodgeable by everyone who knows how to sidestep, thus making him a shit jungler
>extremely predictable movement makes him get shit on bot mid and top and losing majority of matchups, if behind he's irrelevant as fuck
>"b-but the ult"
Do you actually play this game? If you actually put money in your team instead of yourself you are in for the wildest ride.
Unless you are support.
Then I just feel sorry for you.
Actually no, haha fuck you.
>i dont have chopsticks for 2 but i have chopsticks for jews
>tfw Jhin's theme comes up on your playlist.
Warlords seems to be an efficient "exchange" for DFT on him at the moment. But thats just my experience.
>mfw realizing all the waifufags are actually the same person with multiple IPs, hence why they never fight
You pick pantheon and collect your freelo assuming you have counterpick.
Nunu works too.
When I'm not playing Janna or soraka it's Janna or soraka
>renek deals damage equal to 90% of Darius's health
>in the time it takes Darius to deal less than half
Renekton OP pls nerf rito
sejuanifags and ashefags legitimately hate lissfag
if renek didn't screw up his mechanics he coulda killed dar
Lissfag/Sejfag/Ashefag are the same people eh? Alright.
i love poppy's fat futa dick
Well they at least stay on point lorewise.
Why do you continually post this webm? All it shows is how badly you suck at renek and you've been posting it for like a whole year.
No they aren't. Lissfag's a cunt. Sejuanifag is a horny fuck but is tolerable. Ashefag only posts when lissfag insults her.
false flags
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA
pass is vidya
>tfw lolg is runterra in a different universe
comfy bfs~
also xth for staying up an entire day, only 6 and a half hours to go
>every single game seems to all ride on early game
>can never end early due to people constantly ARAM in mid even if its against an enemy team that has good siege power.
god dammit this is so annoying I just want to be able to push into a side lane without my team fucking throwing into a 4 vs 5 holy shit.
I love her more!
Why the fuck does Maw have CDR?
Why does Cleaver have 20 instead of 10 CDR?
Why is Banshee's Veil a passive and why do people claim it being a passive is why it's balanced when Night exists?
Why is spirit Visage so insanely efficient even without its passive?
Why is cleaver the only armour pen option for bruisers/fighters?
fluffy tails
Me too, user.
i love you
>jungle nid
>get flamed
>it becomes meta a few months later
>same shit happens with
>black cleaver lucian
>shyvana top
>tahm kench support
>malz support
>kennen adc
>ziggs adc
since I apparently dictate the meta, what does /lolg/ want to be meta next?
She's perfect and I love her!!!
i love you too!!
suppose someone were to draw a short comic style about leona and sejuani coming out of a workout rather horny
since they're gym buddies they can't do such things however
however for the sake of the argument assume upon getting to the showers they come upon one of the following:
a) a shota summoner who decided to come early to get strong but entered the wrong locker rooms by mistake
b) a shy Sona who wants to cut out a bit on her fat and came to the gym for the same reason
which of these two would you like to see receive the dominant ministrations of leona and sej
Quinn ADC
this i gotta see
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
anyone got some nice ezreal or riven reaction images
Because im not the renek, im not even the darius. I was spectating a friends game and saw renekton dive on darius, i brushed it off thinking he was a fucking moron going in at half health but he melted that fucker down to sub 10% and i was like godamn, i guess thats the power of autistically maining your champion.
And then darius ends his life at the last second and gets away, That was such a rollercoaster of emotion in the span of a couple seconds that i made a webbum out of it and posted it to lolg. Turns out lolg noticed that the renekton is actually shit way faster than i did, so i asked a neutral question that subtly implies that im the renekton being a salty bitch without being too overt.
Ive drowned in (you's) ever since. I cannot believe i still get genuine responses to this day.
fun fact, bronekton has played 300 games with his main, barely has 50% winrate(it was sub 50 last time i checked) with the incredible average of 6/6/5
>get top
how the fuck do I play top and why is it always so fucking cancerous
sona definitely
you got to be a faggot to want to see a specific guy in your porn
Don't you mean on?
Do they have dicks?
Sona. But only if they bully her.
need 2 vg NA spots filling quick
look for it then you gayboi
You better be good if youre not picking cancer
Ah. You are still addicted to (You)s. Thanks for being honest with me at least. Could you save me the trouble and tell me what rank he is?
I'm a d5 shitter and darius and rene are my two top laners. There's three different ways this renekton could've not shit the bed. He could have saved his W for darius q. He could have saved his q for a couple seconds and had it empowered. He could have at least saved his second e for darius q.
But instead he does none of that and dies with 100 fury.
I cry errytiem.
play it a lot and you'll get better
since top is a long lane you need to be very aware of the jungler and minion control is also more important than in mid
it's also a very cancerous lane since you get buttfucked to prostate orgasm if you're behind
Maw has CDR to make it slot efficient late game on those who might take it. And it often caps out CDR for most people who take it. When Maw had Lethality it was busted. And when it didn't have either it wasn't worth the upgrade unless you had absolutely nothing left to buy.
Cleaver is meant as an all around powerspike item for bruisers and the general bruiser build being BC/Maw/SV gives you max CDR where your other 2 items can be either full tank or damage depending on the circumstances but still gives you a good core of damage/survivability.
Veil needs a change definitely. And honestly they should just take out the shield and replace it with something else entirely.
It's intentionally done so even those who don't use the healing but could use the Health/MR/CDR aren't missing out on item efficiency. Besides you do get the healing benefit just from building the item as it also boosts HP regen and gives you a 200% boost in its base stats
Pretty much every bruiser/fighter/duelist in the game has inflated base damages at the cost of scaling. And quite a number do % health damage or at least mixed damage making it hard to itemize against. They don't need Armor Pen to do their job as they can already beat tanks in fights and don't need any sort of penetration to kill squishies.
i thought people liked /ss/
there are no dicks or anything so maybe lezdom is a bit too borin
>get hardest lane in the game
Probably because you don't know shit about league. Top lane is the only lane where you have to have knowledge of all the main skills that league tests.
Heaviest trading lane. Easiest lane to gank. Lane with the harshest counterpicks. Only lane where wave management is a necessity. Only lane that forces you to know where their JG is.
it is, seeing little shota dicks get bullied is pretty good
i'd like to see the shota get fucked
>It's intentionally done so even those who don't use the healing but could use the Health/MR/CDR aren't missing out on item efficiency
But the only reason it has to be designed that way is BECAUSE there aren't any adequate Magic Resist alternatives for the tanky champions who don't get anything out of its passive. If there was, Visage could be allowed to be inefficient because only champs who make use of its passive would take it and champs that didn't would have an alternative MR item.
How much did he pay for platinum in s6? Top fucking kek.
Deja vu!
I've just swam in this place before
or you could just pick a tank
>get role
>someone dodges
>get in champ select again
every time
I mean it depends. What are they going to do to Sona? Lesbian stuff is great for getting you going but hard to finish on. And while futa on female can be hot it's not for everyone.
/ss/ is nice and all but muscled women are also an acquired taste and from the sounds of it that's all the /ss/ would entail.
But if you're drawing it or something just do whatever. You can't please everybody but there are certainly people who would appreciate your kinks.
Picking a tank doesn't make any of the above any less true. It's still the hardest lane and then you have a shitter who doesn't know how to play the game be in charge of deciding when team fights happen.
Learn wave control (this is extremely important for top, it can make a counter into winning by just having more knowledge)
Learn matchups, what can champions do
Be good at lasthitting, learn to waveclear effectively as possible
Early XP>CS>kill. No exceptions.
Learn to use TP
You can be selfish with it (early xp is almost always more efficient then helping team, same goes for roaming)
Don't use tp on team if you have no benefit from it
You can take both ignite and exh but TP is a lot better for inexperienced tops.
If you feel good enough take ignite it helps a LOT to snowball.
First turret is always good, damn sweet G.
If ahead ask for herald, you won't regret it.
Learn to read enemy movement, if someone goes agressive when it he was passive all along its damn suspicious.
If top is missing for a few seconds he helped the jungler, apply this knowledge for choosing playstyle and wave control.
Always be relevant, put as much pressure on the enemy as possible.
There is no such thing as nothing to do on, take jungle camps for example, or go other lanes and pressure them, this is why choosing splitpush champs is good on top.
>Suffer 2 hellish games with retarded teams
>Win the next one tryharding with teemo and save my rank
>*Polaks join in* more like apes
>pic related happens
>go to the next game
>*Yasuo Main TGsomething has entered the room*
yes that was his name
>Cant join queue for 35 minutes
Its like rito wants me to go straight to bronze 5
>get role
>someone dodges
>cancel queue
>requeue in 2 minutes
>get role
Blame it on the APbabbies that whine relentlessly whenever good MR choices exist. Old Aegis was gutted. Runic Bulwark and FoN removed. And every other choice you might have currently like GA, BoC, Abyssal, Wits End, etc...etc... are either not worth it or only situationally good in niche picks/builds.
Then again most AP players don't build Void until 5th or 6th item despite it being one of the greatest pick ups on tons of champions as 3rd or even 2nd item as it always scale to late game and the base damages on a lot of AP champs are huge.
Just did a bunch of math because im autistic and it looks like the 1% crit rune doesnt even outscale that hard. they break even at 100 ad (100ad 1% vs 101 ad 0%), and the 1% crit scales worse, down to 99.5% damage at 99% crit (100ad 100% vs 101ad vs 99%)
For a typical 80% (81%) crit build you arent breaking even until you you have ~170ad
The difference between the two is literally decimals though so its pretty much personal preference. 1% is unreliable but has more potential to be impactful, while 1 ad is a whole lotta nothing that might add up to something eventually. Ive had countless situations where crit won me a fight, and ones where not having the 1 ad lost me the fight.
Okay but like.
What if you improved at the game?
>fart memes
No, no, he's a melee after all. I feel in my D5 heart that building straight AP bruiser RoA into Abyssal into Rilay's/Liandry's/Zhonya's should probably be stronger but since that build is a lot riskier, requires more gold AND is probably worse in soloq situations where you usually don't have enough frontline anyway, but I haven't played nearly enough of that build to be able to support such a thing over the RoA/Abyssal into tank or even straight tank.
>dodgeable by everyone who knows how to sidestep, thus making him a shit jungler
You mean the E? You don't even need to hit it most times, your main CC in the gank is W/redbuff autos. And play him primarily top/mid.
don't play him support, and if you do then of course go full tank you won't have gold to build everything you want
>losing majority of matchups
dunno, haven't had trouble against anyone but a Xerath, and even then I was able to waveclear all day long
>"i-it's soloq don't trust anyone"
after you get out of gold it gets a lot better, surfer.
And, actually, yes, I have been climbing queueing support/mid. People don't realize how much impact you have specially when you can pick Zyra and 1v2 or pick Lulu and make your team immortal. I feel sorry for you if you need to rely on mechanics alone and 1v5ing to win your games.
Im listening...
Tell me that "thing" that will get me to diamond
implying taliyah could carry this shitfest
if you pick a tank you'll never get 1v1d, trades aren't as relevant, it's harder to die to ganks
wave control is still very much important
assuming the user is of average intelligence
just like
its time to stop picking the ironic arabian woman who kills with stones
yeah he clicked next to him and moved towards him instead of getting the last auto.
just a shit player
we aren't really talking super muscled girls, just reasonably more fit than most (abs, strong thighs, back muscles, that kind of stuff)
i struggle to draw futa when not horny so i thought just straight up lez would be better
Well I mean.
How many smurfs get stuck in low rating and can't climb out? What do you think their secret strategy to get good teams is?
>when you channel the energy of the jungle itself
That's what I mean, im on the abyssal into tank team. But im only plat and dont play galio so my entire thought process is "damn that galio did a ton of damage with one item, that seems good"
holy shit how did RIOT allow this?
So you're telling me
in order to climb im forced to play whatever the fuck has the best stats on champion.gg
Why should i be forced to buy Zed,Vayne,Lee or Yasuo ? What id i dont like to be an edgelord
Pray to RNGesus for a good matchup ? Seems like this is the way to go
none of those points makes sense
>you'll never get 1v1d
just to name a few. There's nothing that can be done about top lane being the hardest lane.
In terms of skills required it's
Jg > top > adc > mid > support.
I'm a mid main.
gitting gud
>guy picks nautilus, maokai
>or one of the other many tanks
>I press R
But surely some of them would get bad rolls and get stuck? Why don't they?
I get it. We've all looked at the damage charts after game and asked ourselves if our ADC right clicked an enemy gamer even once the entire fucking game.
But you look past it and you keep a positive winrate because you can carry your shit teams at least some of the times, and then when the enemy team gets the shit teams you carry all of the time, then you climb.
*tips fedora*
>hardest role assignment lane in the game
surely you meant to post Trundle and not Darius.
>Draven just explodes
Holy fuck.
Factually the hardest lane. Indisputable.
Jg is the hardest role. See
>this is what bronze players believe
Xth for Katarina
best girl
Yeah don't read this shit man, top is cancer. You get matched against renekton who combos you on lvl 3 to 1/3 HP
>pick tank
>guy picks darius instead of an actual tank counter that can run it down top lane and splitpush
>just let him have his lane in the early levels
>he either spends forever trying to kill me in teamfights at which point he dies to my team or he tries killing my team and i just peel him off them
If you want to counter tanks you need fiora or riven or even tryndamere. Somebody that demands attention because theyll melt towers otherwise
Hii! I'm so glad you love Poppy as much as I do!
this thinking is so wrong and I see it here so often.
every role has different things to do and they're all roughly equal in investment/knowledge/thinking/etc
Maining is also a meme made up by the community and a good player can play anything and everything with just some more learning and effort for each additional role
Darius absolutely dumpsters most tanks. Poppy Mao and malph are freelo. Naut can be hard but it's most because of his busted waveclear.
First stop building her like that. Laundry's is good but not as first item. Deathcap is a luxury one and Void should be build in accordance to enemy MR.
Morellos or the Ice hose are good first items with different uses. Sometimes you need the bulkiness that a Catalyst provides and the catch/kite potential of its slow. Sometimes you need the CDR, mana regen, and AP from Morellos.
Second should be Rylais. It turns you from an annoying poke champ to one of the most frustrating ones to chase or run from.
Then Laundry's.
After that is up to you. Sometimes you'll need Abyssal to stay in fights against heavy AP or just to survive in lane if you're against someone with unavoidable damage. Sometimes you need hourglass to survive AoE or assassins. Etc...etc...
Taliyah is really versatile with her builds and you should pick your items to fit your team/playstyle.
And roam as much as you physically can. She was made for it.