>doomsday preppers
>fear all other forms of investment
>cite le technological uses of gold
>cite le gold is useful after the collapse meme in the same sentence unironically
>easily offended
>constantly sperging out on online forums
>ZeroHedge considered credible
Why are gold bugs so autistic Veeky Forums?
Gold Bugs and Autism
This. Fuck goldbugs.
i would
Coiners are the new gold bugs. They use the exact same annoying arguments.
Doesn't matter what you think, society places value of it.
lol so many rekt noob traders complaining on rebbit its great
the exemptions from many taxes and history make it an attractive wealth store for "rainy days"
There are A LOT of similarities between coiners and goldbugs. Both are markets and manipulated, unpredictable and volatile as fuck
>mfw I'm invested in both
there isn't anything wrong with liking and trading either of them...they just have such autistic communities
> Doesn't it make you afraid that our currency only has value because we say it does?
Only has value because we say it does? You mean like gold?
No No only mercury causes autism.
You weren't supposed to eat the thermometer Icarus.
I only own physical platinum, getting it at a discount to gold is pretty amusing, thanks goldbugs
>getting it at a discount to gold is pretty amusing
How do you get it at a discount?
He means getting it cheaper than gold. Stupid people likes to use buzzwords.
"Buzzword" doesn't mean the same thing as "synonym." Getting item x at a discount to (or relative to) item y only means that item x is cheaper than item y. In this case, 'discount' and 'cheaper than' are synonymous. Learn to read dumbass.
wait what’s wrong with zerohedge? literally no idea lmao sorry
I have some Au and Ag, but I bought before the bubble so still up. Sold some during the good times so reduced my average buy price dramatically. At worst I can melt and replace my Hg fillings.
But electric has killed the market? else there would be road sweepers picking it up from the gutters.
so /ourguys/?
close. I suppose /ourguys/ would need to use gold and cryptocurrency combined for maximum autism. Some sort of bitgold bullshit
I don't do any gold investing, but those fucking gold bars make me hard. Holy fuck, I want to buy one and hold it in my hand.