>Please refrain from memeing and give sources.
Most lucerative PhDs, what are they?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bump for interest.
What would be a PhD in economics be like?
Yeah, a fucking phd, you might as well burn your money and your time now and save yourself the hard work for /minimalresults/
>What is STEM?
I literally discarded your opinion.
PHD is a meme, and so are you if you do it.
PhD here
If you are serious about science and academia then you NEED a PhD. It is essential
If you want to make money then no don't bother. A Masters will do and work experience will be more valuable.
I don't regret getting my doctorate. It was a great journey and I got paid to do it.
>What is a PhD in engineering?
You guys are a let down.
This user knows what he is going on about, well done, sir.
Math. 300k starting.
Would a math or cs phd be useful for being a real quant? It seems to me like mfe degrees are for highly qualified code monkeys
In engineering? Unless you want to be a professor, or use your knowledge to create something that will solve an engineering problem (which you won't), you wont get anything from it you retard.
My dad has a phd in chemical engineering and is earning less than some fucking highschool drop out who went into sales.
Get your head out the clouds you cuck.
Funny, your dad must have either gone to a shitty university, or is a brainlet. I wonder which one it is? ;)
Talk shit over the internet all you want faggot, I know for a fact you dont have even a quarter of the brain my dad has. He went to an OK university, not great by any means, newcastle in the UK.
You won't get anywhere near what my dad did though, you're the fucking brainlet bud, I doubt you'd even get the phd.
Fucking kek, kek, kekekekekeke NEWCASTLE!
Funny shit nigga, considering I'm from Devon and have already been accepted to a better university (UCL).
Nice bait, townie.
>My dad is a genoius!
Where did he go?
FUCKING KEKOIDS! Ahahahahahahahaha. :'D
that is just one story; there are plenty of chemical engineers that are doing well. My father's friend has a doctorate in mathematics and electrical engineering, and he did solve an engineering problem, and did make millions.
See, that's more like it user, you're a good guy.
>projecting this hard
You will never make it brah, sorry bud
>if you disagree with my idea to do a phd, fuck you
>but if you agree, yay, were friends now
Retard, also, did you need to reply twice? You sound mad.
>O-oh no, h-he d-didn't t-think m-my d-d-daddy is smart.
>I-I k-know... I-I'll show him!
>Ha, got him! I got him, daddy!
>Dad: "Fuck off son, I'm busy flipping burgers."
No, no, not anger, just delightful glee at how hilarious your post was:
>Really low down on ANY university league table.
>Shitty entry requirements a normie could easily meet.
>My dad is SO smart.
You know what you sound like? Those kids in the playground who go:
>My dad is stronger than your dad.
>My dad could beat up your dad.
Get real faggot, you and your family are a laughing stock.
Actually, wtf am I even saying?
Bro, please go ahead and do a phd, please fucking do. Only when its over will you realise the mistake you've made. And you're clearly a fucking moron when you're coming to Veeky Forums to ask for the most lucrative phd, if you're planning on doing a phd then you should already have a pretty damn good idea on what phd you want to pursue.
Poor you.
>doesn't know what projecting means
>dad is a burger flipper
>me and my family
>entire family
So my dad didn't do so well for himself, you INSTANTLY know how well I and the rest of my family is doing, I'm 19 and I'm earning more than my dad is right now (and he's on 67k post tax).
Go fuck yourself user, you sound like a retard.
>burger flipping
Not even a good guess faggot, dad is on £67k and I'm earning more than he is at 19, don't be sad that you're a failure like this phd wonna be faggot.
Gosh, yeah, just like your (((genius))) father with his chemical engineering PhD and shitty salary, I'm sure he knew what he was doing, am I right? :^)
I'm saying he was using it as a pathetic attempt to defuse the situation, retard.
That's how I picture you reading it, brainlet, yes.
>dad is a burger flipper
Probably is, honestly.
>I'm 19 and I'm earning more than my dad is right now (and he's on 67k post tax).
Ahahahahahahahahahaha, fucking hell, your dad is such a loser he should probably just kill himself.
Lord knows, if my faggy little son was earning more money than me I'd blown my brains out Kurt Cobain style (that is, if I didn't fuck that up too, like your dad probably would).
>You're a failure.
Sure, sure, just read back through your pathetic diatribe about your shitty life and how it actually proves your faggot of a father and yourself are better than someone you don't know (as I haven't sperged out about my life on the Internet, like you, faggot).
Wow, to be quite honest with you, you sound like someone who can't take being challenged at all.
Everyone who I challenge about X topic, who doesn't know how to debate, sperges out like you and sounds legitimately mad.
I feel sorry for you man, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Once again, keep asking an anonymous image board on what degree you should take, becasue its clear everyone on here knows more than you.
Kill yourself before its too late.
In all honest though, the way you talk makes you sound like like you don't even have a degree. Or maybe you're just a shitty person? Which is it?
I fuck me, that reply was glorious and honestly almost satiated my lust for my sadistic craving of others emotional distress.
I love it when others try and posit themselves as superior through use of subtle posturing and attempting to seem calm.
No one would put that much effort, or even reply, if they didn't care.
Thank you, I wish you and your faggy loser of a father the best.
I'm just a really shitty person who enjoys to see plebs squirm.
You replied just as much as I did
We can disagree all we want, but lets put it this way.
Almost all phd grads in engineering either go into lecturing, or research.
The chances of you working with a team of people who just so happen to be the people that discover then next source of renewable energy, is very slim (that was just an example).
Go for the phd, I wish you luck, but all I'm saying is the if your main aim is to make money (as your pic in the OP implies) then getting a phd really isn't worth it.
>You replied just as much as I did.
The difference is, unlike you, I'm not trying to act unphased; I'm enjoying being fed.
Being civil now? Interesting move.
Honestly, I understand your points, I don't know you or your father, but I am certain that I am pretty intelligent.
Why does money matter?
Capitalism, the Western society that we live in demands it and I have people that I need to leave a legacy for.
I'm an Asperger, so I have a naturally logical mind and talent for it.
It doesn't matter if you believe that or not, I'm just simply trying to convey my reasoning.
What about the slim chances?
I really don't care, if no one ever took a chance we would still be a species of shitty ground ape.
>Not Just getting an MBA and getting a job in Insurance Sales
But... but... but... how much money?
I took a chance on business, and it paid off.
My dad took a chance on a PHD and it fucked him over, the most he earned during his entire career in academia was £130k yearly, in Dubai before all that shit went down over there.
I started 2 businesses after I saved money while working a sales job, one in food, the other was a tech company.
They both did well, the tech company more so, but my main point is that imo, education is dying. I used to love it, because my dad taught me too. But after going through the education system, I just don't think its required to make money unless you're a retard who can't manage money and /marketresearch/.
Also yes, being civil does bring out the better point in people, does it not?
instead of
>ur faggy dad lol kys kid lol asdfsdfafd
Just sayin senpai
well this thread took a sharp fkn left
most threads do, if two people disagree on anything here on Veeky Forums it usually ends in a war of autism
>I took a chance on business, and it paid off.
Luck of the draw, if only everyone had it.
>My dad took a chance on a PhD and it fucked him over the most he earned during his entire career in academia was £130k yearly, in Dubai before all that shit went down over there.
Ouch, I'm sorry for that, times can truly be harsh and there are plenty of unforeseeable battering rams that can stop a person dead in their tracks (regardless of good intentions or not).
>Education is dying.
I agree, it has been dying since the governmental controls of the education system back in the 1800s (certainly in the UK).
>I just don't think its required to make money unless you're a retard who can't manage money and /marketresearch/.
I partly agree, though some fields certainly require qualification before they'll consider hiring you or giving you authority (and therefore a more handsome pay cheque.
My plan was and is to concentrate on engineering, technological engineering (more so than others) and create a technology company based around a certain idea that I don't want to air.
To simply put it, I'm hoping it will aid in stopping the food crisis that we will incur if our planets chemistry continues to change against what we are used to.
>Also yes, being civil does bring out the better point in people, does it not?
It certainly does, being vitriolic has its time and place. Likewise, do does being civil.
>Just sayin senpai.
Arigatou gozaimasu, user-san.
You mean with the civility or the weapons grade autism on display above?
I'm fairly sure a planet can be possessive.
>*so does
I'm starting to get tired.
Its funny how we can go from absolute autismo to a somewhat friendly discussion?
Good luck if you choose the phd user, I hope you do better than what my dad did.
Whatever you do, just don't to chemical.
85-90K A year without Busting your balls, and without being some brainiac who has a STEM PHD.
>Its funny how we can go from absolute autismo to a somewhat friendly discussion?
Sort of reminds me of secondary school and early college, getting into lots of fights and then proceeding to make friends with those exact same people.
Sorry for railing on your father like I did, that was out of line.
>Good luck if you choose the phd user, I hope you do better than what my dad did.
Thank you, user, I wish both you and your father the best of luck. And in his case, that his fortunes turn around and he is able to put his brain to good use, a wasted mind is tragic.
>Whatever you do, just don't to chemical.
Noted, I will steer clear.
Sounds sort of boring, too easy for its own good.
Correlation is not causation.
There are good and bad things about an Economics PhD (some of the stuff also applies to a Finance PhD).
Everything is great if:
* You want to work in academia and think you would enjoy it
* You are smart and decent at high end math, and capable of learning new stuff quickly
* You get into a highly selective top program in a top school
* You perform well (find it easy) to do the required classes
* You come up with a really good research idea, or get to work with seniors who do good work
* You're job market paper gets noticed, you get to present it at conferences, and hopefully even get a revise and resubmit (or publication even) in a top journal right before the job market
* You've been social enough that people know you and will write praising recommendation letters and advertise you in the time leading up to the job market
You might also do pretty well even if you don't want to work in academia, because there are jobs in central banks, economic research institutes, consultancies, banks, etc. But all the other stuff still applies.
Do not do a PhD at a second rate university.
Do not do a PhD if you do not at least enjoy academic life and the professors and other staff.
Do not do an Economics / Finance PhD if you expect to "change" how people think, "revolutionize" the field, have an "I don't believe the models" attitude, think that economists "can't even predict recessions".
Do not do a PhD if you do not enjoy standing in front of large groups of people talking about difficult topics. You need to enjoy lecturing / performing, You need to be comfortable with public speaking and talking to strangers.
I could probably come up with some other stuff if there is interest.
You can read about the centralized job market that you attend after you get your PhD at (sorry, paywall):