Why do Communists hate fascicm so much when there hasn't been a fascist country since 1945? Ya'll are like Greeks with this dwelling on the past shit
Why do Communists hate fascicm so much when there hasn't been a fascist country since 1945...
Marxists usually use the word fascism in the colloquial sense, to describe all right-wing authoritarianism.
What about Franco?
Fascists are too powerful, one sec youre bourguise the nextckikrs are tosses from mansions
Franco killed spanish fascism
Franco was a militarist. You would have been right with Salazar and Le ebin Helicopter Ride Man tho.
every cult needs their devil user.
Probably because it's a distinct enemy, some bogeyman that they at point at.
What's more perplexing is how much this gets wrapped up into black rights in America, like what did they have to do with Nazism?
>when there hasn't been a fascist country since 1945
Saudi Arabia
US (after George W. Bush)
Russia (after Putin)
That's some good meme'ing but I can't help but
>Russia (after Putin)
>Saudi Arabia
Most presidents have been conservative.
>US (after George W. Bush)
>Russia (after Putin)
If you're talking about Medvedev, he was in the same party as Putin.
Conservative and economically liberal.
I don't know much about Bengali politics, but it looks like the BNP is economically liberal while the BAL is more to the left.
And more importantly not one of them has any affiliation with the Italian Fascist party or ideology, which is the real reason he's an idiot.
It's like fascists and jews: it's a common concept to fight against that unifies the mindless rabble that blindly follow them.
Also, as communism inevitably turns into fascism with a less competently run state economy, the leadership constantly yelling about OTHER people being fascist ensures that they themselves are not labled fascist.
Theres all sorts of nationalistic baggage associated with facism now but if you go back to Agustus...
I think that it's true that representative democracies accumulate corruption over time. If you had a system similar to the one we have now in the US, but every several decades or so an autocrat is in control for a very brief period of time, in order to correct corruption, and then reliably expelled permanently from public life... I think that system would be an improvement. Just don't ask me how the hell we would ever design and implement it lol.
>Also, as communism inevitably turns into fascism
You mean into state supercapitalism?
What are some authors like Watts that base their works on current scientific developments?
Adorno said that the new fascism will virtue signal and claim that it's anti-fascism. turns out he was right
>everything I dont like is Fascist
this is why no one takes you memers seriously
>claim that it's anti-fascism.
He literally created them in the first place.
Ian McDonald. He's like the anti Watts in that his books are really humanistic and positive but still realistic and not spaceshit
Also forgot to mention. He wrote River Of Gods, which is one of the greatest (in my opinion the greatest) sf books ever written
After WW2 Stalin started the "capitalism is fascism" meme because the Russian people were afraid of fascists who just invaded them but not the capitalists who needed to become the enemy during the Cold War.
>t.Democracy Now!
they hate fascism because fascism almost wiped their filthy rostrums off of existence 50 years ago.
crushed the fascist/national syndicalist Blueshirts
>Ebin Helicopter Ride Man
Crushed fascist Fatherland and Liberty Party