Too intelligent edition
Too intelligent edition
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Remove Ahrifags
fluffy tails tfw too intelligent for dark souls
upset? :c
thread wasnt early?
its not an autist namefag?
what unholy land have we entered where rules get followed
so, got shyv, what do i build on the dragon lady?
any tips?
also i heard cinderhulk is good on her. when should i take it over bloodrazor?
>tfw too intelligent to play lol
>so instead i protect my jungles.
iverns so much fun to play, wish he didnt require your damage to not be retarded
I'm the cutest and anyone who claims otherwise is wrong.
lolg rewrites on hold because some people cant control their autism
>STILL unstoppable in the hands of people who are actually good at him and fundamentally flawed from a design perspective
This is bullshit
You're bullshit
You guys literally nerfed him every patch this season so far, starting from his shield, his movespeed, his damage, his root duration and even his fucking e cd
fuck you
I can't even fucking WEQ anymore on teamfights because the root duration is so small
Post pics or you're a lying ugly shit
Man fuck that guy
>worried she's approaching Lee Sin/Riven tier
I feel like shes already there, user
I just got back, and the circlejerk admittedly caught my eye. Besides, these posts are mostly for the Ahrifags who are in
denial, not the sensible ones who agree that
she has literally got it all right now.
im going to buy a pizza and eat it just to see if i have the energy to continue it afterwards
I have rolled it back to the last saved one before it was purged. It seems it saves at infrequent times
why aren't there more plant-like champs? I've just started playing zyra and she's stupidly good against champs I'd otherwise have a bad time with like vlad
ivern is great but I can't play him outside of urf
>If I don't like it it needs to be nerfed out of existence!
This is the way of /lolg/
Remember when Zac FINALLY became meta after Rek'sai was nerfed last year? Remember /lolg/s response then?
"Zac deserves to be gutted and dumpstered desu I can't believe riot made cancer like him."
You can NEVER please /lolg/
ah, you wanna keep it going. im one of the good ones. i've already said she needs to be, and will be nerfed. the balance team will decide what happens, not lolg. anyways, i have some d-d-dueals to attend to,
I mean, I spammed the Jinx one but what happened to the Kat one?
who draws this and how can i contact them for a commission
user 5 is the only one not completely wasting their time
zulidoodles. they have a tumblr, try googling them.
spamming is not the same as purging
purging a whole document to be blank is not what i would like happening
you can paste in fart porn pasta for all i care, but dont paste it more than once
feel free to shitpost, but dont be a faggot undoing all of it, thats all
My nigga, I believe you
>Besides, these posts are mostly for the Ahrifags who are in denial, not the sensible ones
oh yeah that's total faggotry.
heyo friends what kind of monitor/mouse do you use to play leeg
okay. thanks. but i have to specify cause of the others, now. :heart:
trackpad/Spongebob CRT T.V.
>yfw bot lane loses thier tower at 6 minutes
i use this mouse, and some hp monitor, guess my rank
I have to people who added me and they all said I was cute.
monitor - some random 1200p 24 inch monitor
mouse - g502, it's heavy and i don't like how GAYMUR it looks but it's still a good mouse
i really really really want to get a 144hz monitor
me too. im cuter than you though, and more people think im cute. c:
I have a zowie EC1-A mouse and some 24 inch monitor from asus
Highly recommend the mouse, and the monitor hasn't had any problems yet either for the year i've had it.
I have never played this game, is it nice to new players?
Will people tell me to fuck off each and every game?
Is it worth playing, or has it been slowly getting worse over the years?
Need someone in flex bronze, silver.
IGN Fleshcage
people will tell you to fuck off each and every game, even if you were the best player on the planet. but we do have cute girl characters. have fun!
Does anyone have tips on how to git gud with Teemo?
Tfw no loli zed to assassinate me in my sleep
no, gets worse
see you on the rift
>is it nice to new players
gameplay wise no, because this game is all about gaining experience from thousands of games to progress in ranks/skill level. playerbase wise, there are assholes, but in reality its not even close to every game, people just like to be overly dramatic when their feelings get hurt
i do not tell other people i play this game and i would never tell anyone else to play it
Okay, I have a solution that will please everyone.
So, people demanding nerfs are saying that Ahri's Q bonus MS is totally extraneous, that it has no place in her kit, that it doesn't play a part in her fundamental play pattern. It only makes her incredibly safe pre-6, the one point in the game that in the past she's been highly vulnerable at.
Ahri players are saying that even though this is true, that the Q bonus MS IS used a lot for retreating and gives her too much safety early game, that the bonus MS IS a fundamental aspect of her kit because the movement speed is used to re-position quickly in order to path Q and hit the second part of it for the true damage, which is a fair observation. even ignoring that she can ALSO do this with her ult post-6 which in the past she is supposed to be weak until she gets, and that other champions with similar boomeranging abilities are also expected to hit both halves of their ability despite not having this MS bonus but whatever that's just nitpicking RIGHT?
So, here's my idea.
>Orb of deception NEW EFFECT:
>upon colliding with an enemy champion, Ahri gains 215 movespeed decaying over 1 second while moving towards her orb of deception
There. Now her bonus movement speed is ONLY granted to her in scenarios in which she uses it to path her orb and hit the second half of it. She is incapable of using it to retreat to tower or escape ganks, it is purely for landing both halves of her Q which you Ahri players insist is the fundamental purpose of the bonus MS in her kit/to her play pattern.
Here's a good tip someone once told me:
i'm not cute i'm nothing it's all a lie i tell myself to maintain in this cold and dreary world
Not really. I mean you've probably gonna end up supporting first before you branch to other shit.
It has been getting worse, most definitely, but you won't notice it if you've never played it.
Redpill me on Elise support
You have to go back
You probably play Braum and Alistar
i feel like you play nami so people think youre a girl but then youre just this irl. reminds me to not treat anyone like a girl on the internet
this is something i suggested a week ago.
>"they could make it so she only gets the ms if she hits an enemy"
that would be fine with me
If she hits an enemy AND runs towards the enemy, not if she runs away from them.
so this is your average emoticon using support main cockslut eh
i want to say i expected otherwise but honestly i can't
also why are there so many fucking mexicans on lolg
just put a turban on and you can be a full allah ackbar
idk how that would work. the speed for redirection is usually used walking sideways, backwards-diagonally, or flashing.
I like it
Zilean, Janna, and Alistar are my best 3. I also play some Karma, Nami, and Bard.
Because Teemo excels at being a useless dead weight that offers nothing to the team if he gets behind, I'd rather have an Aatrox on my team and don't even get me started on the shit Teemos I see in ranked. Make that champion go and stay go
How can I copy my settings from one account to another?
Is it even possible with the game's files?
Are there any adc mains on here with an IQ above 15 that want to duo? I'm at B2 right now but predict we could make it to at least S3.
I climbed from B5 to S4 solo last season so I'm not a total shitter.
supports are for ______?
My nose too fat for me to be muslim.
>tfw I failed
crashed at 2 and now its 6
comfy bfs~
I'm real cute user you can treat me like a girl
Teemo is garbage outside the lowest ELOs because people know to use vision items. There's so many free true sight options now that people don't even need to buy control wards to render Teemo completely irrelevant.
I was born and raised in the USA. You can even see the American flag I the back of my pic!
carrying, they might as well not even exist
half the time
In mechanical terms you could just establish a vector from Ahri to her sphere, and then give her an angular margin where she gets movement speed when traveling in a direction anywhere within that margin. For the sake of consistency the margin would be static and not update at the point that the sphere hits an enemy and grants the movement bonus.
So, say Ahri is directly south of the sphere when it hits the enemy champion. The movement speed would be granted so long as she was moving at any angle from 45 degrees northwest to 45 degrees north east, and wouldn't be in effect moving at a diagonal any greater than that. Essentially you have to be moving in the general direction towards the enemy you hit.
Or if you wanted even simpler terms, if where she paths results in a smaller difference in units from where she currently is to where her sphere is, she gets bonus move speed.
why did LoL stop giving characters cute pop dances?
Why is there still no BUBBA BUBBA POP dance considering the entirety of that one IPL?
Teemo one trick in masters doe.
>everyone on the team gets sweepers
>now there are no wards on the map
>enemy team also has tons of free vision
you can just play the tanky split push frozen mallet teemo anyway and 1v1 faggots
There are Annie one tricks in masters too.
look at lemon squeeze lee sins dance
Post ur dick again angler wiggles
>Want to play a tank jungler
>Remember that it's almost a guarenteed loss in this meta of who can clear the fastest and spam ganks/1v1 the enemy jungler
>Sigh and pick whatever's not banned between Graves/Shaco/Ivern
>twitch gets fed
>i have 250 armor tabi and omen
>he still kills me in 3 autos
>look at his build
>he doesnt even have a last whisper item
I swear to god no other ad does this much damage, full build ulting vayne would still take 7 or 8 autos for that much armor.
blizzard pls
i understand what you're saying. i feel like if she lands the skillshot, she should get the speed in any diresction she wants. because, her e/q range is basically what dictates the "bad positioning" zone. she's a mid range mage. moving anywhere further to the enemy from her initial cast point is just serving yourself up. seems really counterintuitive
>tfw no cinderhulk buffs ever ever
>tfw no purple smite
>bot loses tower 6 minutes
>next game
>take enemy top inhib at 15 minutes
>bot is at base dancing
>they're 0/20 a piece
>team surrenders at 20
>next game
>bot loses tower at 6 minutes
a neverending cycle.
Welcome to Kindergarten, I'd like you to get to meet your classmates one-on-one. You get to start with Annie.
Go on, say something nice, she won't hurt you.
>its an adc is 0/5 7 minutes in episode
fuck reruns
I ignore annie and ss the teacher
Hi Annie!
> she should get the speed in any diresction she wants
No, because the entire point of this change is to remove her safety pre-6. The only reason I'm even humouring the idea of her keeping any of the bonus MS at all is because of the idea that it's necessary for pathing the second half/hit of Q (and it isn't, but I'm willing to humour the idea because it's founded on some sort of logic and isn't just fucking arbitrary). If you give her the MS in any direction she wants she's still just going to use it to retreat to tower or run from a gank. I'm specifically trying to find a way so that the MS is conditional and it can only be used for the sake of repositioning to hit 2Q, because that's the only justification for her possibly having the MS in the first place. (and even then it's wrong, but at least it's a reason.)
I don't even think either of those would fix the problem desu (Okay giving Cinderhulk back some of it's %Health scaling so the trade off for a lack of early game pressure for mid/late game scaling might help somewhat). Other junglers would just take purple smite and clear even faster/healthier than they already do.
What's even worse is that in the tank update Riot's already on record about reducing the reliable damage of tanks across the board. I'm worried they'll just kick tanks completely out of top lane too
Alright lewd drawfag back at it. Computer crashed while I was doing the Ahri one and lost about half the progress I made on it. But I finished it quite a bit later, sorry to the handful of people that might have been looking forward to it.
Didn't quite get enough people to respond so I had to get a bit autistic for this. Preemptive apology if any are too cringy or dumb. It quickly went from fun to tedious when I was trying to fill up space.
Gonna play some DaS3 but doing another request after. Narrowed it down to these 4 for the time being since they seemed the most appealing in the moment if you want to give some input.
Just saiyan. The whole "low elo only!!" Memes aren't very dank when there's one tricks in masters/challenger with said champs.
What if you buffed red and blue smite so that being able to clear without purple smite was a huge benefit in its own right, and that purple smite had that opportunity cost associated with it. tanks would pick purple and now they can comfortably clear, junglers who already have healthy clears could take purple smite but red and blue are good enough that they can't justify giving them up for marginally even better clears.
if this post gets 5, Azir and his harem is full of all of those girls. (Eve, MF, Sona, and Vayne)
your logic just isnt good. teemo can be garbage and someone can still be good enough at teemo to get challenger. it says more about that player than it does teemo
Ivan Pavlov
ipav999 on twitch
we'll have to agree to disagree. just knowing how close the distance frorm ahri to her q end is, she needs more room to work with than 45 degrees. maybe make it so, the further the angel she's running away, the less movespeed she gets. and if she runs away in a straight line, she gets 0 movespeed, or maybe it even slows her a bit like blitz.
>tfw no female Pantheon skin
why did they remove purple smite anyway?
The teacher is Ryze
>tfw not in /lolg/ club
that twat abused it? they need to remove that on hit effect thing from his q i swear.