

>virtue signallers
Why does /pol/ think the rest of the world is as amoral and sociopathic as they are? Is it truly inconceivable to /pol/ that some people actually believe certain things /pol/ disagrees with and merely aren't just "signaling"? Or am I misunderstanding the term?

"Civilisation" means a society that builds cities. Abo's have never built anything even vaguely resembling a city

> you need to possess certain shit like agriculture, writing
You don't need any of that.

We don't need that shit in studying history. Historians aren't in the business of comforting people.

I fucking hate the leftists of the 21st century. This isn't an ideology anymore but "let's post 'ur beautiful' on an overweight chick's pic just to show how good a person I am".

Instead of arguing for the notion that civilization in itself is a mode of adaptation certain parts of the world plugged into after the Younger Dryas and isn't of itself intrinsically a better choice than those who remained in their 'primitive' conditions, they totally agree with the idea that civilization is a 'good thing' and then go on and change the definition so it applies to anything from spearchuckers to spacefaring species from Sirius B.

What happened to our society where the dictionary is P R O B L E M A T I C?
They even think math is an issue now.


>certain shit LIKE

Learn to read faggot. Learn to fucking read for a change you millennial fuckwits.
Incans didn't have writing, but they sure possessed some of the characteristics of a complex civilization.

Wandering tongue clickers aren't a civilization.



Wtf is the context of that gif? I see a person wearing a Brodie helmet with a flame thrower and some negroe on fire in the jungle.

it's the American dream baby

Is this another group bash thread?
Kinda strange that it's isn't British, Africans/blacks or Germans this time around

I've noticed that anons don't really shit on abbos all THAT much. A group needs to have enough members with access to the internet, notable high achievers, pride and shame for any banter to stick. How can anyone make fun of you if you're barely there?

If that's the case, then the Khoisan are even older.

The word "civilization" has been memed to death.

Australians sometimes have Abo threads.

Australian with a flamethrower roasting a jap during the invasion of Balikpapan

I dated an mixed girl but she was really pale and looked mexicanish.

She gave the best head, those thick jaws are there for a reason.

Mixed abo

>She gave the best head, those thick jaws are there for a reason.
holy shit

Why do you think black girls give such great head? I saw a porn star that had a serious case of prognathism despite being fairly attractive in the face, and she could swallow 11 inches down easily.

The only people who really shit on abos are the people who live around them, so Aussies, Canucks, and Americans.

No its this from oldest to youngest
1.San Bushmen
2.African Pgymies
4.Abos and their cousins
5.East Africans
6.North Africans
8.South east Asians
9.Pacific Islanders
10.Middle Eastern sandniggers
11.North East Asians
13.Native Americans

Liberals are psychopaths obsessed with appearing morally superior to others, no actual good person does the crap liberals do like use the suffering of others to elevate your moral appearance. Liberals are complete monsters who have no qualms making light of the suffering of their black pets or muslims pets just so they can go HURR IM BETTER THAN YOU thats all their arguments boil down to HURR IM MORE MORAL THAN YOU, yes so moral that you use the misery of others to make yourself look good oh no thats called being evil.
