Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/
>buff annoying lardball
That's the entire point of that post user.
It's all retard blizzdrone arguments
So what I'm hearing is that you should spend as much gold as you can right now before the patch comes out?
Also what the hell are you doing not posting smol boobs.
When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.
Go back to wow for your big bandas my man.
No, certainly not all the gold you have, as you'll potentially need 1500 per crate to maximize them. However for each 10k hero you buy you'll have a chance to get 400 shards, one fourth of directly buying a legendary skin, if you unbox a duplicate.
I'm the support slut now!
gas all lili fags
why dont you show me your name so i can message you baby
Mind you I was the Leoric in that screen cap.