/poeg/ - Path of Exile General

Eternal Purgatory Edition

>2.6: Legacy
>3.0: the Fall of Oriath
>Offline Skilltree Planner
>Offline Build Planner
>Helpful links

i want a new hierophant or saboteur build, hmu with your ideas

how the FUCK do i make a doryani's fist build

third for anime

Simple, you don't and play a better build.

>I only play CI builds with streamer skills while shield charging through nothing but shaped strands for maximum speed
>I do this because people told me if I wasn't fast or CI my build isn't good, viable or worth playing
>even through I don't use this speed gained for its purpose of pushing high on the ladder and generating currency

>every person on reddit and half this general

I just want a fun solo build so I can farm in solidarity before I end it all

whew. fun day /poeg/!

Replaced all of my trash lvling items for better ones, farmed dried lake the entire night and got to mid 70s.
Found my first reliquary key, got nothing of valye but the experience was FUN.
gonna breeze maps/atlas tomorrow I think, since I'm way over Tier 1 maps.

LHC is the most fun I've had since Perandus, and yes I'm always running a perandus leaguestone.

I'm doing one right now, looks usable

love when everyone made fun of me for playing SSF because "it's just the same game with more grind" but well look at us now you're bored out your mind of the league because there's nothing left to look forward to while I'm still grinding and enjoying the game so who's having the last laugh

Depends. Does the rigwald amulet that affects claw damage ----> unarmed damage affect the added lightning damage? Because that's probably the ticket.

>farm in solidarity

Martyr of Innocence gives more damage and lets you use another glove (at the "cost" of a shield or quiver though you still get good block).

There's no generic damage for claws. You get claw nodes only for attack speed and crit w/ rigwalds.

*wakes up*
*reheats hot pockets*
*makes coffee*
*stretches neck*

well, time for another day of pee owie...

I made one a few leagues ago and it was pretty good.

>warchief, pen, added light, elemental focus, faster attacks
>pen vinktars

The dps was great and the build was comfy and tanky. The only real downside is you can't use a WED gem because you have no weapon.


Minions aren't spells. The "spell" tag is only there for the summoning of the minion, the thing itself is a "minion" and as such spell damage doesn't do jack shit for it.

leo is proof that pvp is for dumb faggots that no one cares about

Redpill me on fishing

redpill me on redpilling

It's something your dad forces you to do and you fucking hate it
Then your dad dies and you remember the good times fishing with him like you didn't fucking hate it
Then you force your kid to go fishing with you and the same thing repeats forever

what the fuck is this electric swirly thing? I seem to be causing it but I dont see anything about it on my items

glove enchant


can I get a redpill on ball lightning? trying to come up with a new build in ssf and the skill looks pretty cool

redpill me on redpilling

Its this generation's "enlighten"

same as being anti-government is this generation's anti-religion

how to choose a skill in poe

Does it have AoE built in? / can it hit multiple targets without a skill gem? no -> repick skill yes -> go down

Does it double dip or will you be converting and double dipping? No -> repick skill , Yes -> go down

Does it have ignite / poison? No -> repick skill, yes -> go down

Is the mana cost high? Yes -> repick skill, no -> gz u got a double dipping skill with AoE built in enjoy

B-but... it was just a joke....

>that one guy that whispers you to buy an unpriced item in your selling tab
>he's lowballing
There's a fucking billion tabulas on the market. Why the fuck would you whisper me just to lowball

the fuck did you do

Early July

>redpill is this generation's enlighten
made me think

So you should avoid Uber Izaro like the plague on the day he wields the two handed mace?

>the fuck did you do
I said the meme "hey look if you type your password it blocks it see! ******"
It was an obvious joke based on the context of the conversation...

And now I get this e-mail in response "We're currently experiencing a high demand for customer support, which has unfortunately affected our usual response time!"

Anyone have any idea how long I'm gonna have to wait?

you dumb fuck, why would you do a password joke when they are investigating the security breach from a few days ago.

Also stop talking in global chats, its for literal children and teenagers.

If that was on global chat, you basically tried to trick people into giving away their passwords.

There's "context" but not everyone is gonna scroll up to see what you guys are actually talking about

And never forget, Americans are playing this game. These are the kind of people that are so retarded, their government had to ban kindersurprise

>he doesn't call redditors niggers in global every 20 minutes

>. These are the kind of people
Get the fuck out Eurofag

But as soon as I say the word nigger in global i get muted for 30 minutes.

No I'm to busy playing the game. If I want to read trash I come here.


>you basically tried to trick people into giving away their passwords
Yes, in the same way that telling someone "if you flap your arms you can fly" is tricking them into jumping off a building.

american children will believe anything

Even if it's their fault they're retarded and say their password you have to realize that it's going to give GGG more work if they do get hacked and what not.

how does telling a lie on global chat stop people from getting hacked?

Meant hijacked not hacked.

hey retard
there was a security breach like days ago and their official forums are concerned
youre literally asking for player passwords
grow the fuck up and accept your punishment

>Act 3 cruel
>3 guys in the arena do 14000+ damage in 1 second
(Blood of the karui active (with all flask nodes), + granite + 75% res)
It's like they don't even play the game

While i agree that its retarded to ""joke"" like that on global, where mods are know to overreact to pretty much anything, isnt poe a pg17+ game?

Theres tons of blood and sexual talk.

There should be expected a degree of maturity of people playing, plus there is not much difference from that joke to trade scams, and GGG has never acted against scammers.

>trying to defend a joke about account security
Why not make a rape joke in front of congress then

Support got back to me, didn't take long..
They said "If you give us your word that you will not do this in future, we can look into tentatively unlocking your account."

Is that girl Rachel Cook?

>making a joke only a retard would fall for is the same as making jokes about rape

no thats me irl

your neck is YUGE!!

>only a retard would fall for
>making excuses

>All the Stormcaller stuff is in the shop now
>Still no Arcane Flameblast to go with the Book Totem Skin
What a waste.

they are going to unban him so i guess it really wasnt a big deal

i guess GGG customer support has more sense than you

Getting unbanned just means they gave him a warning

Why dont you try making the same joke if you really think GGG is ok with it

the fact you are so extremely sensitive about making light of account security to the point you believe its taboo to joke about it, on a game clearly meant for young adult and adult audiences (no children to trick) makes me believe you did actually type you pwd in global

>he's still trying to convince people its ok
Go ahead, make the joke on global 1

i dont think its a big deal
but i do know there are small minded people who would feel sexually assaulted if i did (hence the rape comparison i guess)

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

tbqh senpai why say anything on Global at all? Who the fuck has global open to begin with?

back once again with the renegade master

the ill behaviour
the ill behaviour

>tfw this poor this far into the league

j u s t

Minus the super lucky exalt drop, I'm almost on the same boat as you.

I'm happy that I did vendor recipes while I was mapping. Those 50 regals are slowly converting to chaos

How many hours per day you play? Are you afk for 50% of the time? Do you spend all your money compulsively? Im so curious

Stop picking up transmutes, whetstones, and armour scraps senpai. Please stop. Or sell them for chaos you dont need that shit. Protip you can convert alt->jewelers->fuse at act 4 vendor. Prices from the vendor for those currencies are competitive with the market.

Maybe he doesn't bother doing unid chaos recipe?

But then again if he's played for quite a bit he'd probably get some good shit to sell now that I think about it

>mfw I spent my onlly 2 exalt drops trying to 6l my shitty ES chest

I have tons of shitty currencies since I have a low lvl filter that shows all currencies(and rares). Usually turn it off at around lvl50 when I stop using picked up rares as equipment and start putting more effort into gearing

Was trying to 6l a belly the other day which is why my fusings are so low (and why tabula is shown, since I was using it)

I think the biggest money drain I've done in this game was fully respeccing a totem templar into a LL RF guardian. That fucking 60 regret requirement for the bandit reward still haunts me in my sleep

i dunno man, ive always been pretty poor in this game

like i play for several hours every day but i just cant seem to find those big items that get me to the "the rich get richer" tier. also i dont do chaos recipe because fuck that, especially this league

I dont do UNID chaos recipe i just run maps and i dont fuck around and i have 1k chaos from converting random currency to chaos. Basically just play the game and you get money, chaos recipe is so bad

My account has been successfully unlocked.

>why say anything on Global at all?
Well, sometimes it can be quite fun talking with random people about shit, it gives me a little extra entertainment while grinding maps.
I would 100% prefer to join a guild and shitpost in there, but I haven't found an active one that does shit in my realm, they're mostly in USA realms where I have 250+ ping.

I don't play as often as most here but yeah this is usually how it goes

>Do you spend all your money compulsively?
this is me, whenever I get a tiny bit of currency I blow it all on a grossly expensive item on a new character

like I bought a shav's, perfect rolled it with divines and 6L-ed, another character with 6L tidebreaker, kaom's and death's door, but I have literally no currency, I just always blow it on new shit and re-roll

>run 10x t12s
>exp bar moves by 5 pixels

at least you had fun, right?

How was the tidebreaker character? You go juggernaut?

>Getting bored with my character
>Decide to run some suicidal maps/unique maps to get him killed
>Won't play like an idiot but won't portal out/alt-f4 is stuff goes awry
>Shouldn't be too hard, he only has 6k armor 3-4k evasion and a 30% chance to block

he wont die

he literally wont fucking die


Yes, he runs 11 endurance charges, fortify + arctic armor. It's the tankiest non-shield life character I've made by far, he doesn't die at all. The problem is that the damage is kind of shit, but you can compensate with flasks especially if you get a taste of hate.

Hey POEG, how would you link a viperstrike, or a poison bladeflurry?

I want to try doubledipping out before it gets gutted, and I want to get my 36 challenges.

Melee splash if not duelist, added chaos, void manipulation, faster attacks, melee phys, multistrike, melee physical damage. Things like that

I'm guesssing you run the unstunnable spec?

double dipping on poison is only possible with chaos damage on the initial hit so added chaos is a must.

how's this for single target dps
>burning arrow
>with sudden ignite jewel
>with added chaos damage

don't see any apparent synergy

double ignite is good for stacking two strong ignites which implies "slow" big hits

added chaos flat damage is unremarkable unless you go balls deep with attack/cast speed and crit mult and poison

multistrike and melee physical damage aren't efficient for double-dipping. also you're better off using skills that have more generic damage support gem options that double-dip, like blade vortex or EK because they can be scaled with generic damage like area damage or projectile damage. you also always want the added chaos damage support gem. viperstrike is still too meme-tier but you can make bladeflurry work just fine.

>not using pitch darkness for triple dipping

How would you feel about a 'Bazaar' system, where you have to manually travel through various generated shops that the players set up in randomly generated zone. You get to browse the each wares in a shop. And when you found a ware of interest, you 'ring' them. And the player could link a portal to their shop to come out and haggle with you for the price.

You still have to search around for stuff you want with your eyes. And it helps prevent chat spam and social menu squatters. You don't have to constantly flood type in the items in chat especially with the stale link.
But there's a limited amount of ware slots your shop could hold, so you can't just treat it as a dumping ground.


This a good ci build for an assassin?

burning arrow is still a worst fireball given fireball's secondary explosion shotguns to this day

a tree is not a build

doesn't improve on poe.trade in any way. also
>using gook-mmo tier "solutions" in poe


Hello plebbit
Bye plebbit

I suggested a middleman npc on the forums. Its job was basically to eliminate the need for direct player interaction when trading.

Since it eliminates the need for direct interaction, offline trading can now be done. Things like afk, dnd, and just plain getting ignored will also be a thing of the past.

Also, this is not an auction house. This is just an NPC that lets other people look at your prem stash and buy off it so the need for prem tabs is still there

>mfw retards with billions of supporter tags say its stupid and just implement AH
How do these people not know that an auction house would hurt GGG tab sales?


fags need to stop copy+pasting shit from reddit and posting it here desu

don't make me hurt you

Its a suggested system that fits in with GGG insistence on making players to be forced to spend time manually searching for trade in ingame communications and manually trading with each other. Chris fucking insisted thats the only way that it will be done.