Dreadnova Darius Edition
Old: >Very Useful Links
>7.6 Patch Notes
Dreadnova Darius Edition
Old: >Very Useful Links
>7.6 Patch Notes
What champion pisses you off the most?
Hi, I play TF in silver where I believe only the laning phase matters, please stop building ludens.
t. Retard
Xth for Katarina
best girl
to lay with jinx
if I wanted to sleep with a skeleton I'd fuck Karthus
man low-cut tops are so fucking stupid
Who to autistically OTP? Jarvan, Nautilus or Jax? Yes I want to be a special snowflake
No urgot
>not wanting to go FAST
>engaging a level 6 darius with less than half health
Yeah you fucking deserved it, retard.
>Darius gets a better mechanized skin than Sion
it's not fair
What's the most useless item right now?
Why are Jax mains so good?
>special snowflake
shitpost responsibly you fucking keks
Need to just fucking remove it at this point
Holy shit that's still in the game? I thought they took it out patches ago
What to do bros? I already own all the champs and the gamergrrl skin.
>Love the aesthetics of blue Elise, specially the spider form.
>Leblanc skin is pretty good but she's nerfed trash due to rito "le epik rework" bullshit.
>One of the most sexual appealing skin, but, again overnerfed.
>Boring "dude fire lmao" also not a fan of the champion.
I mean, if riot eventually fix the gameplay problems i really wish i had these skins, otherwise it's a waste.
Reposting because i need more feedback on this important decision.
Is nu warwick any good
If I start hoarding chests to try and get content in a future patch will their possible content update with the patch or is what's in them determined already?
jinx is warm and smells good
wait for death blossom to go on sale and buy it
use the money saved to mystery gift me IGN: VaultRat
>special snowflake
So do plenty of non-skeletal women.
masturbate and spend the night thinking on it
if it's not an impulse buy or a buy dictated by your dick then it's a good buy
Crazy is cute
He competes with the meta junglers without being as cancerous as them, if thats not good i dont know what is
nope garbage
only buy skins for champs you play a lot
how often do you play all 5 of those?
jinx is the cutest and funniest
>only 200
shame on you
This is your average rioter team that works on in-game content!
say something nice about them!
>Today PBE changes
>7 Rengar nerf in a row
>Riot still can't understand that Rengar battle roar and passiv needs nerf.
>Nerf Q at every levels instead.
Why am i even playing this game ?
anyone want to voice chat(curse or call my phone) and play normal draft with me please? its cold as shit in my room and im super lonely, none of my friends want to play. if anyone wants to play with me reply to this post and ill tell you the information u need
Why is aatrox so fucking trash
i have high standards >:^(
>learned about wallpaper engine
Jinx is the superior wallpaper for me
>call your phone
gimme those digits babe
The best change they can make to rengar is revert his rework but keep his ulti as camo
That's a nipple.
Yeah, you are right.
Thank you so much!
get cucked assassinbab
>team doesn't come to Baron when I ping them
fucking kill yourselves you retarded fucking faggots if you don't want to win then ff and let me move on to a new team that hopefully isn't as fucking braindead as you ugly downy fucks
Add me ign imthem
>Not cancer
top lel mate
or crystalweed on curse
my summ name is CAPTAINCRUNKk add me
Still deal 0 dmg to tanks with lord dom's
this item is a sham
Fuck you riot.
stop buying lord dom's on mages you friccin idgit!
Tell that to my Zed, son.
thats fake news
Once the current jungle cancer trinity in Graves/Shaco/Ivern gets gutted he's next on the chopping block
make a discord you slut
ain't no one gonna call your phone or install some virus curse voice
lord dominik's giant slayer passive is a meme, but it gives you more ad than a last whisper and more damage to tanks than a mortal reminder so unless you're facing a mundo/ww/vlad you're gonna get dominiks anyways, there's no better alternative for the price and armor pen
Warwick isn't cancer you're just bad
protip: grievous wounds
I love getting to prove a braindead fucktard wrong just with raw stats
stay bronze kid, everyone knows youre a fucking moron for talking about shit you know NOTHING about
girl with the sign is hot
girl in the back has a nice big smile
the rest look like numales
the guy that's warding is a nice guy I think there I said something nice
Ivern has already been gutted user
Daisy, the entire reason he's even strong in the first place has been gutted and is now a glorified tibbers in terms of stats
curse voice isnt a virus u fuckin dart and discord is homo
>Wings of Death casually chilling in Jared chat like he ain't some big name
roastie whore
Wings is a no name now
Get memed
>Unironically maintaining a 57%+ winrate with a 7% playrate for multiple patches
That's fucking worse than some of the Juggernauts in S5. Champs have gotten the nerfbat for FAR less than that.
Keep posting
whatever fuck it ill play by myself
>midlaner only knows how to lane 1v1
>jungler ganks or I gank, they have no idea what to do
>laning ends, tower is taken, want to drag
>they're sitting mid trying to lane
>teamfight mid because it's aram on summoners rift
>they're running away the entire fight not even a single spell let alone ult
>"surprisingly" we lose
>bitches she won lane like that means anything
Grag support is sleeper you heard it here first folks
how about you play a game of normal draft with me ? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
Is cleaver 100% core on Illaoi? I really like Maw's synergy with DD.
>look mom, i posted it again!
comfy bfs~
maw and dd are too expensive and leave you too squishy. Just build cleaver into tank and not be retarded.
Do you really think a narcissistic piece of garbage like you would ever be "comfy" to someone?
Build him full lethality and you're basically a more powerful Shaco. No one knows how to deal with you cus no one ever plays j4 and you can just run around deleting people
kill yourself
vg vs vg results
xth for Rumble
Is that an IRL KATARINA ?!?!?!?!?!
holy shit master styles got raped so hard in lane LOL
please don't steal imthem's gifs
>prob a tranny
no thanks autist
woah those were some quick (you)s
well to answer the actual question Id like to have someone I can hold in a special place where they would be allowed my kinder romantic side putting aside my narcissism in the name of love
to everyone else Id still be an asshole but to that special person Id truly be a comfy bf~
>Another game lost because wiggums can't stop orbiting the shitter silver attention whore
Xth for cuddling
Any tips for laning against vel'koz support?
Is it better to just start boots and four pots?
Well that was fun.
I don't know who you think you are but when I get home from work you better not be real, kiddo
Time to go to sleep.
ImThem, say the thing so I can go to sleep with a smile on my face.
I somehow enjoy playing this game still
>new client is lagging and wonky as fuck
>switch to low-spec mode
>its worse
>you're the other kat poster
Why don't you beg me filth