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Have you praised best boy yet?
>Control Blood Tier 1
We finally made it bros
Show me your eggs.
Post underrated cards
Prince of the Catacombs literally wins fucking games. Aggro shadow slightly modified to include him and Tyrant is going to be the new list, listen up pedofriends
>there are people who actually thought Prince of Recursive Skeleton Spam was a worse Bone Chimera
Shadowcraft's legendaries are silver in this expansion too.
>mfw Eachtar
It's going to be 2 months before they nerf blood, isn't it?
>vagabond frog in t2
I did it! I won!
what are bloodbros doing with baphomet and blood moon? I' probably have terrible luck but I kept drawing all of my baph targets (temptress or snek) way too early or just not drawing blood moon early enough.
Yeah I played against it and it's basically improved unga bats that are actually sticky.
hoho boy, what a nice way to start an expansion
Post meme dragon decks
Just woke up, did everyone get all their ToG packs from the score rewards?
The dream is real. I was just memeing pre-release, but now it's clear this card is great. I keep winning games purely because of it.
This ramp dragon deck I made has been putting in crazy work. Pic related if anyone is interested. 21 wins out of last 26 matches (Masters)
>All-in-one Steam undub and uncensor:
>Need Update
Key: !POUt7FJxJwrvUNHXQtUMyj8j-iMOs7gLep9UD8Ee_Bw
You niggers need to read already.
Yea, I got my 2 extra. Too bad my pulls were still pure garbage anyway, i'm just going to fuck around with the stupid new midrange stuff for now
RIP Tsubaki's voice
I don't know why they did it. I always thought the old voice was fine as is. But for those of you who thought it didn't fit her before, well this new voice sure as hell doesn't fit her even more now. It's like she got possessed by a child spirit.
It's that annoying to put her down and hear her now.
Also Dark General, that voice of a 12 year old is so fucking unconvincing on that body. There was nothing wrong with her voice at all and it was pretty much iconic to the card.
>64k vial deck
Got an animated one. animated playset never.
Why are you playing Lucifer without Saha?
You didn't dust me, right /svg/?
because he's poor
>dubkek problems
Sybil+Ouroboros heal is so ridiculous that I don't even think Lucifer is necessary in this case.
So I pulled an animated copy of this as well as an animated copy of worldwielder ginger. Should I dust one or both of them? Dark Jeanne seems pretty bad, and I'm not sure I see what the goal is with Ginger.
no one cares, kill yourself dub cuck
Because you don't need saha for him to be valuable. He's working great for me, so I'm sticking with it for now.
How would you use Tyrant in aggro shadow?
>They said this was Dragon's time
New favorite card.
I dusted one of you cause I've pulled 4 atomys
Looks like I got pretty lucky with my pack openings. I only saved like 1500 rupies. The rest were either free packs or bought with Rupies from Elite AI rewards.
>3 Magical Big Guys
Surprised I already opened a full set of these big guys. there's 16 different Legendaries in total and 3/10 of my Legos are Magic Bane? Pretty weird.
>2 Sneks and 2 Bloodmoons
Feels good. No Idea if Gawain will be good, but having 2 of him is nice also.
>vagabond frog in constructed
Theres a lot of these on the ladder right now, very effective. I think the success will continue after the expansion adjustment phase.
Post Atomeme decks!
Dub Elf Queens accent is so CUTE
Yeah I think the Saha package has lost a lot of value
A big problem is that Saha is a slow roller and you will autolose against Haven around 9 anyway
I think dragon should be played more like a tempo deck now, even with ramp. If you aren't pressuring them by 7, you're probably losing.
>CUM, my darlings!
Wh-what did she mean by this???
>Try homebrewing a tyrant deck
>Turns out he's just going to be splashed into prince of catacombs deck
>It probably works out better than mine since my deck's WR is negative so far
Fug, I wanted to meme with Death's Ledger pulling and then using Rise of the Dead as a pseudo search. It was going to be cool AND otk cancer
>play eidolon grail
>blood cucks cant get past the wall of wards and boardwipes
Lmao eat shit
Have you played against the deck with Prince of the Catacombs? 20 shadows happens around turns 7-8 if you draw him pretty early, or draw two. That way you can win games that old aggro shadow would be running out of steam in. It's pretty insane, got my ass kicked by it once and built a deck to try to use it right afterwards.
hate divine aegis so much, just got fucked by it b/c i forgot about it. was taking it slow
What happens if you emissary a sahaquel to 6pp and play it while yous got a frozen mommy on the field
Close to what I'm using but I opt out of Lucifers for another Forte
Can we please ignore frogposters
I am testing a neutralcraft Ledger deck. 3 Lurching 2 Mordecai and the rest neutrals with 2 Baha and Satan. It's pretty bad but fun as fuck to play.
So I finally upload it.
0 PP Diabolic Drain, it happened at 1:31. Is it possible or just some bug?
Library OR Lou for Dshift?
mammy pops, its the printed cost that triggers the effect
>Havenfag playing his aegis with test of strength up
>save 5000
>get 5
>this fag saves nothing
>gets all the best shit in the expansion
fuck you too cygames
What the fuck is with Tsubakis new voice. She sounds like a middle schooler who's eaten too much candy before lunch.
Base cost is what matters.
>Shit ton of wards
>Shit ton of healing
>Shit ton of removal/wrath
How did this class lose to aggro again?
Please concede
>mfw I have all those cards and zeus
zeus is shit
Who here has AGRS?
>last turn threw a evo azazel from 3hp to 10hp
>deaths danced the azazel
>rev to clear and 5 cost snek summons 5 sneks
>he mutagenic'd the sneks
>5 damage to both at start of turn and 5 bats to a 10hp enemy from azazel
Azazel snek combo is fucking amazing and the new cards allow you to reach that point even against pure aggro no problem.
this is the aggro killer.
Goddamn, Sybil is really insane. The card that saves Dragon this expansion is not Lightning Blast, it's Sybil. Ramping is much more consistent now.
Scyther is a better Date
>male voice
Coming back from a 2 month break.
How'd I do with the 10 free packs?
Its weird how many people are playing that useless fuck on ladder
I said this all along and people wouldn't fucking listen
Sybil is so incredibly powerful. On-curve stats, ramp as FANFARE and a heal effect almost as powerful as Luci in overflow
it's just a better draconic fervor since you have a body that has to be dealt with instead of draw
not really since it can't kill the new rune golem but date can. it's also a 3 drop instead of a 2 drop..
>open first 10 packs
>immediatly get my boy ouro
Feels good
I'm happy
Is daria still good in this serpent meta?
>I want it, it's like gold to me.
>Give it to me again!
Is Belphegor the new queen semendemon?
Can you do me now 18942
Just mutant bolt it bro
Are you running Uriel?
I was trying her out, but she always seemed to be such a weak choice whenever she was in my hand.
>Leave shit 3 1/1 skeletons on board
This shit is bonkers
Any new cards that need to go in my Daria deck?
>Faith alone is not enough to stop the flood of the Underworld.
>Nothing he can say will make me abandon my deck, Luna. I don't care if Mordecai has seen the future after Lightning blast. Let's go.
>Lightning Blast had my board banished? Damn it! If my warriors abandon me, I'll never summon frozen atomemer.
>Lord Rowen, by my right of memery and sovereignty of the Frozen Atomemer, I hereby relieve you of your Lightning Blasts and suspend your life before t7.
kys dubcuck
>That ending
My budget aggro blood deck is getting cucked by pretty much everything.
What is the new budget deck that can work in Totg?
Anyone have a good Dragoncraft list with Phoenix Roost and Phoenix Rider Aina?
i thought you meant grimnir, i'm not interested in scyther desu
>Petrify a blood moon
>They immediately play another
>Die to snakes anyway
Baphomet was a fucking mistake. Why do they keep doing this?
Yeah, I have 2 Uriel in the deck and it's nice for whenever I don't draw a ledger. It's not too awful with evolve honestly and getting a 4 mana lurching corpse proc at end of turn twice is almost always nice even if the deck is generally shit.
Nerf predictions time:
I am 100% positive this thing is going to be nerfed.
I thought this card was good before playing with it. I was wrong. This thing is NUTS.
OK, so, imagine a Feena that instead of giving you gobbo to fetch a 2 drop, just played that 2 drop directly, and didn't need an Evo to do it, and could fetch TWO under certain conditions, still sans evo.
That's Dark Airjammer.
Yeah yeah sneks are nice and all, but if you don't get your moon on time or your sneks get answered you're turbo fucked.
This card, on the other hand, is just NEVER bad.
Oh, and did you forget about Spiderweb Imp? Yeah, if you get into vengeance, Dark Airjammer can totally draw and play two 1/4 taunts for you on fanfare.
Make sure you Star this bad boy in your collection because you have a very high chance of getting full dust refund when it gets nerfed.
>not really since it can't kill the new rune golem but date can
? ? ?
Where are my dragon legendaries or snekes? I don't want shadow it sucks.
>budget deck that can work in Totg?
I hate Aegis
I might just blow all my vials on Eachtars. Skeleton swarm is the true form of Shadowcraft.
Daria destroyed really hard by ramp dragon now.