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>vetrafags even get their own gun
What the fuck, Bioware?

Too bad this guy's art is shit.

Turians are merely ok.

Stay strong and clear!

just finished the main story and almost fiddy, whats a quick way to level ?

>womanlet femtur


>that predatory look on vetra's face



is this shit worth $40 or should I wait?

Post romances. I want to see how many of you people have good tastes and romanced best girl Vetra

Sara is sleeping...

Vetrafags are cancer

Can we all agree that if the animation wasn't shit the Drack bar fight would have been 1000 times cooler?

>A big deal is made over the little cheek scar he gets in his loyalty mission
>You never get a chance to ask him how he got his massive scar
This felt strange in the game.

Why is he so grumpy?

As said here. Post how you would rewrite ME3.

Gives us something else to talk about other than waifus.

>Fuck, is it?
No, it isn't. It's leftist disinfo. He says some stupid shit all the fucking time.

I recently finished the game; when do you make that movie?

Maybe the guy is tall, Shaq tall, Femturs aren't that big, It's just that Ryder is the manletiest manlet to ever exist at 5' 10"

He probably got the bigger scar in a generic Kett fight. The Akksul scar is a bit more important. I agree it's weird you can't ask though.


But it gave up smug Ryder

Let's not.

All sizes of femturs are to be loved

Tall or small.
Just remember to love and hug your Turian gf.

>smug for literally every other character
>autistic on Sara

Fuck, I forgot to post my picture of Shaq

Long story short, there is nothing wrong with loving a femtur that is shorter than you as long as she curious about you and loves to play with your hair.

That scene was dumb. The average krogan can bench press a car, who the fuck would get into a fight with one at a bar?

That looks pretty smug to me


Probably, but it seemed like a missed opportunity for more background information. It would add another layer if he got the scar because he fucked up a mission and that tied into why he's not happy with his place in the Resistance.

how fun is the space truck to drive?
i loved the mako in the first game

Sell me on using default twink Scott. Post screenshots

No, that's an ''i'm in my own world'' look.

>tfw all the "thank you" messages you get during the epilogue
>some of them are actually from Dragon Age characters
>Anders' reads: "Let's blow the roof off this place!"

I'd say its worth it. The game is a solid 7/10

I hate Bioware how the fuck does that even get past any kind of play test from anyone who is a fairly competent human being

>Vetra has a decently modeled mouth including tongue

what did they mean by this

Reminder that Jaal only eats PUSSY and not COCK.

Jaal told me he had something he wanted to contibute for movie night, but I get no mission to help him with that? What gives?

Vetra is not eight feet tall.

The only area its lacking in is the fact it doesn't have a gun on it.

Otherwise, it's great. Basically a Mako that handles a lot better.

that's a lewd tongue

Garrus had the same, it's nothing special.

He'd probably suck a mean dick though. If he was into that.

Jesus who taught him how to shave? If you're even gonna bother with facial hair do ducking something with it.

Give me a reaction image and I will try to make it Mass Effect. Bonus points if you actually tell me what character you want.

Everyone does. Because it needs to not look weird when they talk.

In another dimension she is, and thats all we need

that is one long tongue

Close up

This is a common bug from what I've heard. Not sure how to fix it.


This with the Kett Primus talking about the Archon


SFM is going to be great with the femtur blowjobs

she has a pretty standard "eyes squinted and mouth curved in amusement" smug look on her face, I don't know what to tell you user

except that the inability to connect facial expressions to emotion is, ironically, a symptom of actual autism (not the Veeky Forums meme version)

Nobody. Remember that dadRyder was never around?

Liam, NOW

Threadly reminder that Mass Effect 3, despite its flaws, was superior to this pile of shit.


Am I the only autist who chooses a romance option based on chemistry with the main character?

Miranda was my favorite OT girl, but I romanced Liara in 3 regardless because I felt like her and Shepard had genuine chemistry in LotSB and ME3 while Shepard and Miranda hardly had any.

I don't particularly like Peebee myself, but I'm romancing her anyway because Ryder and her come off as having genuine chemistry while with Cora and Vetra they just kinda talk at one another. I hate Ryder so I guess it makes sense that he'd have chemistry with another character I find annoying. But I dunno, it feels like a more genuine romance plot to romance the character the protagonist seems to have the best chemistry with.

Am I insane?

Also, can the Reapers PLEASE do something with the Mass Relays?

If they had a means to make them all function like the omega-4 relay so only reapers (and the Normdany) could use them, that would effectively stop a unity galactic force to stop them, atleast initially.

It always seem very stupid that the Reapers never even attempted something like this, even though they clearly had the means to.

This, but with the squad, and instead of "want", it says "autism", with Sarah being the most autistic ofc

oh boy

sara/vetra just got ten times better

check the bottom of the list at the general goods merchant on aya, thats where you get the thing he talks about

Got a good cap of the Primus? Google isn't helping much.

This, make Pharrell default Sara and Jay-Z into default Scott


Old hat, senpai.

Male Ryder or Liam, please

Liam is the rambunctious little brother that fucks up often despite meaning well, but you can't help but like him anyway

Any character in a stupidly smug position with arms extended in this fashion.

costanza.jpg with Drack.

This but with fem Ryder or Lexi

Seconding this because that shit made me laugh too hard


What's wrong user, have shit taste?

Huh. I remember that item appearing earlier and just buying it on a whim. I guess that explains why I am not getting anything? But supposedly everyone else is supposed to be contributingt too, so how do those trigger?

With Ryder

Don't have a good pic buyI found a clip which features her prominently

>floppy as a noodle

>romanced Garrus in every game I could
>don't want to see this shit

Someone replace this model with Vetra or that other female turian at the least

Hes fuckin retarded. He shipped a car to Andromeda. What retard does that. I liked Liam then he fucking told me he shipped a car to Andromeda and it won't even get there in his lifetime. I have since severred any contact.

>turian havoc with a piranha
>gunning down lieutenants like it's nothing
>two clipping hydras
>raining hell down from hover mode so hard you can hear fortunate son playing in the distance
This is amazing.

>ywn look down to see Vetra's green eyes staring back at you while she gives you a succ
>ywn cum all over her face plates
>ywn hear her follow it up with "Having fun? It looks like you're having fun."

Vetra has NO ASS

I'm sorry, is this one less offensive?

hmmm, have you done the part of the quest for lexi yet? try traveling to a different sector or going on planet then leaving to try and get it to trigger

It's not offensive it just does nothing for my dick




Superior BJ

Sara is a cutie pie

You should've gotten that quest pretty early from Liam

IF you are a liara fag like me, this does wodners for my dick

First character I got, also one I was planning on maining, sitting at 20 trying to figure out what to do next.
Got any tips?
Still can't figure out how to make her viable for higher level shit, at least more than the standard soldier. It's like the second I jump up I get shot by literally everyone and the DR ain't helping.


There is no way she can do that with those razor teeth.

It's a comfort thing. I plan on shipping hundreds of samples of my semen into space so that one day perhaps it will seed life on a distant planet, or will be discovered by aliens. I mean what else am I gonna do with my money on my death bed?