Cute Lunari (male) edition.
Cute Lunari (male) edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
Xth for Katarina
best girl
The artist should give this a continuation
to the user that posted Neil Cicierega last thread
this shit's pretty good
comfy bfs~
xth for Rumble
>be the most easily counterable champion if you're not a shitter
>higher winrate in platinum than silver
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Should I buy a tiamat on Zed?
You forgot, mordes skillcap is essentially double that of the highest champion skillcap at any given point due to the fact that he gets TWO!
>if you're not a shitter
>people in platinum
yeah nope
I do
E+active usually 1-shots waves and adds to burst during ulti
np mate
i want to look EXACTLY like fiora!
Who is the best top laner for 1v9 carrying?
Renekton Fiora or Camille?
I want to be cuddled.
Titanic + Phantom Dancer is one of the best 1v1 builds on Zed
WOW! it's almost like a good player can work around a champions weaknesses!
>a mental illines fag made the new thread
i have failed you lolg
I want to be the cuddler
Kayle and Fiora are the best
You need to brighten their skin up mate.
lux isn't real, kiddo
You must commit Sudoku to keep your Honour user
There was like 8 billion different variation posted so make future version where better
delete this
are there Twisted Fate, Azir, Talon, Ezreal, or Karthus versions of this?
>Blocks your path
thats the one i wanted to see
in luck you are
>League of Legends general
Ye check reddit
Reminder Kled is horribly imbalanced as a toplaner and you should be abusing this fact
What's with all this lore stuff lately? I see it in the client. Are they finally doing another lore event?
>no talon or TF
fuckin reddit
You're not here though.
I want to be cuddled in between games, it's what I meant.
neat thanks :^)
dont you worry
I was filled top and could not think of anything so I defaulted to Sion but Kled would have been great in that game Maybe it was versse AP fizz
next champion will be a demacian noxus half breed TOREN BETWEEN MUH PEOPLS ;-;
>light wind in you general direction
>knocked of skarl
name ONE (1) champion cucked harder than ezreal you literally cant
I'm sorry for being a degenerate faggot, I bet you would've liked another lulu op.
>starts ancient coin and bandit mastery
he even has a bull in game (braum)
>5 auto attacks maximum on an enemy champion to get back on
>Implying dismounting is a bad thing
>Literally free turret aggro drop
Fuck off man
you don't even know what "cucked" means
fucking autists can't stop avatarfagging like a bunch of lonely-ass loser virgins vying for attention like pond ducks
sure i do
>Ezreal "fuck the sjws" fag
>Alt-right faglord
>Complaining about the mis-use of the word cuck
How ironic
You do realize hes essentially the tankiest champ in the game off base stats outside of maybe mega gnar
you probably never plaed back in s1 or s2 to say that.
I'm looking to learn Taliyah, is she worth playing?
I'm a good support, please reward me!
well a cuck is a guy whos GF sleeps around behind his back so no Ezreal isnt a cuck
just a beta, /r9k/, creep who would rather draw pictures of him and the girl he likes rather than talk to her at all
Hmm you got me there
angry riven-fag is a cute guy
ikr? I want him to bully me~
Will post unused Riot Point Card codes to anyone that posts Singed memes.
Show me the best vids/Images/Webms of Singed you got.
*Spent over $250 in RP was going to give it to a friend that was playing it to level up along to 30 but he uninstalled it.
>darius, renekton, fiora
which one do i fucking ban
fuck these niggers, at least teemo/quinn you can beat them with skill, butg those 3? rip if you are a melee top laner
i fucking love kled's voice lines.
there's a shade of plebbit to it, but otherwise they are hilarious
>mfw i am deep-fried courage, and an apple pie of angry
But that's retconed user
>emojis are reddit now
>be in promos
>top picks zed, jungle picks rengar
>enemy support picks lulu
>they don't dodge out of courtesy despite knowingly having lost us the game
>lose game
>play adc
>your support picks soraka into a kill/heavy cc bot lane
Guess I have to go for short and frequent trades.
It's the delivery that gets me
>When he gets so high pitched his voice breaks while screeching. Best voice acting in League since new Yorick.
>"You thought I was done? Kled ain't never done!"
something something hahaha shaken not stired deja vu i've flipped in this lane before
IGN VaultRat
dodge his q, only trade with him if he's on much lower health than you, keep track of cooldowns
bait his e, then fuck him up
i honestly have no idea, fuck that champ
oh yeah now hes just being driven into his edgy hooded bishi assassin bfs arms
>pick Rene
>ban darius
pray for them not picking fiora
>your top laner says this to your team
how do you respond?
those pics are from reddit. the source.
from reddit
Just don't get CC'd you dummy.
>No S+
Let me see what you'll come up with now that my farm is not shit.
>implying it's not you
>implying you're not retarded
Buy more wards.
>having less kills than yasuo
that's pretty much why
post damage dealt to champs stats, amount of wards placed, and amount killed.
>goes on reddit
>talks about himself in the third person
You pick Kled and fucking SHIT on them
>50% kill participation
>less than two people on your team
Stupid dog
>cant really farm early cause lmao rumble
>he decides to try and dive me pre-6
>can get some farm in after that point
>graves is tied to him with an umbilical cord, shows up every 45 seconds to stop me from murdering him 6 onwards
>they take tower
>forget i exist as i farm for 10 minutes
>finish visage tabi and sheen
>rumble comes to defend tower
>squishy as fuck
>dive and murder him
>graves comes to defend
>100% hp cause lifesteal and WARLORDS LEL
>dive him too
>rumble teleports back
>im 75% health
>kill him again because he left the range of tower to fight me
what do these people expect to happen when they do this shit
l-lewd, I meant headpats after the game or maybe some cuddling
That's what we call flavour of the month laddie
xth for Syndra
that was the really funny part of it
he'd protobelt into me and get caned for a third of his health
yes, just dash closer while wither builds up, you fucking retard
Rate my taste lads
>50% CDR
dont forget the 10% from my runes
its not my fault riot has CDR on every single item in the game now
Syndra's bf has a small dick and leaves her sexually frustrated and unsatisfied after fucking her!
ahri's bf too.
shut the fuck up dumb slut
>ahri motioning to about 6 inches in length
>about the average length of men worldwide, slightly above for most parts of the world
unless the dude's also a pencil dick he'll be fine