Fighting Games General /fgg/
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I really hope you're playing Rashid's game (SFV).
Domo! Ansa des!
Fresh Go0-7ecks memes.
Support my game
every girl should have pantyhose
even makoto
theyre shit
3/30 1PM – 4/3 12:59PM: Servers open for play
4/3 1PM: PC Beta concludes
>tfw want to play Lili but also want to be a special snowflake
What should I do
Who shall I sniff tonight
Play Lili with a hat on.
i want to quit sniffing
I didn't really know about him before eLeague.
Just for the fact he's one of the few eSports heads to understand that the FGC being eSports doesn't mean they have to be so limited in what they say or how they feel, that makes him okay in my book.
UD and Mr. Wiz are envy af right now, but if the former was invited I guarantee you he wouldn't complain so hard about it. They can eat a dick.
The Cannon Brothers were only right about the insane amounts of downtime after every match (lasting longer than the match themselves), but it seems like they reduced downtimes with this group which seems like they're listening.
>tfw eliza is gonna steal lili away from asuka in tekken 7
Play Eliza and customize her with blonde hair
>make a second account to try out a new character
>first match, get an ibuki
>alt f4s before he loses
>instantly get matched up again with him
>alt f4's again before the last hit
It was a bronze Ibuki with 934 points. Are they really that precious? Was it to maintain his winstreak of 3?
Exactly what I'm gonna do. Also green hair sometimes.
He loses points either way so it really doesn't matter
>GODKrone goes 6-1
>K-Fraud goes 1-6
>GODKrone beats K-Fraud head to head
Is this the end of K-Fraud?
>Are they really that precious?
Just train in casual you dumb piece of shit. The very reason you created a second account is that you value those points even more than a sane person should.
really gets the noggin joggin
It's still stupid to altf4 for so little.
You're right about that. You can still suck my dick though. I'm not at fault for people ragequitting. I never do and i've lost 300 points to somebody on a smurf account.
the characters aren't that similar in playstyle dessssssss
Based godkrone absolutely BTFO Kbrad last night
>uh.. dude I'm c-complimenting you
(kbrad just saying "uh dude if you didn't spam I would have won)
Based krone took that shit at face value, hold that L Kbrad
Honestly Cammy is pretty overrated in the meta of 1 hit = 50% of your life top tiers just look at how bad Kbrad is doing lately.
KFraud sucks
Is Urien the most over rated character in SFV
Has won literally nothing worthwhile and 3 people pick him
was watching the stream a few hours waiting to see this but missed it, thanks
But Kazunoko got destroyed at topanga, Xiaohai got destroyed in China, so???
Cammy is the most overrated character in SFV by far.
They also removed the really cringe-y overly juvenile wubwub music after every match.
Nah he is not overrated when he can delete 60% of your life in one v-trigger sequence and has the best normals in the game and fast moves to bypass neutral on top.
Can't wait for LI Joe to go 0-7 tonight.
>Talks on the phone the entire match.
Best newcomer.
That honor belongs to LPN.
LPN is better than joe
I don't understand the ELeague format for the next phase.
>The ELEAGUE Street Fighter V Invitational will have twenty-four (24) Players in the
Regular Season: Phase One. The Players will remain in the same group (i.e., Group A,
Group B, Group C, etc.) they were assigned to in the Preliminaries, with four (4)
groups of six (6) Players each.
But only four players qualified from each group? Don't the top two players already go straight to Regular Season Phase Two?
>Rainbow 6 Siege ranked has you play several rounds (max bo9)
>If you leave ealry you can't do ranked for 8 minutes and you suffer a renown gain penalty
Would something like this work for SFV?
It won't stop me from quitting Dhalsims on sight
Nevermind, the official conditions are wrong. It's four players.
What did UltraDavid said?
But you'll not be able to do ranked temporarily and you'll gain no foight money
He didn't like the presence of a security guard during the K-Brad vs Wolfkrone.
make it ft10
the most honest format
That is the least degenerate. But I think Bo3 is coo, just mandate it.
The main perplexing thing about R6 ranked is that you play 7 matches and can wind up somewhere in copper/bronze, or all the way in fucking gold
From what I've checked in Social Media, those that are actually "looking in from the outside" people are having fun watching the event. Even the usual big Esports people like it. A fucking ESPN guy was even enjoying it.
So why oh fucking why are McRibs, the Cannons, and fucking passive-aggressive Ultrakek so over sensitive?
Not by much honestly.
Remember to make your Tekken girls brown
i watch all of his videos!!!!!!!
because they got left behind
Why are Americans winning? Is there something wrong with SFV?
>mentally ill polturd replying to himself to shill his garbage esports turd production
>calling others over sensitive while being triggered at eceleb opinions
espn guys liked woshige getting up its just because of the players and fgc entertainment you dumb nigger
Why are you so obsessed with /pol/? The fact you see political stuff behind anything makes me think you are the /pol/turd.
Also, people love this kind of drama. It's entertaining and makes more people follow the community, so that they get more involved in fighting games. How is that a bad thing?
>stupid bullshit gets promoted
>people see the fgc as a bunch of lawless morons who need cops by them
>people dont respect fgs
>hurrrr why is our scene dying
its pretty clear
even keits thought the sfvfags were acting stupid
tells you quite a bit doesnt it
esports is trash even their cringy scripted shit was garbage the fgc is only fun because it's real and unadulterated fuck off back to your moba safe space
Which one of you is Bison2017
naturally. is there anything better in this world than delicious brown girls? I don't think so
Delicious brown Elves
I was thinking about this recently and I think I agree. At the very least I don't think she's top 5 but probably just outside it. Was trying to figure out where I'd put her while fucking around in photoshop and came up with my criteria (in the pic).
supplementary criteria:
S/S+: can and will win tournaments
A+: can win but not with major competition attending
B+: will make top 8 but will most likely never win
below that: kill urself
I think it's pretty accurate at least.
man i havent seen a birdie in tournament in awhile
He just won one.
which? i must have missed it
Japan doesn't consider Laura a threat. She'll get figured out eventually.
The f.hp TC deals too much damage though.
japans not very good at this game though
They just don't have any, it's Viper all over again. Krone beat Tokido, MOV, and Fuudo today.
some britshit tournament I think
lol you kappa kids are clueless
What a strange picture, I don't see it making any sense whatsoever in what it wants to say. Where did you get this?
Viper had Tonpy.
We get it Highwaystar, you're mentally ill.
All that is required to "fix" a 1vs1 game is to give the quitter a loss and the other guy a win. It's just problematic that the p2p nature of fighting games makes it more open to abuse
How does Pungkoo do it??
I'm sitting here with Kolin, fighting for every bit of screen, for every point of damage. Meanwhile Pungkoo just flys over the screen "LoL, have some iceballs in your mouth! You can't touch this!"
Maybe I should switch back to Cammy or give Juri a try?
he's a chubby korean with a short temper
>guy says "who gives a fuck"
>everyone goes crazy
is it really that big of a deal
Each character has 2 different places on the tierlist, when you consider both places you give them their ranking. Sort of like x factor.
1) Their strength with V-Trigger
2) Their strength without it
There is a little generalizing so I could tone down how autistic I was being about it. I had S+ and A+ being both on the same value level, S being v-trigger is more valued, B- being deficient in some way.
Japan didn't really have a Viper till Flash and Krone used her.
No, and most people didn't give a phuck at the time either as there was more important things going on.
I get what you were trying to do, I just think the way characters are appointed to different tiers make very little sense. Or that comebacks would crucially depend on V-triggers to begin with.
>watching eleague
>MOV btfo K-brrrrrad 2:0
How can someone not like this?
>that right chun forearm
>washed up turd striker beating an irrelevant gaijin
>pointy elbows
I just like the motive.
What do I need to do to get the contents of this pastebin into OP pastebin?
Make a pastebin that's the current OP with your addition in, ask for it to be put in in the next OP and hope the sniffposter notices
Problem X won a british tournament and a birdie won the Latin america tournament in the last week
Did we ever get a way to play those recent arcade rips online? Like the arcade version of ultimax?
>That incredible pretentiousness
he's just chillin man
Mika needs buffs
No, but the whole thing was just so boring they had to make a big deal out of something
I don't know why but people acting like the army negro is already confirmed for the next DLC character really triggers me
pls buff Mika, Combofiend
You'll be the triggered one when he releases next month
false, Iori is coming next
why are sjws and polturds so mad at cartoon characters? byron looks cool they just need to give him a personality
I'm not mad at the character, I'm mad at ledditors and various forum posters for already shitting on Capcom for it as if it's confirmed and how boring his design supposedly is