/dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls General


Previous thread: >Ringed City items checklist (if you find an error, please reply and correct):

>1.11 patch:

>1.12 patch:

>Ringed City DLC stuff

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Is for mercury pestilence bullying

First for DOORS

delete this

I simply cannot believe that there is no option to keep the Dark Soul. There has to be something the dataminers have missed..!
I mean I guess you can just not finish the DLC but that's not a satisfying solution.

Is Ring of steel Protection worth it in PvP?

I am looking at 24~ absorption with it and 8 without

it doesn't work in pvp

so no

Which one was this? I didnt get invaded by Orbeck

no, its effect is nerfed in PvP, like the clutch rings

The trio of NPCs in the Archives, with the caster, axe-user and weeaboo. How the fuck am I meant to deal with them when they all come as a group, even if you pull one at max range with a bow?

anyone up for midir?


i went to the catacombs before getting all my dark sigils from yoel and now he is dead. i fucked up and i'm locked out of yuria and the lord of hollows now right?

>no new dragonstones with special abilities
>no kalameet greatsword inspired tailcut weapon for midir
>no dragonbone greathammer with dkga weapon art

At least those dragonhead shields are cool.

Pretty much

>doesnt work
what a fucking fool i am lol
now i don't know what 4th ring to use....

sounds like something Deepak "bullshit generator" Chopra could say

Reminder that placing your white/red summon sign before the SotC boss doesn't summon you faster.
People who say that just want to lower the amount of people being summoned to the boss, so they can get faster.
Also I'm trolling everyone who puts their sign and has any Ringed Knight item equiped, I summon them and hide so they waste their time.

anyone not stupid would just crystal out after not being summoned as the boss

So how is Vordt's Great Hammer now that its Frostbite is at 110? I'm hearing it can cause frostbite in two hits in pve, but what about pvp? And uh, how do you know when it's been applied?

what?? where does it say what is nerfed in pvp?

I am tired of 40/40 quality builds.

What are some really fun and dedicated Buffing/Magic builds?

Anything that includes buffing your weapon. no Carthus Flame Arc.

How is blessed weapon now? How is ligtning/darkmoon/dark blade as buff? Are they worth investing the points?

Nothing says it, but testing demonstrates it.
There are people who literally summon each other to stand on regular patterns to find the exact range of every weapon, I've learned to trust their autism.

People is tired of waiting forever (because placing your sign for the boss is a meme) so they feel like dueling a bit.

whats the point going 40/40 if you're 2 handing?

I'd say test it with a few pvp matches and see if it does any difference. Better to know from your own test than others.

variety and generally lots of damage?

git gud

Blessed weapon has always been a good buff, As long as you have high AR.

it's a free 7.5% damage increase.

>And so, despite his weighty armour, he lived in fear. Of a delicate thing, little more than a girl.




Confirmed, there's a guy from South Korea summoning people, he's inmune to damage.

Is one of the best bosses in the series.

>playing the game on fucking german
unironically kill yourself you massive fucking shitter

Vordt's Hammer is probably the best greathammer in the game right now. It has good damage, and the Frostbite is really easy to proc. You can tell by the sudden burst of damage and the sound it makes. It's a beast in PVP for the same reasons it's a beast in PVE. Just be sure to use Perseverance, since it makes you an unstoppable tank for a few seconds.

>How is blessed weapon now?
always been good on yuge weapons since it's a percentage based buff
>How is ligtning/darkmoon
both good, darkmoon being better but a pain in the ass to get
>dark blade
meh, not worth the investment

Dont bother with Dark Blade unless its for Mad King Crux
DMB&LB are for 60 Fth builds and do wonders for stuff like Drakeblood or LKGS
Or use fast paired weapons to shit out damage with them

>one of

you mean eygon?

But why would Eygon fear Irina?

>1 estus

Might be the best yeah. Midir and Gael feel like the only bosses as overtuned as the main character in DS3, very refreshing to actually have to try dodging properly.

Yeah, him. I just remember his armor.


Also, the made king weapon is buffable? that's kind of hilarious

I don't speak American desu and the German translation has always been closer to the grorious nipponese in literally every souls game.

Eternal Anglo literally misses important lore due to translation mistakes. Thats what you get for being a monolingual mongoloid

Haven't you ever feared an infant for the uncomfortable feeling of absolute fatal power its dependence gives you?

all these fucking inflated level fucks acting like this, why don't you fucks try fighting that faggot at level 80?

Lothric Knight Greatsword
And dont forget Faiths melee cheese; Raw Dragonslayer Axe with LB

shieldfags also :^)

Ich spreche 4 Sprachen du superbehinderter megahurensohn.
Deutsche VA's sind einfach immer komplett garbage (bis auf serh seleten ausnahmen) und die Übersetzungen sind einfach nur cringe. 0/10, weder filme, noch serien, noch videogames gehen klar auf Deutsch.

What's the difference? Almost everything is a one or two shot on NG+ and above anyway.

Ringed knight paired greatswords for one and other duel weapons.

I want to hug Friede.

why was he so determined to protect her? yes, it was his duty but he hated it and her
he could have just dropped her somewhere and leave

I don't even speak German wtf is your problem.
I just feel closer to my heritage when I play it on German.

Does Black Iron Helm work with anything? Fuck necks.

I see

what about a raw corvian knife with LB/DMB? I know it doesn't have innate split like the weapons you're listing, but I kinda want to try it

What´s with the locust-men?

I like it with Artorias' chestpiece.

If its fast(like the corvian knife) it'll work with the buffs

Spawn of the abyss, sent to return its children to it.

>yes, it was his duty but he hated it and her

he only pretends because he's very tsun tsun, if you make her teach you dark miracles he gets super pissed at you, something he wouldn't do if he didn't care.

Yeah well... Let the feast.. begin

they where supposed to convince people on the whole dark = great time, but they really just wanna eat stuff.

This covenant is as broken as the other auto summon covenants. Why is From so shit?

So what's Eygon role in the DLC?

I know he has no dialogue but how he managed to survive until that point baffles me specially since he's supposed to off himself depending of what path do you choose in the sidequest

I like the theory that he's trying to find that mask the Firekeepers wears for Irina to help her to become a real one but he only finds Blindfold Mask, and maybe he doesn't fear Irina herself but he being useless for her, he acts bitter and calls her useless but when he sees youre a better man for her than he is he just loses his purpose and kills himself, I suppose he fears being useless to her

In fact, if Eygon managed to give the Blindfold Mask to Irina it only would get worse for her since Dark and etc.

its meaningless to pursue this though.
They didn't give us much to work with.

no one?

They do not fear the dark, and like to feast

Hold on, just need to tune my car radio.

Post >yfw you beat Midir

When are lorefags going to learn from doesn't care about plot. They make or recycle the environments and equipment and then make up stuff on the spot to fit it in.

respec and go alone, pump a STR weapon and smack that dragon in the face.

I wish they did something with her here.
Not only is going to the tower a pain in the butt but she doesn't provide any incentive to use her nor do you get any dialogue after leveling up


Is a cutie. Post Midir please.

i'm not respeccing. i just need someone to distract him, my damage is fine


Gael was more satisfying. Midir's flashiests attacks are way too easy to dodge.

>oh cool new dark souls 3 dlc has dropped
>get every spell, every piece of gear and defeat every boss in 1 day
>fuck around with builds and pvp for a few hours

well that was fun


How do we know the Moaning Knight is Eygon though? His gear isn't unique to him, is it?

>Gael literally spends a fucking thousand years collecting every fragment of the Dark Soul, to the point where linking the fire literally doesnt matter cause the world is a sea of ash either way
>kill him
>take it
>dont give it to painting loli, just keep it
btfo lmao

>White preacher head
>Perhaps that someone is you? Did you not arise from the Abyss, and did you not resist drowning in the Age of Fire? Locusts and men are kindred spirits.

Is this implying some epic backstory about the ashen one that we dont know about?

You know just like how there's an NPC related to the 3 lords of cinder you fight, but not one for Ludleth? Could this be implying that you where born during that age of dark? The one where Ludleth willed himself a lord to link the fire? The one we see in dark firelink?

although really how can we 'resist drowning in the age of fire' when the one canon thing we know about the ashen one is that we tried to linked the fire but failed?

that's what i'm using. but he instakills me at 36 vgr fap+3

comfy sleep knowing I beat all these fucking bosses before the patch
just call shira then. She's a good meatshield to tank midir's hits

The armor as far I know isn't, but the shield is unique to him since it was shaped after her sister and the Moaning Knight wears it

>German is "cringe"
>can't write properly



Are you going to post a platform or not?

>from doesn't care about plot
DeS, DS, DS2, and BB have straight-forward stories, it's really only DS3 that's a mess.

tfw he stretched your anus so wide you can now fit a 2 liter bottle of coke without lube

Has anyone tried to do the usurpation of fire ending and then stomping on the firekeepers soul, while not giving the painter the dark soul? Do you get the double asshole ending then?

Go solo, seriously, summoning someone drags the fight out forever and fucks up the strategy.

Stay in front of his face the whole time to bait out the same weak claw swipes, then go for his tail when he breathes downward.

The further you are from him, the more dangerous he is.

>using MKC with Dark Blade on my FTH STR character
Holy fucking shit.

Why does this work so well?

Mistranslations such as Artorias Greatsword -> Darkslayer are not lore

i can't. i already triggered gael's fight JUST FUCKING HELP ME

I want to fuck her rotten corpse in the eyesocket desu until Papa Gael joins in.