/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

Panda Edition

>Deck lists, news etc

>Open Tournaments

>/hsg/ general & tournament discord

>Autistic pack buying / crafting strategy
Save up all gold 120 days before each expansion (6100g). This means saving for the next set starting the 18th of April. You can craft remaining top legendaries without the chance of pulling them from packs.

>Simulate your 50 pack pre-order

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We getting Protodrakes?

Play Shadowverse, TotG is out and shadow is actually good


Hearthstone is killing itself - Superdata

"Blizzard Entertainment may have dealt itself a few bad hands lately in regards to its PC and mobile hit Hearthstone. Superdata today released its worldwide digital games market report for February, and the research firm concluded that "Hearthstone is killing itself."

According to Superdata, February saw Hearthstone revenues on iOS and Android at their lowest since those versions of the game launched, down significantly year-over-year and month-over-month. The desktop version of the game has also seen declining revenues, though not to the same extent as on mobile. "

>that druid legendary

they aren't even fucking trying now are they

Remember, if you want to beat broken cards in Hearthstone, all you need to do is mulligan aggressively.

Are the daily login rewards only for the week leading up to Un'Goro? They could at least make it a regular thing if they're dropping adventures entirely

Holy shit

Not only does the art unironically looks like OC

Its just boring as FUCK

What's this current brawl? Is it actually co-op like against Mechazod or whatever that co-op one is?

I wish they stopped making up dumb shit like that lava dinosaur. I'm so fucking sick of it.

>mechmage with removal and high health minions troubles the playerbase
>pirate warrior shits out their hand for turn 6 lethals

it looks like OC because it looks like they cropped out a square of the background of a piece of another piece of art to get something that fits the card name when they were making it on hearthcards

Art looks so horrible first time I saw it in /hsg/ I thought it was cropped from bigger image OC. Team 5 literally gives no shit about game anymore

Its gonna take a miracle for Blizzard to get me to spend money on the game again. Last purchase was the welcome bundle and before that BRM

Druid always had the most interesting legendaries. Forgotten kang, chick, cenarius and now its just a dumb big Timmy card. Blizzard just run out of ideas, dead game.

>buying adventures

They will continue on their path as long as they get enough back.

Just need like 1000 whales and its alright.

>They could at least make it a regular thing i
Sure thing goy

I'm never giving them another dime

>drawing well is the key to winning in a card game

I think people in general are finally getting sick of Blizzards shit, even Reddit is apparently starting to realize that $45 for not even a third of the expansion is pretty fucking dumb when Overwatch is $40, and that they're going to be releasing 3 expansions a year instead of adventures

>when even Reddit catches on to your kikery


Yugi's a cheater.

The Millennium Puzzle literally increases the luck of the person wearing it when it comes to getting good draws in card games.

I wish I had ancient egyptian topdeck cheating magic. Would be the best at every card game thanks to my supernaturally perfect draws.

i dont understand why a druid would ever pay 10 mana for a 12/12 when they can pay 1 mana for a 12/12

Fun fact:
Until superstition or paranormal abilities are proven real Wizards of the Coast doesn't count things such as "Mind Reading" as cheating.

isnt aviana rotating out?

jades stay

Also I'm certain my first legend from this set will be that fucking card

Oh, right right i was thinking about playing it via Kum combo,yea, 10 mana can give you much more across the board, the legendaries for druid and warrior look like shit

>nigger priest stealing my shadowcast aya which by that time was dropping like 10/10 monstrosities, then copying her deathrattle with the raptor he stole previously
>his face when they both shit out small tokens after trading
One time I applaud inconsistencies in this game is when it fucks over priest players

warrior's is okay, it's not great but it could be slotted into a control deck seeing as they're losing like 3 or 4 one-of cards like trueheart (not saying they fill the same role btw)

This is true.

Mainly because they refuse to write an official rule that specifically says something as ridiculous sounding as

"Mind Reading is considered cheating in tournament play"

Which makes sense when you look at it that way. They're a company, they don't want to look stupid, nor do they really care enough about including such a pointless rule (since mind reading isn't a real thing anyway, at least not until technology can make it real).

>Current state of the game
>Ungoro cards
>Blizzard hasnt still learned to balance the game

Last time I bought packs was the pre order of TGT. I cant play this shit anymore, its trash.

Hows Faeria guys?

Not an inconsistency, the jade counter is not tied to the minion but to the player (not even the hero, as a rogue that steals jaraxxus will keep their jade count)

Obviously, but I imagine that card text is too confusing for new players.

Do you figure people are retarded on purpose or is the game just mostly bots at this point? The last 3 brawls people kept hitting me in the face and buffing the party crashers.

Yes, guys i miss deaths bite so much now. Warrior is my fav class and i'm kinda nervous about their quest and new cards.

pls be good

I don't understand this 100 dust on average meme
Packs are the biggest bullshit there is
I NEVER get any legendaries except for when my pity counter runs out
Epics are 1 in 10 packs at best
Golds are also 1 inn 10
I don't remember opening anything but RARE for a month straight now, except for 1 epic I opened 3 days ago and a golden rare from my free pack

Kill Me, Pete

>Druidfags up in arms that not every single card in the expansion is god tier for once

lmao fucking neck yourselves

literally nobody is upset that druid got bad cards, they're upset that their legendary is fairie dragon that got dinosize cast on it as opposed to anything remotely creative

Any one hesitant on buying the un'goro cards? I feel like this might be another grand tourney and I'll waste my gold on the cards. I play mage mostly but I want that phoenix card.

Also is it too late to craft sylvanis for dust? I was thinking of getting rid of a couple of cards since I'll like 600 short.

the average is 60 dust

dont listen to blizzshills and redditors

All other cardgames on the market are either equally as bad or worse, except maybe MTG.

Go download XMage for multiplayer and Forge for when you want to learn MTG.
Both are literally free

Are there any creative cards in this expansion at all?

It's either more lolrandom discover, or the adapt shit. Or just regular shit. I guess some quest and quest-related cards are somewhat unique, but other than that it's just sad.

People bot with PW on ranked for gold and golden portrait. Botting on co-op is retarded. So yes, people are retarded.

It's not too late, if you're thinking about unplayable trash epic then go.

>We want expansions every 2 months
>We also want every card to be unique


Hunter legendary, quests, rogue legendary. thats about it

Hemet was okay


nah if i could have one expansion every 6 months but they were good i'd be much happier than an expansion every 3 or 4 months where half the set is actual filler

Hows xmage user? I heard that some MTG online clients are rather finnicy

I like the new elise

that's not what projecting means, idiot

What's your new favorite mechanic? Mine is GUESS THE CARD

Season gonna end soon, but you've reached rank5 already, right? Have you?

Yes, yes I have.

ok champ

I usually spend 2 days a month flying with a winstreak down to like rank 7 or wherever I get before people start showing the slightest bit of resistance and stop playing until next month

Apparently it gives your 3 class cards to choose from unless your opponent has no class cards in their deck.

The idea behind this was to make it harder to guess which one is the real one. The reality of it will probably just mean the card you nigger from them is better (because you'll always get a class card).

>no memes
>talks about behind the scene stuff openly
>doesnt shill blizzard
>good gameplay
>interacts with chat

Is Rdu the best streamer?

> its just a fairy deathwing

Did they just print this card yesterday or something like that?
The art looks like a random OC tho.

shaman, paladin or hunter for arena?


It's not even that user, Deathwing clears the board. You can just ignore that and smorc.

shaman, easy

when did being a class card mean a minion gets +4 stats, a tribe and a special ability?

what a fucking lazy design, remember there are more legendary cards in this expansion than any other


If they're this stuck for ideas now imagine what the THIRD expansion will be like this year.

Guys, I figured it out.

Most people that hate Jade aren't "fatigue deck players"

They are Timmies with Golem envy

>Gee Bill, how come your card let's you play 9/9s for *one* mana?



>play ramp druid
>feels like a worse jade druid

Fuck jades

No, I reached rank 4

>instead of getting a quest which enables a classes only playable deck you're going to unpack a worse version of deathwing

but m-m-muh menagerie warden plays

i picked shaman because i have it golden

what do you think? it doesnt look too bad no lightning storm though

>below 70 points
Looks pretty bad.


I've been using it since M15 came out, they improved a ton, it's very good for playing MTG with others.
Drafts are kinda shitty, since usually you will get 1-2 people that quit before you even get to play a game, but ´tournaments / 1v1 matches in any format are usually without any issues.

If you want to download it, I could give you a quick bogdown, play a couple matches or so.

Also, the biggest issue you will encounter is slow playing newfags who run down their clock because they can't into passing priority or holding.

Looks pretty shit user, you had better be good.

5-3 if you're lucky.

oh well may the rng be in my favor

But discover isn't a new mechanic.

rdu best gypsy desu

Summon shit on death wasn't a new mechanic either but that didn't stop Team5 from selling it as the NEW EJECT MECHANIC

Un'goro Class Legend Power Rankings


Priest hasn't been revealed

>Warlock cards ever good let alone top tier


I mean it objectively is a good card if you run even 1 or 2 discard cards (Doomguard, Soulfire)

4 mana 3/5 your deathrattles now also trigger as battlecrys, look it up kiddo

I'd say nobody will ever play that shit but I'd be wrong because come rotation discardlock is the only deck Warlock will be able to run besides some bastardised version of Zoo


>tfw my favourite classes, Lock n Rogue are getting meme shit
>Looking grim

I hope I'm wrong, someone tell me I'm retarded and their cards are really actually good. Please.

Rogue always survives

Rogues new 3/4 is insane
Quest is good
Lego is good
Mimic Pod is literally a better arcane intellect

Rogues getting some good shit

Miracle coming back was the best thing that happened to this game

rip conceal, not like we needed it anyway

Mimic pod is good albeit not good as arcane intellect. Its card draw that doesnt depend on auctioneer which is nice.

Rest is shit, dont listen this

Do you miss him now?

>he will miss Elise which became a must include card in every control deck only so you could counter other control decks using Elise
>he will miss Justicar "+200 armor for warriors"
Is he fucking high? Other than that he was spot on.

>Druid Quest Reward changes the cost of every card in your deck to (1)
>Play Hemet, Ungoro edition

>Mimic pod isnt as good as arcane intellect

Shitter opinion - Discarded to trash

why the fuck isnt he at least a 5/5

this shit is retarded

>tfw Justicar could have been such a fun card if Team Shit wasn't so creatively bankrupt