Can Islam truly be considered a religion alongside the likes of Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, and others?
It comes off more as a radical death cult to me.
Can Islam truly be considered a religion alongside the likes of Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, and others?
It comes off more as a radical death cult to me.
Other urls found in this thread:
It doesn't matter what you think. It's a religion nonetheless.
>It comes off more as a radical death cult to me.
That's because you're retarded, user. It's okay, though, plenty of retards manage to get through their daily lives just fine :)
Christianity was once a radical death cult too. Now its just a huge cult with the radical groups being more apocalypse fetishists.
looks like the liberal cucks are out in full force today
>It comes off more as a radical death cult to me.
That's because you haven't studied it well enough and are relying on memes like the retard you are.
A fuckton of Iraqis think American Christianity is a violent death cult, and a ton of Palestinians think that all Judiasm is a violent death cult.
Someone who can't graduate from the petty prejudices of his nursery is called an Idiot.
How does statement make me a liberal? And how does it make me a cuck? Explain
The only difference between a cult and a religion is numbers.
>anyone who disagrees with me is a cuck
go back to raping your goats, mudshit
you're attacking Christianity in an effort to make your pet brown people's religion look better. definition of a libcuck
Not the guys you replied to but thos thread basically was an attempt at retarded /pol/ tier circle jerk right ?
Just honest about it.
*Just be
Ah fuck its early.
Islam was originally considered a Christian heresy, and when the concept of 'world religions' developed it was one of the central examples.
Guy Stroumsa - A New Science: The Discovery of Religion in the Age of Reason
Peter Harrison - 'Religion' and the Religions in the English Enlightenment
'Buddhism' is really a couple of dozen religions, it's as if you described the religions of the Middle East as 'Abrahamism.'
I'm brown though, why would I care about Christianity? It's not even my family's religion, and no, neither is Islam. I wasn't really hitting just Christianity either, I think all abrahamic religions are pretty cancerous tbqh.
As Emir to his most gracious Sultan Köksal bin Baba bin Osman I, ruler of this board that embraces historical preservance and rational thought, I will inform you that Islam is nothing like the shitty dhimmi cults that you mentioned.
Leave this proud Turkish zone or pay the devşirme, you filthy pagan kul.
> I can't think critically and I'm on a board devoted to history.
You've graduated beyond stupid and ascended to a whole new fucking level.
The popularity of Cuckold porn is highest in republican voting areas.
& humanities was a mistake
>a brutal warlord who raped, pillaged, massacred civilians, bought and sold slaves, took underage child brides and had sex with them, and claimed to have hallucinations which justified his behavior
yeah that sure sounds like a perfect moral exemplar to base a religion off and for 1.6 billion to follow
all these cucks defending Islam make me puke
>Sultan Köksal bin Baba bin Osman
>all these cucks defending Islam
Not everyone here is white american male user
god I wish this were true
if you aren't willing to stand up to the cancer that is Islam, you're either a cuck or a mudshit
>>a brutal warlord who raped, pillaged, massacred civilians, bought and sold slaves, took underage child brides and had sex with them, and claimed to have hallucinations which justified his behavior
>Raped and pillaged
Who did he rape and pillage, considering that during his time he consolidated Arabia mostly peacefully.
>Massacred civilians.
This is pretty baseless too.
Blah blah blah, using that Shia slander against Aisha outside of its proper context (It was to deny her a vote at Saqira for being under 30 when she wasn't ) and an ebin tip or two from that old fedora.
> I was raped by Muslims so Islam isn't religion! Christian, Buddhist and even Atheists done some pretty brutal actions too, but it isn't a point to just deny what is a core idea of Islam which is believe in God, in other words a religion. Would it kill you to say that Islam is a bad religion or that religions can be bad for people?
Seize all non-enlightening and non-turkic activity or we will bring out the big shitposter!
The Qanun of this board shall be respected.
Cancer that is certain abrahamic religion, you mean?
Nice taqiyya.
He massacred the Jews of Banu Qurayza. There were about 3,000 or so men that were killed - the women and children were sold into slavery.
He married Aisha when she was 6 and consumnated the marriage when she was 9. The Sahih Bukhari and At-Tabari confirms this. This would be considered pedophilia and rape by any civilized society.
He pillaged and raided the caravans of the Quraysh tribe after the Hijra from Mecca. That eventually led to the Battle of Badr btw.
And I haven't even brought up Khaybar.
Oh man, we've been discovered guys
shut it down, taqiyya won't work on this guy abort mission
*tips fedora*
Put that katana away neckbeard. I ain't atheist either.
ISIS is a radical death cult. There's 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, and most are just folk, looking to get by like anyone else. Travel to Turkey or some other Muslim country if you want to get to know them. They're like anyone.
The women and children of banu Qurayza emigrated to Khaybar. They also elected a judge themselves to decide their fate. He did.
The age of Aisha, also according to sources within Bukhari and other collections was likely closer to 15/18. Hadeeth collections are raw data, they can't be read and understood instantly.
Quraysh was preparing a warfund.
Khaybar was given the option of surrender and exile repeatedly.
I'm Ibadi m8, Taqiya is a Shia thing used only against other Muslims.
You realize he's a book of rituals and not a book of history right? Abu Muslim (who's an actual historian) disagrees.
> Ibn Sa‘d has stated in the Tabaqat that when Abu Bakr [father of Aisha] was asked he replied that the girl had already been betrothed to Jubair, .. This shows that Aisha must have been approaching majority at the time. Again, the Isaba, speaking of the Prophet’s daughter Fatima, says that she was born five years before the Call and was about five years older than Aisha. This shows that Aisha must have been about ten years at the time of her betrothal to the Prophet, and not six years as she is generally supposed to be. This is further borne out by the fact that Aisha herself is reported to have stated that when the chapter [of the Holy Quran] entitled The Moon, the fifty-fourth chapter, was revealed, she was a girl playing about and remembered certain verses then revealed. Now the fifty-fourth chapter was undoubtedly revealed before the sixth year of the Call. All these considerations point to but one conclusion, viz., that Aisha could not have been less than ten years of age at the time of her nikah, which was virtually only a betrothal. And there is one report in the Tabaqat that Aisha was nine years of age at the time of nikah. Again it is a fact admitted on all hands that the nikah of Aisha took place in the tenth year of the Call in the month of Shawwal, while there is also preponderance of evidence as to the consummation of her marriage taking place in the second year of Hijra in the same month, which shows that full five years had elapsed between the nikah and the consummation. Hence there is not the least doubt that Aisha was at least nine or ten years of age at the time of betrothal, and fourteen or fifteen years at the time of marriage.”
The Tabari you've claimed below disagrees with you here.
dont eat pork, just like everyone sure wasnt hard to disprove this argument.
Radical Muslims want to cut off your head.
Moderate Muslims want to pin you down while the radicals cut your head off.
That's the only difference.
> I hate a billion people (Muslims) because they have discerning taste
> I also hate Chinese people, because they don't have discerning taste.
>Moderate Muslims want to pin you down while the radicals cut your head off.
>Says the loser who's sitting at home.
I just came back from Syria fighting ISIS with the Muslim Kurds.
>Massacred the Jews of Banu Qurayza
You mean after they entered into an alliance with the Muslims and then broke their promise allowed the Quraysh to advance on their rear?
You realize what happens when you switch sides in war right?
>when she was 6 and consumnated the marriage when she was 9
Child marriages where actually common throughout the world until relatively recently
>He pillaged and raided the caravans of the Quraysh tribe after the Hijra
You mean after the Meccans kicked them out of Mecca? This was after torturing them to get them to rescind their faith. Keep in mind before the hijrah violence even in the name of religion was forbidden.
Also the raids where to regain their possessions which were seized on their expulsion. The Battle of Badr was to reclaim stolen Muslim goods.
>b-but w-what about... b-but they started it!
typical mudshit
what do you mean, "came back"?
this isn't your home nigger
get the fuck out
>this obvious /pol/-trash thread from foreign invaders is still going
Fuck it, where the fuck is al-Jani Tohr when you need him?
Ottoman order must be restored to this board.
So is this bait or just racism? I can't tell anymore.
>history isn't muh good vs evil, black and white fantasy mommy told me it was
why are you on this board? /pol/ would serve as a better echo chamber, which is what you seem to be looking for.
Name a culture that allows for slavery.
Name a culture that mutilates female genitals
name a culture that is often opposed to education
name a culture that allows for paedophilia and rape
name a culture that is entirely where law is decided by a biased novel written by semi nomadic desert traders
name a culture that actively kills gays
name a culture that discriminates against all other religions.
It has nowt to do with religion, it has everything to do with culture, and middle eastern culture is ,by any logical, civilized human standpoint, fucking terrible.
Any culture on the earth. Checkmate, mate.
kys you stupid, stupid liberal low energy cuck
Literally all of them up until the recent West, except maybe regarding FGM but even then it's a minority amongst Muslims who call for it. And you could make an argument for "MGM" being more or less the same.
>It comes off more as a radical death cult to me.
Same as Christianity, then. The only difference is that the majority of Christians have started to ignore bible and grown more moderate over time.
I can't wait until cucks like you are sent to the reeducation camps
Really? last i recall the western world harshly reprimands female genital mutilation, abolished slavery absolutely over a hundred years ago, no longer bases their law on outdated theology, has mostly legalized gay marriage, allows for freedom of religion, harshly reprimends rape and paedophilia, and promotes education.
It isn't about race, it isn't about god, the flaws of the world are ideological,
I'm not even right wing, I'm a fucking Marxist, m80, you're just deluded.
>hurr all cultures are equal
tell that to the Saudi woman who had her clit cut out with a curved dagger, then had to ask to go to a hospital, dummy.
I'd say I'd see you there, but I imagine you have to be educated first before you can be re-educated, and the lack of substance in what seem to be your posts don't really reflect any of that education.
>I'll just respond to every post by calling them a cuck
Renaissance Italy is significantly more socially advanced than the modern middle east is today, and every western culture since then until now has been better. Google how many Egyptian women have been circumcised and tell me its a non issue.
Sure, but believe it or not there's not a lot of room for moral development and enlightened thinking when Nigel and Billy are constantly destroying the centers of your culture while simultaneously promoting a radical version of your religion via supporting the clearly more radical side in a Cold War they continuously feed into.
>bruh why do these uneducated people in war torn countries behave like uneducated people in war torn countries?
ok, so all cultures aren't equal. fine. let's go with your argument for now.
how do we objectively measure cultures against one another?
how do we quantify their successes and achievements?
how do we get to say that culture X is better than culture Y, and by this amount? and that it will take Z amount of time for culture Y to catch up?
or do we just keep making these empty appeals to emotion like you are right now?
>Same as Christianity, then.
In what way? The founder and prophet of Islam was a literal warlord, pedophile, rapist that was as much a politician as he was a religious leader.
While christians might have engaged in similar shenanigans their asshattery can be attributed to individuals while islam's seems to be more institutionalized. Jesus did say render unto caesar, completely distancing himself from political bullshit.
If you plant a Muslim in Renaissance Italy, and a Christian in Revolutionary Egypt, you'd have more or less the same result. "Advanced" is entirely subjective at least morally speaking, so maybe you'll be more specific?
Also google how many men are being circumcised all over the world and tell me it's a non issue. All I'm saying is it's an autistic issue to be worrying about with all the other factors considered.
Is every board like this now?
>Renaissance Italy is significantly more socially advanced than the modern middle east is today,
you are a retard
They were literally burning people alive in 15th century Italy for not being the right type of Christian. Women were not allowed to divorce or own their own property. Slavery and serfdom were acceptable.
>I have the depth of theological knowledge of a kiddie pool: the post.
Catholicism is far more institutionalized than Islam, which spends more time fighting itself, whereas Catholicism historically made theological arguments to burn some ladies for being particularly haggish. And it wasn't "bruh just turn thy cheek xddd"
why didnt their culture modernize in the first place?
when was the last time Saudi Arabia was war torn and destroyed? or Egypt, or Oman? or he UAE?
They need to be held accountable for their human right violations, and The governments responsible for tampering in these nations need to be responsible for their impact.
does circumcision in males violently defore their genitalia? it's a shit practice, but it isn't anywhere near as terrible as cutting our the clitoris of a newborn child and sewing it back together.
>"institutionalized" in any meaningful way
your Down's Syndrome parents should have been gassed at birth 2bh
>why didnt their culture modernize in the first place?
>when was the last time Saudi Arabia was war torn and destroyed? or Egypt, or Oman? or he UAE?
>They need to be held accountable for their human right violations, and The governments responsible for tampering in these nations need to be responsible for their impact.
What is the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, Alex?
> They need to be held accountable for their human right violations
Unstable dictatorship are god send for democratic countries as resource bases. This is why USA likes Saudi for their Oil.
There are 4 types of FGM.
The ones practiced by Muslims (i.e. Egypt, Somalia, Sudan, parts of Yemen, etc.) is Type I FGM and it does not remove the clitoris. They only remove the clitoral hood, which is like the foreskin covering the clitoris. It is analogous to male circumcision.
>does circumcision in males violently defore their genitalia?
Yes. Especially considering defore isn't a word
> Christian country killed thousands
> nah, totally an individuals are responsible
> One muslim killed hundreds
> Islam totally is to blame! XD
It is tho
Is it an emotional argument that i think people shouldn't be burned for being gay, an adulterer, t or the wrong type of Muslim?
If you can look at European culture, and look at middle eastern culture, and not see a logical separation, you are blind, good sir.
Like i said, a culture that promotes :
slavery, paedophilia, FGM, murder of gays, basing ones structure of morality on anything besides modern logic and humanitarianism and equity, and more often than not refuses to educate women, is not a culture we should support.
Name 5 crimes worse to humanity than the following:
torture/physical deformation
Middle eastern culture allows for 4 of those, western culture allows for none
This isn't an emotional argument, if you refuse to acknowledge what should be staunch human right violations, you're not looking at it from a logical perspective.
my only argument is accountability.
The difference is that when christians get crazy they're being retarded
When Muslims do it they're just following their prophets example
Europe was on fire in a bigoted hell storm more recently than that, dear lad, believe me, we had a worse go of it more recently than Saudi Arabia.
>forgets world war 2
>actually thinks his argument isn't daft
>ask for quantitative and objective measurement
>only to get more emotional arguments and more empty blathering
top kek
And how is christianity NOT a death cult?
Are there even two consecutive pages in the bible without killing, sacrificing and crucifying or just a good ol' massacre?
Is that why slavery is illegal in Iran?
Or that they're constantly getting flak from the UN for giving rapists and murderers the death penalty?
Or maybe that one time where Afghan kids threw acid in Iranian girls' faces and the govt got in trouble for being too harsh on them?
Because their culture allows for it?
Really makes the old neurons fire
>believes rape, slavery, fucking kids, cutting off vagina's, and beating women is perfectly okay
you're a very stupid liberal.
Some women need a hearty beating every once in a while.
take a trip to anywhere from turkey to Pakistan, and tell me what you read on cnn was all the information.
remember to tell the next political refugee you meet that the country they left was perfectly fine.
> cannibalism
Nobody suffers from it directly from the act itself. How is this even in top-5 crimes?
Sure but if you recall correctly places like Japan and Germany were governed by the victors, whereas the Brits just arbitrarily threw in some lines, added some Jews, and ever since then has been pitting themselves against one another in a truly perfidious fashion.
>forgets the late 1900s
>actually thinks his argument isn't daft
What about all the human rights violations the western countries did you hypocritical faggot ?
you really can't see anything wrong with eating people?
It's the single most animalistic, inhumane, savage thing you could do.
rape, murder, torture, and slavery are all things that a rubbish culture may allow, but butchering and eating human beings isn't quite so civil as just raping them, or cutting their head off.
I was born in Iran my friend. Aka smack dab in the middle of those countries.
But good presumption, fám.
punishment for rape is death in virtually every Muslim country.
it's about a year if you get a good lawyer here in the US
illegal in every Muslim country
>fucking kids
heterosexual ephebophilia is a natural part of human nature and has only recently been criminalized in the West thanks to liberal cucks and the feminist movement
>cutting off vaginas
see >beating women
only if she really deserves it. we're not cucks after all.
People always say Islam is radical but if u read the bible for sake allows the raping of children
They should be reprimanded and entirely responsible for them, my argument isn't that the west is perfect, it's that the middle east is fucking terrible, and their culture shouldn't be tolerated by the global community.
Every culture needs a bunch of people tried and executed.
>torture/physical deformation
all illegal activities in every single Muslim country with the first 2 carrying the death penalty.
kill yourself you stupid autistic fuck
>muh global community!
Fuck off Ban Kimoon. Just stop electing in people who are meddlesome in that area of the world and quit being so goddamn nosy yourself. I understand having a bleeding heart seems nice but go find a hobby and fall in love, and not whining about Muslims on a Chinese cartoon imageboard
shut the FUCK up you stupid LIBERAL KEK
the Bible can say whatever THE FUCK IT WANTS TO, you GOT IT?
should be met with death in every society, but go to Egypt or Pakistan if you really think they do anything about it
>they don't
It's illegal everywhere, lad, but it isnt enforced in most third world nations.
>fucking kids
You should be executed, you're traits are why eugenics makes the case.
>cutting off vagina's
Go to a brothel in somalia, and tell me if the world was a clean and structured as you think it is, sonnyboy.
>beating women
are honour killings or severe beatings or lashings for pre marital sex "deserving it"?
Not even /pol/ is this braindead, this is just blatant baiting at this point
Mashallah, brother, well spoken. Inshallah we will eliminate the non-Christian kuffar and not have to resort to liberal taqiyya like pretending to care about brown people on this website soon.
God bless you,
Paul ibn Peter
>says every culture needs large groups of people executed
>is a bleeding heart
>democracy doesn't actually work
Fine, you're just a regular old idiot then. Are you happy?
if you hop on a plane to Yemen tomorrow, rape a young girl, and kill a Jew, you will never hear of it again.
>should be met with death in every society, but go to Egypt or Pakistan if you really think they do anything about it
No need to go that far. It's not like American courts take rape seriously.
That's because there's a civil war in Yemen my friend
Pleas enlighten me, surely you know more than I do, with my degree in anthropology and 5 years living in Tehran, tell me the right answer.
>Yes. Especially considering defore isn't a word
its in the bible.