Rumble edition
Rumble edition
>tfw too intelligent for Soraka and Janna
Cass buffs when?
Ah so the insecure discordfag was Snek all along
>tfw forced 50
why does riot punish be for being able to carry
somebody made this
>still no Illaoi skins
>still no Illaoi QoL
H-how do I play Diana?!
Please help?
Prove this
>building morello
>instead of lichbane, mememask or Redemption
about what exactly, fuccboi
play anything else instead you dumb slut
>tfw new sseth video never
buy rageblade, hit turrets, run the fuck away like a pussy when people come to gank
this image really activates my almonds
this isn't even correct. You guys don't even know the vocabulary you regurgitate.
Cuckolding is not the act of sleeping around behind someone's back, it's the act of sleeping around when they know about it.
It was common during the age of arranged political marriages, where it was not-uncommon for the two married individuals to seek romantic or sexual pleasure outside of the lame political marriage.
More recently, it's most often simply just a fetish, but occasionally a man or woman would emotionally blackmail their partner into being "ok" with their cheating on them with threats of leaving them or threats of social blackmail.
The more you know.
mumu switched to khazix after they picked shaco
anyone got that pic of shaco cucking mumu at red buff on hand?
>no female demon champion yet
explain yourselves lolbabs
Forced 50 is a thing just because of the law or numbers, or something like that. It shouldn't stop
you from climbing, even though Riot has been peeling away the ability to 1v9
>tfw one game, I get an unranked mid who tilts on-sight, and a braindead adc who only plays ranked once a month, but has 300 games overall
>the very next game, i get a Master Yi who plays like he has practiced Wuju style IRL, and teammates who want to win
This fucking timeline, I swear...
>Criticalmiss not on Rumble
don't like this episode lads
why would i play rumble at a time like this
meme picks wont even save me
gross dont respond
But u have. Im the lord of these lands round here
Wud i lie to u?
Of course the guy vehemently defending Veeky Forums v Veeky Forumss is the one guy in every single one
>D5 shitter is the lord of these lands
hey all, I was thinking about practicing my programming by using riot's API to make a statistics site to do something like a smaller version of
But I'm at a loss for what kind of statistics might be useful
What do you think would be useful?
Most of /lolg/s self proclaimed namefags are 3+ season diamond sitters, though some have actually gone and fallen to plat which I find hilarious
The only good player in this general is Riddler
That's basically what Rek'sai is.
>major bukakke
l to the m to the a to the o
There's also that mid masters support main who posts wins here
There's also another challenger faggot on NA vg vs vg and there's also ____me____
Lulu is cuddly and adorable!
Haven't seen Metroid here in a while now you mention it, probably why I forgot him. Yeah, he's pretty based good.
Weird how the actual good players aren't shit sucking assholes and the hardstuck D5's like Senator and Buukage are.
how do I become a cute yorlde
But Diana is really fun, I just want to be good with her please help me!
Okay I'll do this
It's time to jump off a cliff merippu
>not Reddish black
>doesnt talk about souls or corrupting mortals
>no fire effects or hellfire as a part of model
>not part of the Underworld/Infernal skin line
give me a proper demon
If you play even slightly off meta champs or champs with sub 52% winrate, you are trolling and dont want to win. If you wanted to win you'd play the good champs, so don't get mad at me when i troll.
Is Zyra mid still a thing or has it completely disappeared in favor of Zyra support?
I'm looking for a good mid pick and her kit seems fairly good.
Lol? Just by entering the ranked q i am destined to be d5 at least. if u wanna c how good i am watch imthem beg for a camp 5 1/2 games in a row in the discuck massacre
The only time i was plat is when lyte cock slapped me for 3 months straight and i quit for dota
I havnt played in days. Community is alive again ur welcome yes it was me who revived it alone
Fagjizzle sucks stop his meme
You can't fool me Snek
Lulu has the cutest eyes!
At this rate I'm going to be demoted out of plat. People fucking refuse to play safe and not get caught.
>Lucian gets early double kill
>Thinks he can 2v1
>Pisses away the lead we had bot
>TF and Galio crying all game to FF despite trundle carrying
How the fuck these people make it to plat is beyond me.
Should I buy a bunny riven chroma?
If so, which?
How can I get and fuck my own female rumble?
>d5 talking about masters
(You) suck nigga
>Wanting to fuck Rumbler
haram, delete this
Illaoi will always be inherently shit because she has no mobility and she has no CC.
MAYBE, if her W range was larger by about 150-200 units if it were proper pseudo-dash she'd be good, she'd have a one way gap closer similar to Jax but even then the problem of simply walking away from her domain exists. For Illaoi to be good she'd need some way of immediately propagating her tentacles, to avoid the problem of having no source of damage once the skirmish or fight migrates away from the area which she controls with tentacles. Currently the only qualities Illaoi offers is area denial, siege breaking, and lane bullying meant to set the enemy top laner back for the first portion of the game.
>no dark seal
>going full active items and not going ruby sightstone
>going eye of the memers and not frost queens meme to run those people down
I also want to fuck Kassadin
>tfw like the game but hate people who play it
>going frost queens when everyone is behind
>no building CDR so I can heal more in team fights
>getting darkseal when my team is so far behind
Stay bronze kid.
Suppose that's slightly more normal
I've never been stuck in D5 though, only D3, which is as terrible
Redemption gives no ap and sona already heals enough with Ardent, Lich bane Is good but morello gives more Ap, more mana, more cdr and gw, The sheen passive Is good and i can have it after morello BUT, void Is better for dmg overall and abyssal Is needed vs stronk ap teams (oriana, elise, karma, ahri...). Also meme mask Is SHIT in sona only ult does cc. But thanks for The advice user i will give it a thought.
Play Sol instead.
>free back
>free roam
>free farm
>free burst
He is everything you want in a midlaner for soloqueue. Either him or TF.
He's right you know.
I ban Ivern every game, complete cancer.
Lulu if someone else bans Ivern.
And i used to always ban Yasuo, but he's just outmatched by Ivern in terms of cancer.
This video is not same without the sound
>frost queens doesn't provide CDR
nice meme
>buff balanced champions
for what reason?
Basically. This general is full of them, as well.
you don't build meme mask for the burn passive, you build it to burst squishies
The gold one is really nice. I got it yesterday.
>tfw like people who play the game but prefer playing solo
xth for Syndra
xth for nidalee~
please buy a gold income item and let your carry cs
henlo, do you guys own a pet? Does it game with you?
I have to close the door so one of my cats doesn't come annoy me when I'm playing.
The other one often sleeps in my bed while I'm playing and he meows at me when he notices the game ended.
i can't help you but i also recently came back and play ad
be my sona gf pls
>EU production
I have a dog
She's not allowed inside because she's always dirty as fuck because I live on a farm but shes super cute
So it's not only me and the stream is fucked?
sona now gets a 60 CDR cap
riven unchanged
Riven will literally always be good if you're good with her, she's literally the most popular champion in top lane. If she was ever bad, people would bitch on reddit until she got buffed. Sona's okay I guess, same as always
wtf I love toucans now
>join ranked lobby
>check the chat
So i have about 5 minutes to waste.
Do we have anything new in the PBE ? Any interesting buffs/nerfs confirmed ?
>60 CDR cap
oh shit? really?
Yeah i forgot she was popular
meant for
el classico
Fap to LeBlank and then play her only finishing with a triple kill or better
Lulu is the spookiest! THE SPOOKIEST!
I have two dogs but they are not allowed to play the videogames because they have a tendency to chew everything up
i still like em though even if they figured out how to open doors and get into my battlestation room
it was either 60% or 63% CDR with full item and mastery cdr.
it's chained to her ult i think?
what does zyra taste like? I imagine she has the texture of lettuce or maybe celery, but I bet she has a fragrant, almost sweet taste
Its Le Blanc*
Omellete du fromage
>when you duo gets you killed 3 times in a row
>and they give the enemy mf a penta kill
get some new pictures faggot
Or shes like a metahuman. Still "normal" but with plant powers like feeding off the sun and producing oxygen
He is not good.
>Letting your dog freeze to death outside
what if he lives in australia ?
I have a pet turtle, but if I have her with me while gaming she'll piss on my table, or worse yet, on me. Not to mention she loves trying to play herself and step on my keyboard.
Also cute as fuck toucan. Top tier animals.
Xth for Katarina
best girl
>implying I don't have a heated garage
I'm not a barbarian
No, be careful. It's not a 60% cdr cap, so do not build 60% cdr.
She still has the same 40% (or 45% with the Intelligence master) as everyone else, but when you put points in her ult, her other basic abilities get reduced cooldown from leveling her ult, as if you got more cdr.
I had a 17 year old golden retriever named Simba up until earlier this year when he passed away. He was good and had a long and happy life with us though so we weren't sad for him, he was happy right up until the end.
He didn't respond much to computer/tv screens but he always chilled with me while gaming.