Ghost Recon Wildlands General - /grwg/

Just shadow of mad cause in morder 2 edition

Ye olde: >Task Forces for GR Wildlands

PS4 players should also join our open "GRWG VG Community".
From there we'll invite you to chat, where it's easier to organize play sessions.


>Main Site

>Launch Trailer

>Planned DLC with confirmed free PvP 4x4 mode.

Other urls found in this thread:

quick, post your raifu and your favourite setup

I use the AUG or TAR for 99% of things

this picture is perfect

I... I don't think a boat should have this much water in it.

>all that mall ninja shit
Why? All you need is the long barrel.

Wanna diss Bolivian nautical engineering? Join the navy.

it's basically my all purpose rifle for vehicles, sniping and when shit hits the fan. that leaves room to try out all kinds of different guns in my second slot.

>i have half a mind to burn you down and salt the earth where the ashes fall

Jesus christ calm down, Me

Love my waifu

More like Mountain Brokeubiback edition.

>the money truck

That was incredibly dumb

Holt, what's your take on the cartel using the quinoa processing plant to smuggle coke? That sound right to you?

Are you a bad enough dude to dress up like major kong?


>They patch the El cerebro and El Pozolero voice line that keeps repeating
>Now El Muro and another El Cerebro voice line keeps playing over and over.
Fix one thing another mistake appears.


Honk if you're a rebel.

Fuck rebels

First time I went to that place the game was bugged so no npcs had spawned in.

This started to play in my head

for all its faults, the game has an amazingly designed map


Why is anyone still playing this? I couldn't even finish it and none of you fags ever wanted to mp.

>online (not available)

Nigga, we posted our nicknames in every thread. At least for PC

i'm in yurop and matchmaking doesn't even suggest players for me anymore

im in the task force

Have you tried requesting to join a match? Sometimes people don't realize their game is closed.

shiiieeet there's even an actual gun ranking in my ghost profile

Are mines triggered by anyone (civilians, enemies, rebels)?

Not teammates unless they're in a vehicle and vehicles driven by anyone have a much larger radius, but anything else including on foot will trip them.

Ubishit has the finest spaghetti code in all the land.

You guys ever wonder why theres no ARMA general?

Been thinking about trying that game out but theres no general to ask questions in.


there is 1 (one) ARMA post in that general senpai.

It's all flight sim shit.

If there's no general is because people can't be assed to make one

fair point.
it's probably because arma is very niche and your better off looking for an arma comunity elsewhere.
wildlands will suffer the same fate without a mission creator

*you're *community
fucking drunk posting lel

Remade my female character from MGO3. Codename was based on the focus on armor and traps/explosives for maximum sudden damage, and when in close it was preferred to utilize CQC to immobilize before lighting them up.

Really bringing back a lot of memories.



Originally I was going to use Kryptek Nomad to simulate the "animal print" type camouflage, but no color in existence complements it. Playing as this character and going LOUD AS FUCK with explosions left and right has made the game interesting again, at least for a short time.

>Discount Caveria

Oh, also, screenshots are low res because I came across the character on accident while deleting shit from my youtube. Had to watch through my old videos again to get clear shots of her and the inventory icons of the weapons.

that mp5 is pure sex

Back in MGO3 it had a black upper half, which I liked a lot. If they ever allow us to paint our guns in higher detail, it'll be a happy day. Thanks, bud.

MP7 is a good gun

Where can I get 800+ meter shots at?

>Skull face paint
>Must be a Caveira reference

this image makes me go "KONAMI REEEEE" internally.

But that's getting rid of the body.

you need a buddy to have an enemy in a chokehold and then all you got to do is hitting your buddy. ranges over 1000m are possible with this.


Right? As I watched my old videos, I was remembering how fun the middle of MGO3's development was when every class was overpowered in various ways. It was actually exciting to play.

Snake Eater-type hiding

Clearing alongside some Italian:

"Playing Nice"

GR:W, if it had a few major improvements such as control over the character's actions and stealth mechanics, is absolutely what I wanted and honestly expected from MGSV. Either working alongside FSLN as with Katari 26 or after Ground Zeroes came out the total dismantling of XOF. I didn't expect it all in one big-ass zone, but still.

Context for the "Playing Nice" mission is that we'd slaughtered those guys and their entire team even when the team we were with, who apparently were a group of their own, left. 2v5. 3 of theirs left as well, so I suggested that we just screw around with the enemy until more people join. Relax, make sure there's no hard feelings, and talk nice as opposed to the strategic shittalking to manipulate them into falling for a certain trap, etc. Fun stuff.

>actually hiding and not just using the invisibility

I got to a point where using actual camo and shrubbery was on par with invisibility.
oh my dude i wish mgsv was at 100%
fuck konami.

I'm with ya, haha. Here's hoping it's all a years-long ruse cruise.

I wonder if it'll ever be possible to use custom servers for MGO3. That'd be great. I stopped playing when they started neutering the classes, like making the Panzerfaust no longer a OH even with direct hits. Actually being sneeki is fun as FUCK too. Thankfully, I actually have a yt video for this too.

Right after they no longer made Infiltrators basically be invisible Enforcers was the golden era. During that time, people actually played the game right. After the memesters took over, it was all meta faggotry. Absolutely the worst kind of gameplay. C&D missions became fucked right up because the defenders would just fog walk the area en masse.

It seemed like I was the only one using the box for anything but to shake markers, after the first neutering patch. A lot of people jumped ship.

Box Videos:

I'll be getting a hacked PS3 soon to play MGO2's custom servers.

You got a PS4 or PS3?

At 1:00 of the bottom video, I fucking LOOOOOVED shooting those faggot snipers that wiggle back and forth in the chest with a rocket from across the map.

>that list

I don't know why but something about it bothers me

probably because he's a MemeK17 shitter.

>that top video
>teammates actually helping
>actual sneaking instead of strategic sprinting
Were we playing the same game?

>tactical kneepads

What does it take for me to join your ultra secret PC club? I'm good killer but I eat lot of beans and my farts can be fatal as well.

Probably not the best start.

The hills west of M.O.B Condor in Media Luna.



>Veeky Forums insignia

That's 4th infantry division you disgraceful fuck

You only need 1 kneepad unless you're roofing or flooring

I know im just baiting

Most soldiers just wear them to for crawling while prone or some times just to maintain a sense of equilibrium in comfort


Looking for some info on this game before I buy it. How active is the pc community
is this multiplayer open world or join a match
how much customization is in the weapons and gear
what's the key point to the game? (pvp, pve, storyline, etc etc)

Hti and acr are the ultimate meme guns

A ghost would only wear 1

I post enough videos to this thread that it's a wonder noone's told me to stop yet. Might help that they're all around 30 seconds or less typically. Give some of those a look to get an idea of the gameplay you can expect, which is heavily dependent on your own creativity and your friends.

Multiplayer is drop-in/drop-out, relatively seamless, with individual difficulty and mutual progression. Progression is absolutely fluid.

Customization is shallow and a lot of the best stuff is either blinged out ghetto trash or behind a paywall, sometimes both as in the case of the only revolver. "Those engravings give no tactical advantage." The weapon selection that isn't blinged out trash is pretty decent. Better than bare minimum, but customization as I said is shallow and restricted to rail doodads and barrels as well as the ability to sometimes swap out a fixed stock for a folded one, but you have to acquire the extended and collapsed version separately. Changing barrel length also does not adjust the gas system.

One thing I will say is that every single weapon is viable and FOR ONCE Ubisoft seems to listen to its customers at least a little.

I'd say rent it or borrow it first, or watch streams, or my gay youtube videos before deciding if it's for you. If you can't make your own fun, it will only last 20-50 hours depending on your competency and playstyle and after that it'll become a chore because you've gotten into the groove. You just drop it, drone, snipe, take what you came here for, spawn a helicopter, and fly out. A lot of people have fallen into that trap already.

Anyone that's still around is likely to be a creative type of person, at least able to make his own fun. As a result, the only people you're going to come across in pubs are people fucking around or brand-spanking-new. The odds of finding a Splinter Cell/MGS type among them is low, much more likely you'll be watching them play it like CoD before leaving frustrated.

It should definitely be an option, but with all the CQB and hand to hand you can do as well as NPC animations including sliding into cover, I would say that two would be appropriate if you felt it was necessary. I wish out characters were more agile. MGO3's movement felt so good, except for dolphin-diving turbofags.

>pc community
Can't tell because i've only played coop with friends. I guess you can find someone to play with in this general.

>open world mp
It's drop in mp with 4 players max. Pvp has yet to be released. So only pve as of now. It's 10/10 fun with friends.

Visual only for players and can range from venom snake to full on tacticool operators.
The game offers plenty of guns with lots of attachements. They affect stats slightly, but you're free to use what you think looks best. Even the worst gun only needs a few shoots to kill an armored enemy.

Oh, you can't adjust your zero either, ammunition is based on class and not caliber, and you MUST carry two primaries and a secondary. Scopes are kind of fucky, yet another game that has red dots with low magnification zoom the whole screen instead of the section within the scope, and there's GAME MECHANICS (tm) in annoying places such as enemies taking increased damage while unalerted and withstanding inhuman punishment when on guard. There's flavor dialogue that attempts to address this, saying that the SB members "keep coming" due to the coke in their system, but it's universal and applies to all factions. It also does not explain the increased damage dealt when unalerted.

Magazines are typically shortened for no reason other than to have one more thing to have you get and to pad their "CUSTOMIZATION" numbers. An example is that the M4A1 comes initially with a 20 round magazine. If it were a tanker's M4, I could see it, but it's obviously not.

Attached is an example of character and weapon customization. The variety of clothing is "okay" at best. A lot of things are almost what you'd want, and it's VERY FUCKING CLEAR that they took a lot of the best things and chopped them out to repackage as DLC, such as the bomber jacket. They also did some scummy, lazy shit like when they chopped the revolver and some cool clothes out they "added" a lever action rifle to it. Or, so they'd have you believe. In actuality it's the over-under shotgun with a Winchester receiver tacked onto it. The barrel and magazine tube are obviously shotgun barrels and they clip into the receiver when viewed from the front. It was a last-second thing when they realized they needed to make this arbitrarily-created paid DLC include a longarm.

Of course because I didn't know the secret handshake. How could I know it if I'm not part of your ultra secret PC club? What do I need to do in order to join, do you have a secret pastebin with task list which then guides you to a secret discord server where the REAL initiation begins?

can someone explain to me what this autism is?

I can jog... quarter of a mile more or less and drink lot of beer. I'd be essentially very typical pc gamer. I have big bones but I'm not overweight although some people say otherwise but I just love food okay...

probably check the secret OP post with the secret link to the task force.

Not even sure if you are trolling and i don't really care either.

I just got to Inca Camina last night after eighty hours of play.
I'm going to spend a lot of time riding up snow capped mountains on bikes, then base jumping off them.

Ah I figured it out. No lmgs

I know PTSD and war experience itself can cause extreme nihilism. You are not afraid of death but yet you want sometimes to die in battlefield. As a soldier, death is something what you were used to deal with every day.

>unlock the division costume
>everything that comes with it is locked
>other uplay rewards like the G36c still work

>ghosts freaking out about a truck full of C4

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't C4 used because it's incredibly stable and hard to detonate outside of controlled conditions?

Glad you're back, cunt. Still butthurt, I see.

Don't know who you are referring to, just think someone who is only here to post about how much he loves mgo3 is autistic.

How are you going to namefag and think only 1 person ever would call you autistic

How often have I gone on and on about MGO3? Nice try, but either this is your first day in the thread or you're that cunt. if you're not, you may as well be and neither are worth the trouble to distinguish. Both of those posts were exhaustive and spoke solely of GR:W. Either you have the reading comprehension of a subhuman or you didn't read it at all, seeking solely to antagonize. In that case, as previously stated, you may as well be the same cunt.

Post more Samurai Jack spoilers.

Making a good case for you not having autism here.

Just declare victory over and over. That always works, so long as noone actually reads the posts.

Please accept this final (You).

>those idiots are actually checking out the flare

I love that they call this out



That's where I got the 715 yard shot. I doubt I can walk much further up that hill while keeping one of the snipers scoped.

I also tried Koani but they started blurring out past 800 yards.

Feelin comfy

I'm not even him though nigger. I'm at work. Also, Aku steals Jack's sword in the graveyard and tries to kill Jack with it, but it doesn't hurt him because the sword can't harm an innocent person.

I don't have a video but I got my longest shot there. I went back southwest towards the rebel campsite while scoping one of the northeast towers.

Also ya they are nothing but a line or dot out around 900m

Mission creator is a great idea, available as a 30 dollar dlc