Post your whip's key and guess what other's car or bike is from the key.
Guess mine.
Post your whip's key and guess what other's car or bike is from the key.
Guess mine.
1999 Chevy Tracker
>Tfw no one can guess car because key is screwdriver
Looks like a 90s ranger desu
Some type of Toyota?
Chevy s10?
fox body?
looks like my old 1991 toyota truck key.
>yet another key thread
Guessing mine should be easy mode
Seems alot similar to my mum's old Tarago/Previa key.
This is what I imagine the typical Acura driver to be like
easy mode
Definitely an RSX. Your remote is even faded exactly like mine.
The Countach.
Acura MDX?
Please tell me you don't carry your spare with your regular key
You should have gotten an sti.
But niggers cant drive and old men have bad knees
no I didn't take the badge off the key on purpose, it fell off years ago
Shitty RX7 FC driven by balding dollar store Ryosuke.
VW, I'll guess jetta or passat
MKV golf but you pretty much got it
Aw damn
They're all the same chasis anyway. I never see golfs around me so usually I just assume it's a jetta
Never guess this one!
Home made. Plastic disintegrated and fell off years ago.
The Countach
lmao I fucking wish user
mazda 3?
>implying a nigger could afford a Hellcat
nigga you dumb.
>What is drug money
It will be sitting outside the projects with giant chrome wheels.
That black guy from /sp/ who was in the NFL and is in WWE probably can. If he hasn't spent all his money on figurines and weeb pillows
I miss Tupac, that nigger was based fr.
>no fifty
WTF hate google now
mi amigo!!!
>mfw they included Kendrick "overrated" Lamar but not 50
Early 2000's Toyota like me. Any chance its a MR2?
OP's car is one of those old Ford's from the 1970's or 1980's when they used such a key style. A neighbor had a Ford Maverick from the 1980's and it had a key that looked like that including the long "Z" shaped stem to turn the tumbler.
^^^ I may have ruined the game a bit ^^^
90's model, not an MR2 sadly.
>calling these great men niggers
nigga you still dumb.
I'm currently using a Zenith mod with a Uwell Crown tank with some blueberry waffle juice. What you vaping right now?
these are so fucking dumb honestly, I know that they are supposed to look like jet saftey switches or whatever, but they don't make sense in a car, why would you remove the key before flight? you cannot drive without a key wtf
they should say "insert before flight" or something
>night shift
you guys are really gay
I actually have a custom-built vape installed in my car with negro semen flavored juice.
>negro semen flavored juice.
they just look aesthetic you fucking sperg
>He's mad that he can't come be gay with us
>He's mad that he can't come be gay with us
no, im actually happy that i don't have to be near you cock sucking fuckwads
you are the cancer that infects Veeky Forums
I know I know, but they would look just as aesthetic and they would be factually correct the other way
Ayy brother
Come on, friend. I'll let you take a puff of the cum vape.
spinny exploding triangle car of oil loss and boost: the eighth edition
cars still need keys?
Take a fucking guess.
Can't be a Nissan...
Idk, i'm stumped.
>house key
Go for it
Mid-2000s Mazda vehicle. Based on the lack of a remote I'd guess a base model Mazda3. I don't know what the other one is.
This bothers the fuck out of me too, user.
I have an "insert before flight" one, and everyone tells me it's supposed to be remove before flight.
Obviously a Ford Taurus.
>andre 3000
What happened to this nigga
>gayming laptop
Consider suicide.
Pretty sure that is a NA MX-5 key. It looks just like mine, although mine is a factory replacement since the car was bought without a key from the previous owner, so I am not sure if the original key that came with the car looked the same.
It says mitsubishi, and you guys still won't get this model and year.
Bonus points for identifying both
Is that a generic mid-to-late 90's Mitsubishi key?
If not, the 1997(?) Mitsubishi Montero? I have the Sport model. OEM key looks just like that but I'm the only one with a first-gen Sport in the entirety of Veeky Forums
acura integra
Pretty easy mode for mine
Alfa Romeo Giuletta and some Suzuki bike?
First fob I stick with the rest of my keys, keyless is god mode
Take a wild guess
I wish it was a NA MX-5 m8.
legacy gt or wrx
My keys are so fucking boring at the moment
>all these autists with carabiners, lanyards and other dumb shit
Reminder that if you have anything on your key-chain other than actual keys, you should immediately kys
I have multiple vehicles, the Carabiner allow me to pair off sets of keys when i need them.
You must be a poor fag with just one car....
Late 90s ford, probably a Ranger or F-series. I don't know the other one. [spoiler]Pennsylvania or Ohio?[/spoiler]
Chekitout lads
>>Carrying multiple sets of keys when you can only drive one car at a time
>>Not autistic
Besides, why would you to carry all that extra shit? Are you a janitor that has to carry keys to the whole school?
Deal with it
>aftermarket primary key
>oem secondary key
Good god is that triggering.
Go on...