Hey Veeky Forums I'm a girl and I want to make money on the internet how do I accomplish this without doing anything...

hey Veeky Forums I'm a girl and I want to make money on the internet how do I accomplish this without doing anything sexual

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Get the fuck out, bitch.


I made a twitter follow me


1) Make a Twitch Account
2) Livestream yourself playing video games in either your underwear or in a very revealing crop top of some sort
3) Give a thank you the people that give you the highest tips

No joke, sex sells...PERIOD (especially to a bunch of desperate men).

tits or gtfo

Its the rule

>without doing anything sexual

why does your gender matter then? why even bring it up?

weak bait, 1/10

maybe actually fucking contribute to society and start a business while not being a worthless slut

This isn't /b/ you fucking wage cucks
>inb4 hurrrr dddurrr white knight detected
Fuck her too

Now go back to your containment board or at the very least /r9k/.

you need a brand story

Make lewd asmr
Some of them have hundreds of thousands of followers just for scratching a mic
You'd still be a whore though

>this is my sex how can I do something without using sex

>moshie is shitting up Veeky Forums with his autism again


Post a pic of your welds, I want to see if 100% of "weld babe" is a lie, since the "babe" part definitely is.

I actually want to do welding videos desu

Newfag detected
Tits or gtfo exists for a reason. gets it. Its not just /b/tard thing

There's this website called youtube.com that you can do that

You know how hard it is to video yourself welding? I asked for 1 picture, upload it, bitch, unless you're a liar.

Is there really an audience for a female welder though?
look at my twitter again

Jesus Christ, you silly cunt, what part of "Show me a picture of your welds" do you not understand? Weld something together, and upload a pic, fucks sake.

be a famous welder
make pipes to do drugs
tweet about it and share your tweets with empty Veeky Forums boards

even if I went through the effort to do that at this moment, you would just shit on me for being a girl anyway

not saying you are sexist or muh sjw but I already put myself out there to get that response, I just wanted make a brand but don't think there is a market for a welder girl

Yeah, eat shit.

thanks for contributing to the thread

I've been welding for 3 years now so be mad

>3 years
Bahahahaaha, fuck off, you wannabe. Go post your tits on a porn site, and get paid $1,000. You're a useless cum dump.

fake as fuck

tits or gtfo, and sage

oh sorry I was supposed to be welding since I was 5 you're right my bad I should have at least a decade of experience under my belt

Post weldin

I'll post stuff I made out of wood to make you feel more comfortable

These look great






Thanks broseph

I'm going to weld your mouth shut if you keep being a bad boy


Nigga, why you tag me? Thats what I said

get a fucking education first you illiterate hoe.

I tagged everyone to make the post long(like my dick). This ugly old hag needs to gtfo.

OP's just attentionwhoring. I don't think she actually wants business advice. Maybe she's banned from /soc/ or something.

A grown-ass woman who wants to start a business advertises herself as a "girl" in her first sentence. Should tell you everything you need to know, no need to even consider the shameless twitter plug. Infantilisation, baiting and attentionwhoring by the book.

If this isn't an elaborate troll: OP, sober up, have a good night's sleep and think about what you're doing with your life trying to be a special snowflake on Veeky Forums. Your cause may be real, but your framing is terrible. You won't stand a chance without chaning your mindset. Running a business is work, nobody's handing anything to you. And if you think anonymous idiots giving you shit on Veeky Forums is terrible - write off becoming "welder girl". Have you been to YouTube lately? Shit sucks for women. 95% of comments will be about your gender and appearance. If you can't stand it on Veeky Forums, how will you cope when it's on your business channel? Because it *will* happen and being a huffy drama queen won't last you long. Get more level-headed and don't expect hand-outs or special treatment. You have a unique asset as a female welder, but it'll still require a shit-ton of dedication and work to turn it into an online revenue stream. You can turn into a female idol if you play your cards right, but it won't be pretty, it'll be a constant uphill battle and you won't turn famous instantly. Look up Elizabeth Brim. She fought all her life, is still an incredibly humble woman and now she's become a famous blacksmith. With your attitude? Not a chance.

I'm aware of the comments, I just don't see a point in showing him my work when he doesn't actually give a shit

your post is the kind of post that makes me visit biz though, thank you

Kill yourself

Oh look, it's that post from 2012 again. I could of sworn it was 2017 and Veeky Forums became such shit and nobody gave fuck about the rules anymore.

What's next, are you gonna post the rules of the internet? LOL

If this was pre-9gag I would completely agree with you, but that eras long gone newfriend.

All that's left is a hollow shell of faggots like you that try to part "Veeky Forums culture" by citing extinct cultural norms.

Why do you think moot created /r9k/ in the first place.

Tl;dr You're trying too hard, kill yourself

Eh, I'd plow ya

what if I do welding videos and ASMR videos

Then why call yourself a welder? You're a fucking attention whore who can't lay a bead worth shit, so you have to announce that you're a girl to get anyone's attention. Girls like you are always the first to be kicked off of a worksite, cause you got hired for giving a good blowie, but can't weld your way out of a paper bag. Dismissed until you show your tits for 15 minutes of fane, or you post a good weld, and I'll follow you on Twitter and show my friends at work (who are real welders, and like seeing good welds), until then, GTFO.

2017 America
Everyone makes money on their knees
Wear your kneepads
Don't assume gender

keep up this sexist attitude in 2017, you know what, I've figured it out, I'll pull an Anita Sarkeesian except instead of video games, it will be with welding.

Keep harassing me nerds, you'll make me rich

Suck my dick whore

>Trying to hurt the literal backbone of america
>Thinking welders will give even a single shit
>Thinking 25% of welders even use a computer
Bitch, get the fuck out.

Stay sexist

Good logic doesnt expire Dumbass

If everyone responded like theyre supposed to we wouldnt get this shit multiple times a week. OP isnt even female, he just knows /biz is full of white knight faggots that dont put "internet girls" in their place

If I were a chick, I would become a cam whore but wear a mask.

just buy dividend stocks or something
they will mail you a check quarterly.

light yourself on fire you nasty cum dumpster slut

No one gives a shit about you here

>without doing anything sexual

ugly fagess found

>Welding for 3 years
>Since I was 5

pls post nudes, I want to be taken by the FBI.

Also, if I start welding today I will probably do a better job than a random cum dumpster. So all of your income will have to be based off sexuality if you want to make easy money online.

Since you're on Veeky Forums, I bet you know some things about computers and /g/-related shit, most camwhores at MyFreeCams have a god-awful quality and I need someone with a good mic, many other people are probably in the same boat. Just buy a mic and go there, thanks in advance.

Say you are grill and ask for cs:go skins.

Maybe you should develop some reading comprehension

Ok, /pol/ here, what the fuck went wrong. She went full SJW all of a sudden.

Ok, /r9k/ here, she's just too much of a wymen to be able to act rationally.

Ok, Veeky Forums here, sell your used undies online for quick moneies. Buy BTC and give me 50% of the profits for pointing you in the right direction.

Ok, /a/ here, desu desu desu.

Ok, /h/ here, you should try drawing Hentai using your nipples as brushes, I'd buy that.

Ok, /b/ here, Tits or GTFO.

Ok, /v/ here, Kotaku will love you.

Ok, /gif/ here, plz do porn thanks.

Ok, /tv/ here, what's your fave TV show?

Ok, Veeky Forums here, rate my biceps.

You catch my drift, saying you're a wymen isn't going to help. You're either attention whoring because no one finds you attractive in person, or you're just that fucking stupid. You don't know how to weld, you've done it once or twice with your (now deceased) daddy and you think you're a pro. Only way of you actually making money is A) Getting a job, or B) Camwhoring. I wouldn't be surprised if you are a camwhore already, and is just doing this to end with a self promotion or whatnot.

My 2 cents.

>Plz post yfw you realize you'll never be as pretty as PIC RELATED

I understood you perfectly, idiot

>I'm a girl
>how can I make money without anything sexual

First, by not putting emphasis on your sex. You stupid bitch.

Do you sell these?
If you put a nice stain on it and a sheet of glass on top those three boxes could make a nice coffee table.

>keep up this sexist attitude in 2017
Didn't you hear?
Trump is president.
Sexism is cool now.

Show me your welds. I know what's good and what's not.

Have you done any x-ray work or are you just a high school shop kid?

>inb4 muh sexist
I could care less, let the welds do the talking

And yes, there is a market for welding babes

Yeah because its perfectly logical to tell women that when Veeky Forums has already been run down by SJWs, Reditors, and middle schoolers.

Veeky Forums hasn't been taking seriously in years,

I think your boards calling you back New Friend back with all the other
>hurrr duur tits or GTFO
>hurr dduuuurrrrrr REMEMEBR RULE NUMBER 1 GUISE

>without doing anything sexual
Then why the fuck did you mention you're a girl?
You're fucking cancer, go invest in kneepads.

create a youtube account and record stuff you like

I need a woman's perspective. How do I get a gf?

buy trump coin

Try talking to some women in person

Is it ok just walking up to strangers? Also since we live in the digital age, is it okay to talk to girls I don't know through fb?

Asalready stated since your just RPing
Show tita or welds. No one cares

So to answer your question, yes you can make money selling your tits while you pretend to weld cause thats all youd be doing. Cause you cant weld. Or you would have showed already

Put up or shut up

go to walmart website
click careers
input application data

You should really start doing sexual stuff. Easy money and you will feel beautiful.

IF YOU HAVE A GOOGLE WALLET AND A VENMO ACCOUNT AS WELL AS 15 DOLLARS I CAN MAKE YOU 5 DOLLARS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TRUST ME AND HELP ME OUT. this is not a scam... I cant go to craigslist and I cant use a friend... gimme a gmail account or somethin. you help me, I pay you 5 dollars via venmo.

The easiest and most surefire way is to have a decent stable income from a stable career and start saving your money.

On top of that just be normal (don't be a weird creep) and women will come to you, you don't even have to look.

How to not be a weird creep.

ASMR videos

I don't know if you're just baiting, but can you please do something genuine? Gain some knowledge and make a genuine attempt to add something of value to your area of interest instead of doing the hackneyed "what if we made videos of X, except with a GIRL?" routine.

I would love to be impressed by a woman in any technical field because of their knowledge, not because they're talking like babies or wearing makeup.

Just my $0.02 of course, do whatever you want.

Hi biz I am a female that is not particularly good at much. I play some video games but no way am I a match mechanically to other male players. What kind of things do I need to do to get desperate nerds to fund my lazy and parasitic life style? I am willing to put out but not to the extent of becoming a cam whore

Post tits here and I'll send you five bucks via PayPal

is this how neets cope? that one day this will be achievable to them?

i make six figures and nw is quarter million at 24, no gf, no nothing
are you going to tell me its because of my "bad personality"?
druggie losers flipping burgers get gfs
it has nothing to do with money

>he still not ascended past the need for "gf"

Do people know you're rich? It's really hard to catch a fish if you don't even wiggle the bait there

tfw no bf


All this drama happened because you said you was a gril.

This doesn't disprove our logic. In fact, it validates it while you're going full retard.

>Oh look, it's that post from 2012 again. I could of sworn it was 2017

Goddamn Reddit has infected everywhere. I thought you cucks were all going to move to Mexico, or going to an hero if Trump was elected? Go get on that.

Bait. If it's not either post proof or better wait a week and post the same thing again minus any mention of female gender and you get a slightly less shit post heavy reply.

How is it b8, look at my twitter. I posted a time stamp

could still be lady boy and I'm to lazy to do a reverse image search & exif check, no time stamp, just casual connection to Veeky Forums. Also picture quality is too bad to check for photoshoping.

Honestly, why bother mentioning gender at all? It adds nothing to the discussion and you only invite exactly this discussion.

Decent explanation here:

Picture wearing a welder's hat

A better question would be, how do you make money in the real world without doing anything sexual?
As we all know, women are sexual and inferior objects that are no more than an emotional sack of fuck meat with tits and an ass.

not gonna lie i fapped and came. don't even care if trap I've done worse. do you have an online tip jar or something lady


1. decide on market to sell to.
2. research if market has demand.
3. If not demand go to step 1.
4. If demand, research how to meet demand.
5 supply the demand.
7. profit.

You weld and you want to know if there is a market for what exactly? Youtube videos? Fine go make videos and try to profit from their adsense. Dont know what that is? Go google.

If you're asking Biz if the market exists to make the videos then you're asking the wrong people. Go to le reddit and ask if they care about a female welding on their welding subreddit if they have it.

Given you're retarded enough to post this much on here you're going to be a shit show on youtube and probably a moron coworker in real life who acts pleasant but doesnt realize your nievity pisses everyone off.

Also my spelling sucks.

Sell stuff on Ebay

He probably will.
Stay retarded

>actually posts decent shit
>is doing a better job of promoting himself than OP

no you aren't
you're just going to keep sitting here whining, attention whoring, and being a retarded chick that thinks her gender puts her in a different predicament for making money than anybody else

This... OP is an idiot. But she is a girl, the only kind of human that might prance around in their underwear without thinking it's anything sexual.

Some women might be able to make money without doing anything sexual, but you who feel it's important to point out that you're a woman are not going to be able to.

Hahaha I love your replies though on their unsupportive comments please keep them up.

Just so you know though you can't really bring up your sex on Veeky Forums without
expecting them to make a fuss about it. They're just generally not nice people
and like to attack when they can. This is something you should have expected
from them its just not a good place for things like that you're in the wrong place.

I read some of your comments and saw that you're into welding that's actually
a good idea. I think ASMR welding videos would be great something that people
would enjoy like this youtube.com/watch?v=CLX1rmSf2Rs or this

ONE IMPORTANT TIP THOUGH! When you go into making videos you shouldn't
do it for the money since otherwise when you'd start making money your video
quality could deteriorate and you'd lose viewers. What you want is to go into video
make to make a video that's great and one that you'd enjoy making your self and
you enjoy the results. That's really important to making good videos and bringing
users aboard.

Thanks it's nice to have some positivity on Veeky Forums