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Gayne Solid-dong did everything porn

How are your Nemesis clear attempts going lads? Name on the page soon here

I still haven't even bothered with any of that stuff.

Already done, but my name won't be on that list. I'm okay with it though, since the drama it's causing on the wiki more than makes up for it.

>done with ifrit
>done with fft

How's Mysidia looking, or should I just go back to trust farming?

orb fest is still going on m8

>he has lots of options
Well, realistically, he's equipped with a katana and a sword if properly geared, Katanas are super limited and most elemental swords are weak. Regardless, the point I was getting at is that unless you yourself are running two gilgamesh, getting a friend unit gilgamesh to chain with is tough, due to that wide variety of weaponry. An Orlandeau will always be geared with holy and a Teedus with water, but a friend Gilgamesh is equpped with god knows what.

But if you can find a couple of Moonblade Gilgameshes once he gets enhanced, he'll chain just as well as the rest of them, just sans imperil.

So what, they only deleted you from the list for obviously cheating? It's silly and all that people are reacting so strongly, but it is odd that they don't punish people somehow.

>I can't do a 1 stamina dungeon because of orbfest



The dungeons that you have to do to get synergy don't cost 1 stamina, user.

Ascent is 40 stam senpai

inb4 synergy meme

Apparently some that were somehow even more obvious slipped through the cracks and are still getting in the listing somehow. I wasn't one of them but this shit was blatantly obvious and they're throwing a shit fit about it.

Vayne Solidor did everything sexy

Orbfest doesn't matter anymore abilities are mostly useless

2nd go with this team & this was the farthest I've gotten. Boundless Cannon taking out Y'sh was pretty much GG
Honestly surprised I actually got this far with it, but I'm not expecting a clear even with more synergy desu

Do story and then farm tmr, or more orbs for gil

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

3/10, original in lettering if not in spirit.

What is this even supposed to mean?
Do not lewd the True Hero.

It's all for epeen right? I'm tempted to but I don't know if I want to put the effort in to brag about it with my Taiwanese imageboard pals

I barely got that far on the 180 difficulty, jesus I'm such a shitter



is it a good time to start FFRK now? I heard it's giving free Bahamut or something.

Last week

you're two weeks too late for the good time

Lame Voldemort did hairy ding dongs


Yeah, literally all e-peen. Two most common strats are OSB entrust nuking and Radiant Shield chipping, but even those require like two healer BSBs native if not Last Stand, and then a hell of a lot more going right.


Pretty sure the 50 mythril dungeon is still up so it's still a good time, even if it isn't the BEST time anymore.

If Celes uses Indomitable blade and another party member uses sentinel/magic lure, will Celes still eat incoming single target black magic?

What happned?

hey i'm just going to reply to you to say that i don't know

Oh trust me, that's not even the half of it.

I love all of the anger from gamefaqs & reddit over the fake fuck entries.

I disagree

a free 50 mythril pull on the peoples choice banner and more free mythril

Except that one makes sense. Looks like a Radiant Shield RW fueled by native Last Stand + double healer BSB to me.

That actually looks pretty reasonable, though.

Keep at it user! What do you have on hand to work with?

Vayne Solidor wears a spicy thong

Whoops, read the time wrong, here, let me fix that.

I didn't even know that was a skill.

BTW here's our user from the other day!

It acts as a magic lure, so the two conflict.
Sometimes the magic will go to the lured character, sometimes Celes will eat it.
Reflect also takes priority over Runic/GC.
So if Celes is reflected the spell will bounce back instead of getting absorbed.

from MP experience, if two party members have lures, the boss's available range of targets expands to randomly picking between the two. Dunno if Magic Lure necessarily has the same weight as Runic since I've only seen it with Taunt.


Pound OP

>new king mog for the IX event has 4* summon tickets on top of the normal summon tickets
the grind never fucking ends

How many /ffg/ anons have cleared legit so far? I think there's been four, someone correct me on this though.

The chain is absolutely long enough, and he has literally the best element selection in the game. He gets boosts from equipping every serious type of elemental weapon.
It not only caps it, but it does a shitload of damage too (Just slightly less than Orlandu pre-imperil, way less with)

His enhancements don't add much in GL thanks to the timing change, they only increase him by about 20% as well. But the passive boosts are amazing, and it makes finishing the chain much easier.
Gil himself makes a pretty good finisher too.

What's with all the people with Spellblades?

Do not imply lewd, baseless, and completely ridiculous things regarding the True Hero.

I feel like they are doing this on purpose. Like really? Fucking pound and intimidation?

Sounds about right. More legit /ffg/ clears should show up for the next daily update

No, he can equip daggers, spears, greatswords, and katanas and still get a 50% boost post enhancements.
Excalibur is generally the go-to option for him anyway, it's what all whales run.
As long as you have that, you're generally good.

Have you gotten any shitposters from here telling you off for how you cleared it?

Bane Solidor is a big guy

I don't think anyone here cares about it that much

Nope, I didn't even qualify in the list. I brought lvl 60 characters into that, I guess that was a big red flag. I kinda wish I had just to bask in the rage but chances are the ones that did get there aren't having their accounts for long, and I like playing the game, so I'm content in seeing others.

Personally, I'm fairly sure I have what it takes, ability/SB/equipment-wise, but fuck, it sounds like a huge chore.

But the gil, user. Think of the gil.

Pretty sure Dark Knight's Soul is still BIS for him which needs a regular sword

Ok thank you. I guess that means characters with sentinel BSBs like Agrias are devalued if I want Celes in my party.

I know Celes is a strong character but I'm not really sure how to build a party around her.

It's BiS, but even whales don't run it.
Plus having excalibur lets you participate in the spicy new orlandu imperil meta, assuming you have two gils.

Metal Gear Solidor is already a demon

>get lady sara BSB
>invest a hero soul, MC1, 2, and 3 in her
>drops some record spheres in her for a little extra boost
>/ffg/ bullies me for investing so much in a 'shit character'
>bullies lady sara too calling her a literal who/donut and other mean things
>kind of regretting my decision now
>don't get too down though, I have to believe in lady sara
>try FF6 ultimate+, never beaten one
>her BSB healing and the magic missing mechanic proves invaluable dodging several attacks that would probably fuck me up
>get my first MC3
>try ultimate++ for shits since its only 1 stamina
>same thing, making over 5 holys miss my team
>beat my first + and ++ ultimates because of lady sara
w-why did you anons tell me she was shit?
I really like her now, she is special to me!

heck off pupper

>I guess that means characters with sentinel BSBs like Agrias are devalued if I want Celes in my party
Or you could just not use the Sentinel command.

How are people even fighting him? Doesn't he not unlock until the end when the first 4-5 or however many are done?

because nobody uses ff1 characters

No, the extra dungeons are for extra synergy. You can fight him anytime.

Thought it was the one user who was trying to clear D180

Oh, well D180 is absolutely worth it.

180 was done on day one, it was easy enough without RS.

there's very very little reason to pull on FF1 banners due to how rarely dungeons for them show up. her BSB is fine if you got it, but not worth spending mythril just to get. I got it in the lucky BSB draw and it's nice, magic blink is amazing.

I'm trying to use her for nemesis but this bitch is so squishy. sadly synergy for her won't be around until the last leg of the event

Whoops, sorry senpai. Thought it was about

What's the best leveling exploration in BE now? Last I heard it was Timber Tracks.

If the character is helping you clear harder content like that, I don't see why you'd get shit for investing a bit of resources in them.

who's this semen demon with nipples poking out

Lady Sara



12,000 Wolf Marks to go, today is the day.

Sarah's burst is great desu. She was really helpful on my boundless Nemesis clear.

>no new banner announced in BE
We're going to have this shit banner another week, aren't we?


Are you talking about record keeper ?

Would be sweet if BE had such a thing

>got 5 yshtolas from pulls and the one from point reward.
I dont even know anymore, the normal gacha fucks me up big time, what the hell.

He is talking about BE tho

>king mog

>king mog
>summon tickets


>50 lapis per mission was too generous goy
>now have 30 and a useless consumable

thanks scumi

user are you ok?

Fuckin kill yourself, mongoloid

>Would be sweet if BE had such a thing
but BE already has all of that?

That's the case in jp too, user.

Alright, I'm going to do a fucking 10+1 for the based thunder god.

This is my last chance outside dailies.

Please, send me your energy.

didn't they start out with 100 though?

let's see how that turns out
