Tea party edition!
OT: eyosongive.us
Tea party edition!
OT: eyosongive.us
Xth for Katarina
best girl
>tfw a creepy beta keeps drawing pictures of me
xth for Syndra
you misspelled fiora!
Not canon
redpill me on ass eating
is it as fun as it seems to be
Should I get Renek-toy even though I rarely play him?
Jesiz's been spamming it on soloq.
Supposedly he's really good with it. Let's see.
Fiora is a nice lady and an even better duelist, but no one will hold a candle to Katarina
>tfw no one will recognize me or my noble attempts to purge the plague known as officer vi from our haven
what a thankless fucking life i lead
but i will continue for the sake of the future
Fuck off with giving namefags attention. You're worse that what you're trying to get rid of.
How to play Sej top?
What do I start with?
What after sunfire?
Been neglecting my color practice so have a quick Sona before I do the Sona/MF request.
>play fiora nearly every game
>toss her away like a used rag once you're bored of her
you'd do the same to kat you sick fuck
Crazy is cute
color a noose and kill yourself
>fiddlesticks support in eu lcs
star guardian jinx is the cutest jinx!
I like the mythology reference too and it would be in the second best tier for me if it just wasn't quite so small/revealing. The actual robes they wore were much more comfortable and practical looking.
As for build,
masteries I take Intelligence, Windspeakers, and Insight.
runes I take flat armor yellows, flat mr blues, flat ap quints, and then either flat ap reds or magic pen reds depending on if I plan on bullying the lane or just getting through the lane.
for build I start blue gold gen item, upgrade it to the second tier first back, get a sighstone as first real item, usually I get Ionain boots for the flash cooldown reduction, Ardent Censor since my W gives it to the whole team and reapplies it within the duration of the item, and then from there it completely changes every game.
Eye of the watchers, ionians boots, ardent censor, lichbane is a pretty typical build. These are the only things I really stick to most games.
If my AD is a good player then I'll grab a Zeke's next. If not then that item slot is usually a Redemption since that's a good item for many circumstances.
It's hard to tell builds though becaue there have been games where it was correct to build deathcap, frozen gauntlet, frozen heart, morellonmicon, luden's, mikeal's, ninja tabi, merc treads, swifties, sorc boots, and many other things.
That's why she's good though, like half the items in the game are good on her and you can build appropriately.
Lulu is cute and adorable and i love her!
She still sees time on the rift and the experiences we shared together remain untarnished
you shouldn't be so sentimental user, we are just blips on a rock somewhere, I understand the meaning of having to part paths now
it happens in every story fictional or not user, take it as it comes not as it goes
>people go into an autistic rage whenever Lissfag makes a thread and refuse to post in it
>Lulufag, the objective bigger cancer, makes a thread and no one bats an eye.
oh ok, my b
Add vladfag to that list.
Lissfag is a complete asshole and everyone knows that
Lulufag at least is chill
look at it this way
you only see the op for a few seconds. after that, you keep scrolled down and read the new posts.
making a new thread is a service. If no one did it, we would go on forever in an autosaged thread. He's doing us a favor. He's our servant, if you will. The fact that he autistically makes new threads is actually beneficial to us, as long as we simply ignore the op. Which you kind of do naturally as you scroll down and just read new posts.
I see him as a dog fetching my newspaper for me.
>Lulufag at least is chill
I wonder who's behind this post?
shut up lissfag
That is a load of shit and you know it. Lulufag is a greater and more annoying cunt than Lissfag has been for the past 8 months. In what fucked up universe is the shit lulufag does considered chill?
Point and click cc is cancer
>Zac so broken that people can literally spam him to Diamond despite having been bronze the past season
>Lulu so broken she single-handedly makes bad ADCs turn into gods
>Galio so broken he has massive amounts of chain CC and damage reduction
>WW has AoE fear and 50% damage reduction, as well as a speed boost if anybody on the enemy team is below 50% HP
I love Riot Games.
>everyone who disagrees with me is Lulufag
where have i seen this before...
why are sluts so cute
when are you autists going to stop acting like this is highschool, grow the fuck up who gives a shit about pixels
x zed
hardstuck plat 5 NA kids gotta be some of the ugliest people around
feel so bad for these people just zero clue zero friends
Why is Ahri and Sona a thing? they have literally nothing in common lore and gameplay wise
shy girls always have a dominant girl with them
> get primary
> dodge
> get primary
> dodge
> autofilled
Every time
i swear to god
whoaaa you're like so mature and levelheaded... wait you're but you're the doing the same thing yourself? gee isn't that weird haha XD
t. hardstuck plat 4 kid
pls no bullying of the drawfriends, we need them to survive
imagine hardstuck gold 5 niggers
big boobs
Sona is mute so presumed to be shy/submissive.
Ahri is a being based on seduction and sexuality therefore more dominant/forthcoming.
It's kind of the basics of any lesbian seduction.
can you blame them? plat 5 is literally the biggest gate in the game
nah, ugly nice try never once got stuck in plat i dunno how you can playing against boosted elo girls.
but for real i can't think of a bigger waste of space group of people besides plat 5 NA kids
but ahri isn't shy
i doubt it's harder than diamond 5
>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
>just aced entire team
>all of us up
>go try getting baron
>fizz wont and graves almost dead
>dont get baron because fizz wants mid
>flames the rest of the match
>opposing team takes baron and wins
i hate shit like this
Pictures that always make you smile
Everytime I see this stupid comic I get a weird uncomfortable feeling in my stomach.
A feeling that lets me know there is no god in this world.
>fanatic is genuinely going to beat G2
EU is literally doomed
He sucks so much, /lolg/
I just want him to be decent
oh you're retarded that makes more sense
i wasn't part of the argument either, i was referring to the fact that you butt in and made a post at all. you're fucking dumb lol
>one day you might have a daughter
>she'll be drinking milk as a kid
>you'll be wondering how big her tits are gonna be when she grows up
they're going to change his kit and then he'll become the next meta
just watch
The sorakafag, gets me everytime.
probably about the same, both of them are full of people 3 ranks below that got a burst of ELO off shitting on gold 2/plat 2 shitters
I don't give a shit, as long as it was done correctly and after 750 posts/250 images.
>every mage got some meaningful buff to their kit that helps them
>fiddle just got his MR reduction passive swapped for a really subpar MS buff and that was it
> there's a little text up there that tells you if you're first pick
if EU wants any chance at MSI, they won't send G2
>shoulders wider than hips
she has a dick, doesn't she?
I really liked the E-change to have more bounces but yeah he is really sub-par
Alright I see wats happenin here
tell these wenches to back the HECK off
only those who posses the key AND pass the test may enter
it's sad that G2 are the best EU team right now, maybe H2K are slightly worse
>chicken legs
>i was almost in this picture
>saw the angle i was at with this photographer
>asked that he delete the one i was in
>he happily did so
thank fuck
it was less impressive in person, trust me
>playing against Fiora
>she goes 0/10 in lane
>she comes back mid-late
>she's only finished 2 items
>I'm up 2 items on her
>She deals 90% of my health in true damage
I have no idea, I think she's just skinny. But I can't confirm nor deny.
did she have a man face just like in the picture?
>G2 will be the first to be sacrificed to the Koreans at MSI
It's gonna be fun.
But it wasnt. thats the thing.
I wanna knit oversized sweaters for Lulu!
do we stand a chance?
yeah. behind her was battlebunny riven and nid (riven harder to see but you can look closer)
they were better than that kat thats for sure
>when you get fed in lane
How many traps are there at these cosplay events?
>ahead by over 80 cs
>more wards bought than everyone else combined
>average cs
>like two wards bought
It just don't add up
we've established she's good looking any further will not reveal her typical personality logistics
>scar on wrong eye
comfy bfs~
a lot
i have become skilled enough to spot them miles away. theyre still chill though