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League of Legends General - /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
first for leona
who is this faggot
isnt this supposed to be league thread
to the one dood that was helping me out
what do i take in the runes?
im also two bot games in and liking him
hes a league streamer and challenger in korea friend
I think I fell in love with Shyvana, what to do?
Illaoi buffs when
wait til level 24, it's taking me three games to gain a level with double xp boosts
>draw human female
>add some light scales texture
>mask it out on 95% of her body
What I meant to say is that Shyvana is legit good champion.
the scales would probably be uncomfortable during sex tbch famalam
butt bones hitting below the stomach when you're hitting it from behind hurt as is, now imagine that with razor sharp scales
Life finds a way.
Like that time I stole baron with Shyvana, really good.
>shyvana doesn't dive into a team fight and blow up because there's something seriously wrong with not only her kit but the entire game's balance
what timeline are you from
From timeline where I married Shyvana.
Just build red smite + titanic hydra and you can 1v1 anything in the game.
1 v 1 is fine but shyvana is basically useless in teamfights, because those revolve around whatever idiot is dumb enough to engage within melee range, and sadly her only engage is her dive. unless you count her absurdly weak skillshot which does minion-level damage.
>intermediate bots are harder to fight than silver players
reminder this is what lissandra actually looks like
Does Cassiopeia have a cloaca?
Pitch me a JoJo inspired character.
Udyr. (Hamon).
>tfw playing Illaoi support
getting hit by an e = auto harrased and losing half your half
fuck that
Has league gotten any better since the shitfuck of a game it was around season 3/4?
Fuck off
his parents work all day so he can get into a good school, functionally he is on his own since his parents do nothing but work and save for their kid.
how mentally ill
Vel'koz is pretty fun
I hope he gets a new skin. Arc-light feels like his best at the moment.
I visited tumblr and hurt myself today
shit that story gave me feels I wasn't expecting to feel today
I wonder if Gragas constantly smells like shit and has balloons of pus blowing up on his ass crack because he's so fucking fat.
It would be really funny if he sat on lux xdxdxd such a funny joke.
34th for Evelynn is CUTE
>people have kept this thread alive from 17:22 to now
you people have a problem
these people have an even worse problem
Except Gragas isnt necessarily fat
hes more like Wilson Fisk where he LOOKS fat but is actually pure muscle.
Basically Gragas drank so much magic beer he gained a superhuman body
xth for sexy daddy graves
No, Gragas has a superhuman body, but everything you see is actual fat.
I have no idea where you got the idea that he was all muscle.
i made this thread as a continuation to the previous thread, the one before it was linked in currently, lulufag did his autistic bullshit and made them go to his thread.
I dont give a shit which thread gets used, i just posted it in the thread after last because it was already there and the other got made early.
You have been placed into league of legends
Your most refined skill has become your passive. What is your skill and how does it work in game
Does Xerath not have mana problems anymore? Was poking me all lane and he wasn't really suffering for it. Also his Q does metric fucktons of hurt
I can warp time, when I take damage I can put off the calculation of that damage until some later time.
Keep coming, not full!
god damn video games are a waste on NA
i can't imagine all those lonely ass people that actually play video games in NA with no friends.
>other user says why he thinks he is all muscle
>i have no idea where you got the idea that he was all muscle
why are you majority of you fucking retards?
look up xerath's passive.
>and then when you clearly just didnt want it to come in, you take 9k true damage
"Just a taste Gragas" you say as he continues slurping down his gravy "We both need our breakfast, correct?" Faintly nodding his approval, you get eye level with the yellowed crust flake on his toe. "An appetizer" you say. Gragas eyes light up and he inquires where? Ignoring him, you slide the tip of your tongue up the edge of the flake a small piece breaks off and becomes soggy. Swallowing it, you tilt your head to the left and align your bottom teeth under the crust, moving slightly forward and shaving off the whole piece. "Mm," Gragas grunts as the flake slides into your mouth, the oniony piece turning spongy. You swallow, but with an audible gulp - as large as it is, it didn't go down easy. "Now for the main course," you say wryly. Gragas beady eyes dart all over the room past his plate of gravy, looking for a fuller meal holding your nose up to the fold of his legs you take a deep smell all the way into your core. Cheese, mayonnaise and the smell of full rot enter your lungs. You gag, but you will not be denied your feast. Taking one of the leg pustules into your mouth you bite down hard thick, yellow pus shoots into your throat and strikes your uvula. With the taste of pure rot, your gag helps the half mouthful of disease get down your throat and into your stomach. This feels wonderful as you haven't eaten in a full day. Finally you pull apart the crux of his legs to reveal half an inch of incredibly thick paste lining the folds. "Laygs" was yelped from the corpulent Gragas but you barely notice. Sliding a finger across the goop you happily place your now heavier finger into your mouth and suckle the sour paste down. No longer can you help it and you go hog wild, drinking mouthfuls of what used to be skin and fat down your hungry throat. Stomach full and picking your teeth of bits of stringy flesh, you kiss Gragas deeply through the remnants of sausage and gravy lining his lips. Falling asleep on his huge fatpad, stomach full, well, today was bliss
I know about his passive, but Xerath used to have huge mana problems despite passive.
kids that can't climb in plat gotta be the biggest waste of spaces ever
no he didn't, those are just people that didn't know how to manage his mana and passive
good xerath players can optimize his passive, since the mana regain is amplified by attacking champions rather than minions or monsters.
Jesus christ man
i like it
Well I guess Ahri and Lux are fucking amazons since they're teeming with magic.
I know about the passive's effect doubling on champs, that's why as Vel'Koz I hung way outside of his AA range and farmed primarily with Q.
>finally got enough ip for graves
>buy him
>2 shot everyone
how is this allowed?
then he managed his mana well
really not that difficult to comprehend. there have been no changes to xerath's mana consumption.
I think that you're the autist for making the thread even though the other one didn't get reported to death.
The retards that kept this ship up even though no one came here when you made it are even more autistic tho.
comfy bfs~
i'll say GGEZ to fucktard NA kids till the day I die in every fucking vidya i'll play
cause when ur on NA it's a fucking fact it's GGEZ FAGGOTS
>play Lux support
>carry lane
>end up winning game due to a surr@20
>adc wants them to report me for taking all the kills
Does it ever get better or are all adcs this retarded?
real thread is here:
this thread was made before the other one, i didnt make it because he was early, it was a continuation of the thread, he didnt post his thread in the thread i posted this in, there was no threads at 754 posts so i made this one, then he made one after this, people went to that one, and i posted it again because it was already there
*mutes you*
what now kid
*flashes mastery*
>play lux support
>get shit on by non enemy autofill support
>try and go full ap on 0 income
>be dead weight
does it get worse? or are all lux players autists.
*Adds you after game
user (8:43): GGEZ FAGGET
>lose lane
>as the freest ap champ in the game
I bet you lose games as annie too lmao
top laners are autistic manchildren that will freak if something disturbs their isolated island
junglers will shit the bed the moment any lane loses and immediately start complaining about how everyone sucks and how he can't carry
mid laners will feed, blame the jungler, refuse to roam, and generally act like a toddler with downs
ad carries are the most entitled retards in the world and will do olympic mental gymnastics to deflect all blame to somebody else
supports are fuckboys that can't handle the responsibility of carrying a game so they play the most least-impactful role in the game
>lux support
>brag about winning one game
>disregards the number of losses before
>lol gais I have elementalist lux support with ignite+tl, I'm unique right?
its one game, shut the fuck up you meme shit. You are literally a dime a dozen.
>playing lux support
I'm not talking about myself i'm talking about shitters like you who walk up to alistar and feed 20 kills
Unpopular opinions?
Point and Click CC is cancer
There is literally nothing wrong with Assassins and I don't understand lolg's obsessive hate of them
Edge of Night was overnerfed
>Point and Click CC is cancer
That's not an unpopular opinion that's just you being stupid.
t. assassinbab
Nice points. Still gotta laugh at
>most least
So which one is the fucking real thread jesus christ I just wanna post
> point cc is cancer
> assassins aren't that bad
yeah you main zed
>thread was made before the other one
>Tea Lulu was made at 17:05, this one at 17:22
>Tea Lulu is clearly posted in the Rumble thread
>this one was posted later in the Rumble thread
really makes you think
Elo hell isn't real
You just need to git gud
would it be op if there was an entire champ based around dealing true damage?
I tried out Yorick and it was vs. Kled. I shat on him and the Lee Sin, but at one point, we just lost because my Vayne/Thresh fed the fucking shit out of Tristana. She was like 13 kills above all of us.
Though, part of the issue was because I couldn't reach Tristana at all. Way too much movement speed boost with Nami and Kled, and Tristana would just jump away.
Sad life, honestly.
I might just buy Renekton or play Irelia. Jax is pretty neat but he's just weird. I find many of the champions mentioned, weird or boring. I used to main Illaoi but I grew bored of just 'Hit E' gameplay.
Gangplank is another one I wanna try out, but he's painful to play in the early game. Pantheon, maybe. I just don't know anymore.
lulufag please stop annoying everyone, you made a thread before post limit, and now you're getting mad that people are sick of you trying to push your threads all the time?
that's yi tho
>be out of silver
>play lux support
>lose your team the game
He's just trying to teach you a lesson about picking your worthless ass support
tea lulu was not posted in the rumble thread at the time that i checked to post this thread. i watched the thread while i made it too.
but like i said i honestly dont give a shit about which thread happens when, although it is pretty shitty janni's are letting people namefag in op's now
hehheh no
silver of the moon
How is it not? Look at shit like Ryze. Not matter what kind of shit they try to change his kit into he still remains either god tier or trash. Guess what the one fucking constant is.
I guess I shouldv'e specified hard CC, slows and shit are fine
Adcuck actually
I wish I could put sup as my off role without getting it every fucking time.
Anyone else know this feel?
>Olaf (to a point)
>freest ap champ in the game
>my main role is mid
>off role is support
>get support
>lock in brand, velkoz, or zyra and play like it's mid
Literally don't even notice the difference
> ryze's w is his problem
I don't think... That's not...
>jungler doesn't give me blue
>int once
>get to hold all remaining blues hostage now