gogem finally posted progress my life is now complete as a dev
Aiden Smith
loli jam is not taking place on itchio loli jam is an AGDG exclusive
Nicholas Campbell
no. fucking make a new thread, come on. i would rather have a fucking braap jam than this progress repelent shit. who the fuck would post progress with this as the OP.
Brayden Robinson
>2 week long jam, announced a month ago 3 joined >3 day throwaway jam, literally posted today 4 joined
really makes you ponder
Blake Wilson
reposting me and sneks agdg underwater jam entry :) you play a pregnant mermaid youtu.be/NoJc95xeB8U
Kevin Martinez
Do you consider research, playing similar games etc. as dev time
Matthew Brown
Yes. But I also never get anything else done so maybe not...
Brody Green
how are we supposed to publish games on Veeky Forums?
Jason Smith
Back to Discord!
Kevin Stewart
upload to any file host, link it
Nolan Martin
and then the jam people are complaining about being excluded from it was a public jam had like triple that
Brody Thomas
Up Down Left Right or Up Left Down Right?
Luke Richardson
you have messy code hard to read
Brandon Perez
Pixel perfect hitboxes can be unpredictible if the sprite size changes with animation. A box collider at the center of the sprite, slightly smaller than the sprite, is the most forgiving hitbox.
>Research Sure. >Playing similar games Sure, but make sure you are actually paying attention to what the game does right. Treat it as if you actually had a job at a game studio: would you be playing games on company time, or your own? It depends. You'd definitely be searching for reference on company time.
For order in a switch statement, whatever. If you have an enum that defines directions make it go clockwise or counterclockwise so you can ++ the enum.
Samuel Evans
please tell me that at least you didn't even try, this took me at most fifteen minutes to do
Jason Carter
it's not a book
Jose Robinson
What's the COMFIEST game engine?
Nicholas Morris
why is so fat though?
Henry James
It's the american version.
Jason Allen
Noob question. I'm a programmer and want to get into game deving. I'm good in Java so first, is it a good langage for it ? I know you can do pretty mmuch everything with every langage but since Unity and Unreal use C# and C, it's obvious that using one of them would be a better solution. Wich brings me to my second question, wich level you should attain to make the best use of these engines? I'm used to make some basic application and web apps so the methodology isn't the same as doing a game (wich I never even tried).
Are there some good books on learning how to make a game like the right way of thinking, structuring and managing your game projects ?
Jayden Williams
I'm not offended at all. I started working on it, but now I can't decide what looks better honestly.
Daniel Perez
Fun with a Mouse Programming on the Right Side of the Brain Keys to Coding
Ethan Anderson
hipoints are fucking cancer they are hands down the ugliest fucking pistols I've ever seen
Easton Rogers
How do you persuade an ideaguy to your idea? I need someone dedicated enough to make content other than me. and come up with cooler stuff than I do.
Christian Campbell
>pillowshading need to loomis it up pal
Chase Bennett
can't read loomis his women are fucking ugly
Julian Diaz
Be more specific please, the first and third thing return a shitload of different results in google.
Noah Collins
can't draw either sucks for you
Cameron Garcia
I'm going to join and make a game for the loli jam only because it triggers people in this thread.
Oliver Gonzalez
>he fucking fell for it
Ian Price
This is a blue board.
Ethan Nguyen
better OP but still no webm howto?
Christian Smith
Low rent thug's favorite gun
James Ward
I consider making games in 2 stages. first is design stage which is any research and design of the game needed. Then the most important part is the actual development stage. This is where you actually get something that brings you closer to finishing your project.
Nathaniel Howard
Make a Yotsuba to game
Gabriel Anderson
Today I got picking up and putting down rocks to work. It's relatively simple, but it does work. But I can also use some tuning. Because the game insists on the rock being aligned to the grid, it might be put down too far away to be immediately picked up again. This is so it's never accidentally set on top of the player. I may just have to extend the pick up range.
James Diaz
my.mixtape.moe/muntqw.webm anybody making racing/drift/initial D themes game and want to talk about it/collab?
Add me on discord : crowjambo #0158
Jacob Scott
landed a job at a local gamedev company yesterday mobile shit but whatever
A-am I still allowed to shipost here senpaitachi
Andrew Hughes
People still play mobile shit?
Julian Sanchez
mobile cancer shit is the most played shit. candy crush, clash of clans and shit are all making tons of money.
Jose Miller
Kevin Mitchell
hope you're fucking proud of yourself
Dylan Wood
Sent a request but I'm having a birthday drink with some friends so I'll follow up in a couple hours.
Gavin Clark
>console 1/6th of PC wew
Wyatt Watson
Mobile is the biggest normie platform.
Joshua Foster
i'm in the mood for an adult anime/hentai adventure game. there was this one game with a boy who had heart problems and got into a cripple school. not sure what the name was. are there more games like this?
Jordan Myers
hulking majority of PC revenue is subscriptions, microtransactions though standalone single player games probably made 2-3 billion at most
Caleb Parker
>gaming video that mean lets players? are the 4billion lets players seriously earning a dollar and ten cents each?
Colton Long
tfw when devving while waiting for rocket launch
Charles Thomas
From this it looks like trying to make a single player game is not worth it. Making some shitty mobile game over the weekend like flappy bird or whatever has a chance to get way more money.
Charles Walker
PC is very top-heavy.
A couple games rake in most of the $
Landon Gutierrez
Well, this is what I get for assuming someone would make a good thread. Next time I'll make a non-pedo thread. I personally apologize for this disgusting OP.
Gavin Perez
>hmm when I check these figures it seems like getting a job and investing is not worth it >sucking cock on the off chance that the guy whose cock you're sucking will win the lotto has a chance to get way more money
Lincoln Walker
you're looking at successful outliers whether its mobile or pc. Mobile is even MORE crowded than pc single player because the barrier to entry is so low.
you're like 6 years late at this point
Brody King
It even gets worse when you know that most of the indie current games on pc are just mobile ports.
Nolan Ward
Every time i load a scene in unity, it loads on top of everything that was previously on the scene. Nothing gets deleted. Why?
I've been here for 2 hours, still can't figure it out.
Tyler Nelson
Use Godot, it doesn't have that problem.
Xavier Bell
Depends on the situation. You can have: Precise Imprecise Precise mask Different shaped masks Different masks per frame Various collision checks in code Etc.
Brayden Bennett
>playing the odds good way to end up sleeping on the street
Jace Richardson
I'm developing a turn-based 2d rpg. My inspirations are FF4, FFX, and Wii Punchout. I intend to allow the player to adjust the way the game is presented. Do you want it to be ATB ala FF4, or CTB ala FFX? Flip a switch in the options menu. I have the back-end working already for this. Are you tired of facing the group of 3 kobolds and 1 Ogre you keep running into? Turn off repeat encounters, and you'll only encounter battles particular battles once.
I'm thinking of making a youtube series about my game to build an audience. It would detail my thoughts on the genre, the features of my game and behind the scenes development details.
Lincoln Ward
strange way to look at it there is hundred bazillion mobile games and only maybe top 100 are really putting a dent on that revenue figure what kind of cut from those 40 billion dollars do you think is your flappy bird #48564668911 going to get?
Mason Rodriguez
this seems... really hard to balance. good luck with it
Jayden Rodriguez
1.) Is that your game or? 2.) What program is that, the one you are writing code in?
Liam Nguyen
No it's not a game, look up huffman coding. I'm using Emacs with custom config
Asher Long
I am thinking of making a 3d combat battle arena game so first level would big giant spiders and you have to face them and next level you would have to fight big skeletons until level 5 where you fight a boss
how difficult would this be to make?
Landon Miller
>tfw doing precalculus with wildberger >tfw raining outside >tfw comfy as fuck >tfw studying CS in college and soon I'll be the best coder here.
feels comfy
Owen King
>No it's not a game /agdg/ in a shellnut
Ian Green
Okay. Is it an engine or just a text editor?
Benjamin Jenkins
This. Flappy bird was a viral thing that normies took a liking to.
You can't predict that shit. You'd be better off learning Farmville's gameloop and copying it into something else.
Thomas Kelly
A text editor.
>if you don't dev game all day everyday you're not a game developer. You can't dev other things. /agdg/ everyone.
Wyatt Morris
>doing homework on Veeky Forums mm effective
Oliver Rogers
Depends on the sort of mechanics you want to add. But basic player movement and attacking is fairly easy. The enemies shouldn't be much harder. The real hard part is making the art for it all.
Adam Rogers
What C++ library are you using to make that game with programming only? Graphics.h?
Josiah Lopez
yeah I just want basics mechanics so like character I will model is a knight with a sword and shield maybe 1 or 2 spells and the enemies have one or 2 attacks like spider jump attacks you. Do you think this will be doable for 1 guy? I already know how to 3d model in Blender and program
Jason Reyes
Some nig just stole my laptop from the library. Had all my shit on it. How do I into /vigilante/ mode?
Hunter Lewis
Modern CS courses don't make you a good programmer, they make you an indoctrinated corporate slave.
Hunter Ross
Reminder that soundcloud also has a bunch of music that you can use commercially.
Maybe it should also be in the OP?
Liam Barnes
Yes, the ATB to CTB switch does cause balancing issues. Obviously, any time wasted not picking a move in the ATB would be considered a loss when compared to using the CTB. The ATB does have a wait timer the player can customize by choosing how many frames to wait up when someone's turn comes up. By default it pauses for about 2-3 seconds when a characters turn comes up, after that you're burning time.
Thanks for the reply
Brody Nelson
It's not a game I said.
Colton Taylor
Yeah, should be possible. Try making a basic prototype first, just the player and one enemy. If you get stuck on anything look things up, ask questions, try to learn. Then expand it into more enemies and more player attacks.
Isaiah Wright
Oh, shit. I am so damn dense. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE?
Cooper Russell
Currently still writing shaders, i guess once i have those i'll make a first demo version where you can select a few animations change the speed/intensity of those and i'll add gameplay later, i'll use this demo as a sort of tech demo so i can sort bugs in my shaders out since the AMD graphics card in my old pc is pretty much dead and i only have a nvidia card right now. (AMD tends to have trouble with opengl). Interactive animations/scenes are still planned. webm is still blenders ugly viewport shader
Benjamin Reed
I've got a few really small games that I'm doing to try to git gud. What should I do with them when I'm done with them?
Have a CS degree; I learned almost nothing about how to code games.
Xavier Green
>Calls himself a yesdev >Doesn't use inconsolata
Michael Bennett
the only useful course in CS for making games is logic algorithms
Jayden Davis
Gabriel Robinson
he's trying to impress gamedev
well, will you look at this mad user, using emacs and coding huffman shit, wow what a dank hacker
Samuel Sanchez
Using an Alex Jones meme doesn't make your opinion more correct.
Owen Martinez
teach me your 3d modeling ways
Ethan Roberts
>Says he's making a high quality 3D game >Isn't using /cryengine/
Jeremiah Flores
Hell yes it does.
Mason Thomas
>Using the face of a living god doesn't make your opinion more correct I bet you use comic sans in visual
Jayden Gonzalez
cs buds tend to be extremely shitty programmers
beware, try not falling for the meme completely and don't forget to code a lot while proving that knapsack problem is np-hard or whatever
Josiah Anderson
What a dwingle!
Correction, I use FB Agency in Visual.
Kayden Edwards
I'm having a little modeling trouble here, how did you do your eyes?
Luis Hall
daily reminder that going to school to learn CS and complaining there's no gamedev is like going to an art atelier to learn realistic painting and complaining there's no anime waifu shit.
Henry Wood
>R loli M I N D jam R loli jam starts April 1, finishes April 15 post your progress in the thread to cause endless REEE from normie shitposters upload your game to any filehost and link in the thread if you get banned we will honor your memory lolijam friendly irc is #AGDC on rizon.net (irc://rizon.net/AGDC)
Colton Brooks
Question for all independent devs (devs who develop with nothing but programming languages):
What language are you using and how are you achieving game development in your language?
Ayden Howard
Great it's working. Practice drawing and learn anatomy other than that i don't know. I'll post my eye setup in a few minutes.