/dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls Genera

I wish she was real edition!


>The Firekeeper is hiding a thicc ass under her robes

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>Ringed City items checklist (if you find an error, please reply and correct):

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>1.12 patch:

>Ringed City DLC stuff

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post anime

too early op

Is 140 too high to get invaded or get summoned for the new monk?

Anyone wanna help a user out on the Midir boss fight on PS4?

Password is Sword


hot bareback sex with painter

need summons at gravekeeper/greatwolf
password: 123

I can't get by poison swamp in the DLC )=

I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine after

I just invaded a guy with two phantoms. Both the host and one of the phantoms had the meme dual wield greatsword and the other phantom had rosarias scythe.

I never know people like that actually existed in real life

nobody knows what the level range for it is I think

You don't have to
Check the shack at the edge of the cliff by the second angel

Sure. Hold on a minute thought,I just got summoned for a fight.

Run along the righthand side, there'll be an alcove you can hide in with some fat machete guys in it. At the back right corner of the swamp you'll see a root you can go up, follow it up and you should come across a thrall with a poison-resin'd flamberge. Look directly behind you and go onto the wooden roofs, the third angel's balls are over there. Once you smash them the swamp is just a pit full of loot plus a hot pyromancer.

>kill the three Obese Knights before the swamp
>make my way down the stairs
>three more spawn


PC FC - Depths of the Painting
pass: dsg

>post yfw the door shields are actually fucking amazing in 1on1 fights

Who here is /bannerbro/?
War Banner buff is sick, not even mad that I have to 1h

Does anyone have a closeup of Midir's eye(s)?

Lapp won't give you a slab until you get the favor +3 ring in the swamp though, it's really not a great idea to skip it

What the fuck is going on with the lore

>turns out the dark soul is actually responsible for the age of dark
>the age where everyone turns into soulless husks is somehow caused by the soul that gave said husks humanity
>Gael finds the dark soul and consumes it basically bringing everything back to the age of gray
>whatever ending you did doesn't matter because of a literal hard reset
>meanwhile the painter girl is making a new world using the remnants of the dark soul
>implications that all of the Dark Souls trilogy was just another painting that went to shit so now everyone is moving to the new one the painter girl is making
>people theorizing that the painter girl is painting Bloodborne's world because she's using blood


>have to 1h
What now? Onehanded attack speed is miserable.

Thank you, user!

laggy as hell for me.
Couldn't even enter the fog


>he he he he he

Reminder that Gael whimpers in pain during P3

You still there? My password is Sword

I use it in my offhand. To get the buff, it needs to be active. Ergo I have to 1h my other weapon.

Obligatory collage post.
Feed me screenshots!

Alright, I'm sick of this.

Midir is an awful bossfight.
Every single time I attempt him I can manage to get him down to less than half with Pestilent Mercury and a phantom or two... But every time Midir pulls some bullshit and either one-shots me, or two-shots me.

So, I'm asking for one of you beautiful bastards with Cheat Engine or whatever to help me kill that scaly son of a bitch dead.
Just one-shot his shit.

Place your sign(s) down at the hole to the bossfight.

Password is newfag,
Platform is PC,
SL 130.

I think I've died at least 30 times in the inner ringed city bonfire area. What a fuckfest.

I don't have CE but I can help you if you first help yourself and slap FaP+3 and Life Ring +3 on

this is a new type of desperate


Where you want the sign?


What are the chances of me getting DING DONG BANNU'd if I change my stats but maintain the same soul level?

does anyone have ledo's greathammer who doesn't need it on ps4? i've already killed all the bosses so he can't invade me

I'm with you 100%
Absolutely fuck this boss.
Remember when hard bosses didn't have 10,000,000 health to balance out how they were hard and could kill you in one hit.

Ah, I see. Weight won't let me do that, so I didn't even consider it.

That's wrong.
As long as you cross the 3rd bonfire after he tells you about the treasure, he'll give it to you.

Is the Cathedral Knight UGS still shit?
What's a good UGS for a pure STR build?

So what are the best and most practical miracles, sorceries, and pyromancies?

Have you tried it? Sometimes NPC invasions work even if the boss is dead.

CEfags, do you launch the game with your internet disconnected, or do you just use the option that sets the default to launch the game in offline mode? I've heard (anecdotaly) that even in "offline mode" the game still has savegame checks performed by calling back to the server, so it's safer to just totally disconnect.

Yeah it's fucked.
Although it might not be a Hard Reset, rather it's more like Gael sorta brought on the End of the World. But basically Age of Gray 2.0/Age of Ash.

The natural forces in the world seem to have been fucked over by Gwyn and his seal (Which is the Dark Sign, apparently.)
So, as a result apparently because of Gwyn's actions a true Age of Dark can't happen anymore.

Greatsword gets the best AR.
Cathedral UGS is good now in terms of damage. It has the advantage of being relatively light for a UGS and having lower stamina costs than those with competing AR. But it's short, and that's a big downside.

i'm at the area now and there's no sign of him

BB > DeS = DS > DS3 > DS2

If you disagree with this, you have shit taste.

If you set Steam to offline the game is truly offline, I think.

These posts make me sad.
Many people here have killed Midir solo perfectly fine.

stop summoning phantoms and padding his health, learn his attacks and git gud

a year later I still don't fully understand what the fuck even happened in the usurp ending
now we have this DLC where it turns out that it doesn't matter because few minutes later some slave dude is gonna destroy the source of the dark

I don't even care anymore just fuck Mimir's shit up.

oh apparently i can res Halflight at the monument and then he will invade

On release day:

BB > DeS > SOTFS > DS3 > DS2 > DS1

A year after release, including patches and community fixes:

DS1 > BB > DeS > SOTFS > DS3 > DS2

In 2017, compared to current-gen games:

BB > DS1 > DS3 > SOTFS > DeS > DS2

Midir is an objectively badly designed boss fight
He's a literal bullet sponge, he's the hardest boss in the game but in a bad way
Bosses like Nameless King, Sister Freide and Gael, now these are bosses that are really hard but in a good way

I've tried damnit, I've tried.
I've learned his patterns, I've tried it solo,
But every damn time that scaly fuck wins.

Real bad area design in that part honestly.

I'm not them, but I can't do it.
I'm a pyromancer.
On NG+4.
With no respecs.

He's just fucking King of the Storm 2.
Avoid slow attacks. Hit head. Do critical attack for 30% of his health. End of story.

DS3 > BB > DS = DS2

I never played DeS because no PS3


>get Dickeater Mid-air down to super slow health
>he jumps backward twice in a row instantly putting the entire distance of the arena between us
>then he does his laser bullshit that is nigh undodgeable and instant kills me even at full health


DeS is bloodborne-level atmosphere with DS2 mechanics.

moar qt Firegril art.

>this will never be used

you lie

>hardest boss in the game
Seriously, just play and stop complaining. "B-but muh one-shot". If he hits you with the laser, you probably have slower reaction time than a snail.

>mfw I always lock-on to Midir and don't have any trouble with the camera

HOW the FUCK would you do a crit against him? I have slapped him with my entire endurance bar's worth of damage and have never seen a crit state

The closest I saw was him getting tired after firing his shoop da whoop but I couldn't seem to initiate a crit stab

>all these anons complaining about the bosses
>in 1 month after they figure out the attack patterns they will be shitposting about how easy they were, and anyone who still needs help will get laughed at

Why does casting spells cause me to use stamina, this is fucking stupid I hate it

Post your Midir victory shots!

His health bar is actually a lie because he loses ~20-30% of it in a scripted stagger after he reaches 30% HP

I have a thing for posing

Your second list is correct, though I would say DeS is equal to BB.

Now that the ash has settled, what was your favourite
>armor set
from TRC?

>Fighting Midir for ages
>Get him down to 2% health with a critical hit
>He leaps back three times and tries to rules of nature deathbeam me
>By sheer willpower manage to race across the entire arena avoiding all the hits
>Get beneath him and wait for his head to fall
>Kill him while he's tired

>Nigh undodgeable

Is it after a laser? Do you stand against his snout to make it work, or what?

so you don't spam it, then again fp exists


Even DSP can beat him.

Any boss that takes upwards of 8 minutes to kill and carries instantkill potential will always be hard. The combination of a tediously long runtime that makes players prone to lose focus as they get bored with it and extremely high damage when you make a mistake because you lost focus means that even the best players will die to these faggots a year from now.

It's sort of like how nobody laughs when somebody asks for help on Ancient Dragon. You can't really be smug about repeating a simple task without error for several consecutive minutes or judge someone harshly for not being patient enough to perform said repetitive task with consistency.

Fuck is that a video yet? I want to hear him say WOW every time Midir gets a hit on him.

I feel like people who say this kind of shit don't ever go past NG+2

Anyone on PS4 mind getting through the AoA dlc with me. Trying to get to the TRC dlc low level my password willbe snow and I'll be at the first bonefire of the dlc

You don't even have to roll, if you just run in one direction it will not hit. I can't believe people like the greentexter managed to get this far without dying to "near undodgeable" cars in real life.

You'll know when he staggers.
he rears up and then slumps down like he does on the bridge (of you managed to do that)

Then you just go up to his head and boop.
Not a garuntee'd kill at that point though, he usually has a few hits left in him.

At what point does the Raw ASS start to become obsolete? I've been using it for a caster playthrough because of the low requirements but I don't want to start spending chunks on it just for it to become useless 5 minute later.

No, he's still streaming it.

I don't think I've used any, except for a quick test of Gael's sword
>>armor set
Dreg heap

why does demon prince have 209876543456789 hp its so tedious that i dont even want to bother but i want to see the rest of the dlc damnit

this is what i get for not playing ds3 for 6 months

I'm coming my friend.

you shouldn't be summoning anyone, just solo him

stay out of range as far as you can and turn lock off when rolling his charges, wait until one of his long range moves finishes and he stays still for like two seconds, deal damage. there you go.

Guys... what if the Furtive Pygmy has been in every game and we just didn't notice him? W-what if Miyazaki only wanted one game and keeps rehashing the same shit because we kept missing it?

Reminds me of this.
Skip to 1:01 if you want.

yaay mine's there.
my farewell to this cancerous series.

No lie.
Come join the depths of the painting. it's active.!
pass : dsg