What is currently the safest long term investment that is easy to make?
What is currently the safest long term investment that is easy to make?
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Index funds.
Even with Brexit, The FTSE being at an all time high and the uncertainty of Trump?
You're an idiot.
You're also an idiot.
And you're the biggest idiot of them all.
>shits on answers
>offers no better alternative
UNSE01 thank me later.
What Platform do you use to invest in ETF's? Do Did you make a lump sum or pay in at intervals?
I will second this
maximum diversification and almost nothing in fees
You literally cant lose with an index fund unless the entire market collapses (in which case everything else is fucked too).
If youre not a troll, you're lottery tier retarded
Gold and silver. Nothing else is safe.
You fags have been saying this for decades. Fuck off.
No, we haven't. But sure invest in some nice stable index funds, no way bank and government fuck ups of this magnitude could ever result in an economic crash!
And if the economy collapses who the fuck is going to buy your gold?
You mean like 08? And the following years with mad gains. I've been listening to you guys for years. "This is the year it all ends! Get gold and silver now!" You are mentally ill. If you want to play around with a small portion of your funds in metals sure that's fine but you are speculating not investing.
Seriously go bury gold in your backyard. No one cares. If shit really hits the fan and the world market crashes and anarchy rains all your gold and silver won't save you when the hordes of people who hoarded weapons and ammo come take your shit.
dude that shit is addictive,the whole drinking water but getting more thirsty thing.
once you have a taste of the shiny, there is never enough
>And if the economy collapses who the fuck is going to buy your gold?
gold literally only has value because the usa, russia, and india won't stop buying more reserves. those countries keep buying gold so that the cost of gold stays more or less stable vs. their national currencies. precious metal is actually worthless. its value is a product of three governments colluding to make a resource artificially scarce. china used to be involved but they've started aggressively pursuing goal hoarders, their own reserves are vague and difficult to assess.
real estate
I'm not an autist who thinks the world is going to end. If and when the fiat currencies of the world fail, gold and silver will be what the world falls back on.
Fuck index funds, fuck bonds. You like bonds, you should buy some land, plant some trees on it, cut them down in 30 years and sell the wood you will make more money than in fucking bonds.
Divided stocks. WPT. JE. BWC.. Especially WPT. Holy shit WPT is such a great company for dividends.
buy oil stocks
specifcally XOM
Hold it for a year. Thannk me later.
For some reason these random tips really sound appealing as insider trading. But if it catches on, people will pump and dump.
wat do?
I'm sorry but metal backed currencies aren't coming back. Something like cryptocurrency would be the next step but it's pretty delusional to expect fiat to end near your retirement.
I don't see fiat ending in our life time, not even several lifetimes.
Growth stocks have outperformed dividend stocks for awhile now, not to say there isn't room for them. Bonds should make anywhere from 0-20% depending on your risk tolerance.
>You should buy some land, plant some trees on it,
He said safest, not most profitable
long usd on dips
I never said metals were going to back the world currencies after a fiat collapse, but they will be used temporarily as an investment with a stable value, as they have many times before in human history, until new currencies are created. If you don't think hyper inflation is inevitable with the way the Fed spent their way out of our last crash and lowered interest rates, you're delusional.
We made it through severe inflation in the 80's just fine. You're banking your hopes and dreams on a world changing event and I'M the delusional one. Do you even listen to yourself?
Enjoy working for the rest of your life.
>All inflation is the same
>World changing events never happen
>"How could you even think about something so terrible!"
That's the same logic people had right before every economic crash in world history.
Can someone explain index funds to a newbie like me?
>This is your brain on mainstream economic education
>smart investing is too mainstream for me
>Even with Brexit, The FTSE being at an all time high and the uncertainty of Trump?
The indexes have been at a high forever.
Trump is proving to mean very little negative things for business, and perhaps even highly beneficial.
Enjoy your lifestyle while you still have it. I might see you the next time I donate to my homeless shelter.
You know that if you don't sell during a recession you can just wait a little bit for it to return to normal, right?
Literally buy and hold for 25 years and you can't go wrong.
Without having to follow a link, it mainly refers to the S&P 500 index, which is the top 500 stocks in America.
Minimal fees, the most profitable companies, and is the general benchmark for investing ("beating the index")
>I'm not an autist who thinks the world is going to end
>If and when the fiat currencies of the world fail,
Choose one, autist.
>Growth stocks have outperformed dividend stocks for awhile now
Not to mention being significantly more tax efficient.
>it mainly refers to the S&P 500 index
No, it definitely does not. Only simpletons think indexing equals S&P500.
>Way to waste those trips
Safest is drawings money out of the ATM, buying food with it and storing it.
Let's all just put on our crash helmets, load up our shotguns and sit in the windowless bathroom in our basement and quiver with fear for a market correction.
Fucking stupid. Grow some balls and buy some stock. Even the most boring 90% private-held dividend stock in the market is better paying and about as risky as a T-bond or money market account.
short term: BTC
long term: BTC
anyone who disagrees is COPING
>look mom I posted it again!
Kneepads, constant demand. Can't beat them.
You sound like this goldpumper who said in 1980 that gold would go to 2k in a few years and mega corporations like McD would go bankrupt and fiat was gonna fail.
Stock have been a good investement for 200 years. Today it´s even easier, because you can just buy an index for minimal cost.
Gold has been a poor long term performer compared to stocks. Those are the facts.
>not always
Pure cash is definitely not a safe long term investment. 0 Inflation protection
>Grow some balls and buy some stock
An index fund is MADE of stocks dumbass
>SAFE investment
Since when does global economic collapse equal apocalypse? It means international redpilling, not the end of society.
Why would gold be a good investment in a world where fiat currencies aren't ready to collapse? Right now though, they are, hence why I invested.
Not a thing, /pol/fag. When you hit puberty and your brain matures you're going to be embarrassed about how stupid you were.
Depends on the index. The S&P500 is great for losing equity during a recession since it's mostly banks, overvalued tech stock and uncompetitive dog-shit consumer discretionaries.
You want to buy actual good, individual stocks, not just a basket of shit with a few gems in it that barely grows enough to outpace inflation.
There are firms that pay like 8% dividends and outcompete any index fund out there over the long run. Indexes are for lazy people, it's a dumb way to invest if you have any inclination to learn what the fuck you are doing.
That "basket of shit," as you call it, will outperform any number of stocks you pick. You're a fucking moron if you think you can outperform the market.
Buy a nice $300 bottle of wine and keep it safe, sell it 10 years from now.