>tfw it's thursday and tomorrow is already friday
patch 1.18 PTR & patchnotes
fuck off starcrump
where are the streams >_
starbros are welcome here
our guy
play wol
heh >:D
reminder of the ourest of our guys
am i ban :)
don't do it...
page 9...
Did the remove mag field accelerator upgrade from the star lab?
:3 my waifu
yeah it got removed awhile ago
nice waifu mate
so ive been banned for the last day and couldnt reset until just now..
i went outside last night and my neighbors dog was ALREADY barking before i could even smack the ground with my bat.. i waited about 5 minutes before giving it another go and woke them up again... i then sat outside to just take it all in and i heard what i believe was the police on the street over saying "maam please go back into your home" so that kinda scared me even though they werent talking to me.. pretty crazy night...
a god
i then got on my bike and went biking around to look at the neighboring streets and didnt see anything for about 20 minutes... then i finally saw some police suv come out of a street and drive off.. strange night...
starcraft: remastered
so i woke up at 5pm.. 10:30pm now.. should i get drunk tonight... hmmm....
is going to go mech?!
trips say yes
micro baby micro
haha why would artosis ever go mech in tvt
we like girls like this here
haha hes like us
this game tosis is playing is pretty captivating
i was born into a poor multi-generational incest based family...
just went on the beer run.. feel bad for the retards at the corner store... this guy was talking about how he was buying lotto tickets and said he picked numbers that have the lowest chance of winning.. i looked at him and said "well why did you pick them then?" and he said that theyre bound to win sometime... dumbass doesnt even know about gamblers fallacy
oops wrong thread
its too much effort to install bw >__>
*boots up wol*
I want to FUCK a Zerg.
were cup bois here
what that means is that we pee in cups that we have lying around when our piss bottles are full
they redesigned how the cyclone worked and changed the upgrade to give more range then they gave the cyclone more base range and got rid of the upgrade
i sold lottery & keno at a bar and would watch the same lower-middle class people spending $200-$500 everyday on keno & the other lottery. telling me about all their hot , cold & overdue numbers...
buying & scratching whole books of scratch tickets
it was really sad
lots pop into stores & bars all day so they will always be in a keno game at all times
lots of old man stinkers too
I don't see any upgrade for Cyclones in the tech lab
yeah they got rid of them
oh, you said "changed the upgrade" that's why I was confused
i see sea u pea
i kinda want to try buying one of these things where you get to text with a porn star and send them pics... it costs a bit of money but itd be fun...
just get a 2d waifu that will love you for free
yea but they wont show me their pink butthole...
>I have feet?
the first rule of gook club is ______
thats the janitor growing out of the ground
its undeniable
StarCraft II StarLeague 1d 8h
he looks high af lmao
those are clouds user
yeah i make clouds too
*lights the janitors house on fire*
do you smell smoke?
anyone ahve that hilarious brain meme template i wanna make something meme sc2 related bu i dun have it. someone post the damn template already assholes
i did not make this
made a stink about the chinks that really makes you think!
shy stinkers...
lol you idiot. you fucking MORON
settle down sweetie
gave a GOOK a SPOOK now just LOOK where it TOOK (me)
i could write a whole rap song about gooks and chinks
well i could write a novel
they're really cute...
finished 999 (all endings)...
time to start Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Requiem
well i have all this beer here.. not sure if i should blast off or not...
i dont give a MOTHER FUCK
watching star wars smokin pot!
yung leany...
scored in the 81% percentile on krosus with no flask or food
cmon man i thought you quit retail
now i want wendys but it's closed :(
hello friends
im making a hardcore character in poe
im scare...
hi goy
*tip toes into thread*
is... is it okay to post now...
jani wants us to talk about broodwar i think
there is a not zero chance that i'm the inspiration behind reinhardts hammer in overwatch
its like i have all this beer here but the desire to drink is really low...
hello my dude
*boots up logout macro*
*avoids every damage mod on maps*
*spams logout macro when i dip below 50% hp*
whoa this is hard truly the way the game is meant to be played
yeah i feel rly hxc rn
*checks clock*
jugging on a friday...
potted meat...
man going through this trannys youtube channel and seeing the older videos when it was a guy... eww....
it's still a guy
*checks cock*
juggling on a friday...
"The One I Love" good movie...
mommy messaged me when i was in the middle of carrying my toasties and it fell in the floor...